Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday Faves-Episode 2

Who blogs late afternoon on a Friday? Just me? Who reads blogs late afternoon on a Friday? I guess we'll find out.

I love Friday afternoons. My hubs may be adding sand to the firepit patio as we speak, is washing down the chairs there, and in general making everything in that area of the yard squeaky clean for friends to enjoy tomorrow night, but I've declared it quittin' time and am sitting with a cup of tea, my laptop, and a gentle breeze on the deck thinking about blogging. 

We're retired. We can call it a day at 3 PM on a sunny Friday in May. 

Well hubs can't because he's a machine when it comes to yard work and chores, which I have to say, is not a bad quality in a husband.

I'm linking a little bit of this and that from the week that was today with Erika and Andrea on Friday Favorites. 
First things first...I'm still walking with the Better Me app and invited hubs to go with me one day this week. Normally I like to do these walks alone, listen to my book, and not think about my achilles and these hills. Hubs likes to say things like, 'These hills are so good for you!' and 'We should do this twice a day' while in my head I'm wondering why it is he bounces up the hills like it ain't no thing and I huff and puff like it is? 

Our neighborhood has walking trails through the woods that connect the various sections. I like hubs with me when I take any of the wooded routes, on the off chance we see a bear. We've never encountered one on a walk, but they are in the neighborhood from time to time. 

If hubs walks with me his number one fan gets to come too. 

Second fave-I had lunch with a friend on Wednesday, which was long overdo. And since it's graduation week at the local university we opted for a drive in the country and lunch with a view. Crazy storms came in later and the mountains were already feeling it, but still gorgeous. 

Another fave...On Thursday nights in tinytown they close the main street to cars, invite food trucks in and have a stage with live music. We hadn't been in ages but made it there last night, and it was so much fun. 

We got there early and had margaritas and shared some nachos before the main band played. We ran into lots of friends, which is one of the best things about small town living, and the weather was perfection. 

My favorite fave-I did some grocery shopping this morning while hubs was at a meeting and then sometime after he walked in the door with these-

Fresh flowers are one of my love languages and this arrangement is over the top. 

Lastly, I'm wishing all the mamas out there a weekend filled with the things and people you love. I'm so grateful to still have my mother in my life. She taught me how to mother and has loved me with her whole heart from the very beginning-

I'm so very grateful too for my own sweet daughters...

...who mother their littles with patience, humor, and intention in a way that makes my heart go to absolute mush. 


  1. That has to be the prettiest bouquet of flowers! Gorgeous. Your husband did well!
    My town also has a similar gathering but on Friday nights. We also have a food truck court with live music. What a beautiful neighborhood you live in, with walking trails. Your dog is precious - I hope you have an exceptional weekend. God Bless.

  2. Well here I am on Friday afternoon waiting for when it is time for me to drive to church for our Mother/Daughter Princess Pajama Party. I'm in my comfy jammies, got my slippers on and I'll wear a crown and pearls! Beautiful bouquet of flowers and a wonderful tribute to all the sweet moms in your life! I'm sure they have wonderful things to say about you, too. Happy Mother's Day weekend!

  3. It's Friday night, but here I am as well! Nice to visit with you here and I love the photos!! Happy Mother's Day, Joyce!! Love & hugs!

  4. That flower arrangement is gorgeous!

  5. Those flowers! That mountain view! Though not sure what I would do about living where I could encounter a bear on a walk in the neighborhood... But for that view I would probably risk it!! Great photos of your night out. Enjoy the weekend!

  6. What beautiful views you have with the firepit and the walk! I love the smalltown picture and that looked like a fun night. Your family is beautiful!

  7. Well done your husband, I hope he got all of the yard work done. It looks like a lovely area to spend time.
    The walks sound like fun and Thursday nights looks fantastic in your town! Margaritas and nachos, yum! yum!
    Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  8. Where you are sitting sounds perfect. Those trails look beautiful. That's a beautiful view to with your friend. That is so cool about them shutting down the street. Glad you got to go. Beautiful flowers. Those photos are beautiful. Have a wonderful Mother's Day. We are going out tonight with Adam, Gabby, James and I believe Gabby's mom too!

  9. Such damn nice looking walking trails, I do miss being able to go for long walks, such beautiful flowers and love family photos

  10. It's still quite chilly (and rainy) here so I'm living spring through other people's blogs! I can't wait until we can sit outside by the firepit... of course with all this rain the mosquitoes will probably drive us crazy! Have a great week!
