Sunday, July 31, 2022

Boy Oh Joy

I've decided we have two speeds here. On and off. Go and Stop. Busy and Still. 90 mph and 15 mph and there is no in between. While there are days I feel a teensy bit guilty about a lazy nap on the porch or a Saturday binge watch on the telly I mostly don't. Those slow down days are rare and necessary and add balance to a life that is full full full. 

Hubs and I spent three and a half days with daughter2 and her little man last week, returning home Wednesday afternoon. I volunteer on Thursdays which meant Friday was for catching up on laundry and groceries and online cards with my mom. On Saturday we waved the white flag and hung out on the couch. 

Not the whole day of course, but man we were tired. 

Baby boy (who does not have a blog name yet) is as precious as precious can be. Babies change so much so fast, and we are grateful to finally have one close enough geographically to see somewhat regularly. He had been to church the day we arrived, wearing this outfit his Daddy had worn some 35 years prior. I love it! 

My son-in-law was traveling for work early in the week so it was a great time to visit and be those extra hands all new moms can use.  I had (still have him lol) a husband who traveled a lot for work and I can remember how long the days felt when it was just me and my baby and hours to fill. 

So nice for a new mom to be able to have a leisurely shower, wash and dry and straighten her hair, and get dressed uninterrupted. 

We had a really nice lunch out on Monday and little guy was a trooper (aka- slept through the whole thing). Winning! And then his Momma had a dental appointment Tuesday morning and hubs and I were able to stay with the baby while she took care of her teeth. 

I'm telling you, thirty+ years later that baby hip sway comes right back to you. 

We had plans to run out to a local shop we love on Tuesday afternoon so the baby was fed, we got the diaper bag loaded, the baby strapped into the car seat, the car seat snapped into the car, and lastly the stroller collapsed and into the trunk and whew! Off we went.  

Only about half a mile though, and then we pulled over because there was a noise that sounded suspiciously like a nail in the tire which was indeed a nail in the tire. Bother. Their neighborhood is new and there are several homes still under construction so I'm sure there's more where this came from. 

Back home we went to unload the stroller and the car seat and the baby from the car seat and then I followed hubs to the tire place because they said they'd work it in sometime in the next two hours and they did. They didn't charge a cent for the patch either so shoutout to businesses who do small kindnesses as part of their everyday operation. 

I was so glad we were there to help with all that because it would have been a lot to do with a one month old in tow. 

Even one who smiles like this and makes your heart melt and who grows sweeter by the day. 


  1. He is a gorgeous child…looks like a doll…

  2. He is so cute and is changing fast (as they seem to do)! I am so glad you are close enough to visit more often and I know daughter2 loves having you close by as well. I really enjoyed your photos and this catch-up!! xo

  3. Love reading your updates. He is so cute!

  4. Sounds like a nice time, despite the tire thing. It's always something!

  5. Oh wow! Looks like you had an awesome weekend with a precious little one!

  6. What a cutie!! And yes, balance between doing all the things and resting is so important!

  7. He is so precious and cute! I'm so glad you got to spend a few days with him. So sorry about the tire issue.

  8. So glad they are close enough for y'all to sneak in visits a bit more often. Yes, those extra hands are invaluable and even with our two Grangirls, 12 and 9 years old. I'm always ready to help when needed and wish I were closer to those boys to help out more. If ever i knew anyone that deserved a nap, it is you. Happy week!

  9. He is soo cute. Those wee baby cuddles are the best. Enjoy!!
