Monday, May 20, 2024

Weekend Shenanigans

Linking with Holly and Sarah for their Hello Monday hop today. 

What a fun weekend! 

Ours started on Wednesday (hey, we're retired) when we got on the road pointed north. I had booked a hair appointment that morning so we got a little later start than normal, but we made good time and arrived at hub's brother and sister-in-law's house in Richmond in time for dinner.

We hadn't seen them in person in a long while and it was fun to catch up at one of our favorite spots there-Joes Inn The Fan for anyone who knows Richmond. Once upon a time, pre-children in fact, hubs and I lived in this town and we still love visiting there.  

We got up Thursday to drive the rest of the way into Annapolis, yet another place we used to live that can still make our hearts go pitter pat. 

Wait! I'm leaving out something important. Before we pulled away we had to hide the family lizard. Every family has one, right? 

This lizard has been in hubs family for more than two decades and has traveled here there and everywhere with various family members. If the lizard ends up in your possession you have to very discreetly pass it on to another family member without their discovering it until you're on the road out of town. 


We took the back roads into Annapolis as opposed to the interstate (95 is possibly the worst one in America) and we made a stop en route at a little antique shop we always enjoy browsing-

It's an eclectic collection to say the least. 

We pulled in to Annapolis and went straight to another favorite spot (McGarvey's Tavern) for a light lunch. Well mine was light...hubs had a crab cake sandwich because when in crabtown...

Now that's a crabcake. 

I had their delicious Maryland Crab soup and just like that it felt like we were back in 1998 raising pony-tailed little girls beside the Bay. 

We love this town. 

We met some friends for dinner Thursday evening (O'Leary's since I'm sharing all the best places) and enjoyed dining on their lobster special (delish!!) and hearing what's new in their lives. 

After dinner hubs and I went over to a little spot in the west end to meet up with the bride and groom and their friends and family for a little pre-wedding welcome celebration. 

The Little Tykes gang as I like to call them.

The groom (that's him in the center back) and his sisters (also in the picture) lived across the court from us way back when. Together with our girls they logged a lot of miles on the Little Tykes cars, drew a million chalk houses on the driveway, played 'Pioneer' in our side yard, and lived the best day of their life in 1996 when the blizzard to beat all blizzards struck the East Coast and we had a party to celebrate in our court. 

There was a snow mountain courtesy of the plow, a fire in the middle of the street using metal struts from our basement remodel as a platform, and neighbors young and not so young bundled up in beach chairs sipping cups of mulled wine. It was a happy place to be a kid. 

A happy place to be a mom too. 

Hubs and I began our Friday with breakfast at an Annapolis institution called Chick and Ruth's. The pledge is still recited there every morning, which is such a fun tradition. 

After breakfast we took a long walk. We trekked over to the Naval Academy and across their extensive grounds, stopping for a moment beside the sea wall to picture our girls when they were girls and not grown married women with girls of their own, in their hula hoops, waiting on the July 4 fireworks to splash across the sky. Time marches on...

Pictures and geography wing you back.  

There's a new (to us) spot on Ego Alley called The Choptank, and we went up on their rooftop for the downtown view and to sample their orange crush. Our hometown lake cabana makes an orange crush and we like to compare when we can. 

This one was good, a little sweeter than ours, but still yummy. 

We walked up and down the cobbled brick sidewalks of this old town saying hey remember when...we popped in shops and then of course indulged in the world's best crab dip courtesy of McGarvey's. This was daughter2's favorite food when we lived in Maryland and we had to order one so we could send a picture. Yes, they give you an entire loaf of warm bread for dipping. 

Two actually, which is why this is not a dish to have on the regular-ha! 

The wedding was Friday evening in a beautiful venue on the South River called London Town and Gardens. It's actually an historical site, but they host events and weddings too. The rain held off and the whole evening was lovely.

And then suddenly it's Saturday morning, time to reload the car and aim it south. 


We've had more than a few, you know. We've tucked people and places and precious memories in our pockets all along the way. 

We carry them with us wherever we may roam. 


  1. I enjoyed every second of reading this post! I've never been to Annapolis, and have only flown into Maryland for a connecting flight to Boston; I really want to go, especially now that I've read this post. I've always thought that Maryland is such a beautiful and underrated coastal town, and being so near to Boston, I feel like it's often passed by for bigger or more popular cities. I loved seeing your food and getting places that are great to eat, when we visit someday. I also loved a few things that you said: that time marches on, that you've tucked people and places into your pocket to have as memories, and that being a mom in any location is a great place to be. All of those statements make me want to cry! I'm having an emotional week, needless to say, so it's not hard to do right now. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

  2. I love your lizard tradition! Sounds like a great weekend and that's cool you still know those people from before. Have a good week!

  3. What a great weekend! Your food pictures look so good. I have been to some of the places you mentioned (cities not the restaurants) but it has been a long time. Your pictures are making me want to go back! My kids had similar experiences with the neighbor kids- no weddings yet, just graduations so far. I hope your Monday is a great one!

  4. It sounds like you had a perfect weekend. Short trips can be so fun. I hope you have a great week.

  5. Your decades old lizard tradition is a crack-up! Silly things like that really bonds families. Love it!

  6. What a great weekend! I love going back to visit places we've lived. Such a fun lizard tradition!

  7. How nice to visit with your brother in law and his wife. Looks like fun. No, we don't have a family lizard...LOL! Looks like a fun drive. Yum on the food. The lobster looks delicious. Loving the pre wedding photo. Those are some sweet memories. The photo of you two from the wedding is lovely and a very sweet photo of the bride and groom. What a nice time you had.

  8. I love the old lizard tradition. :-)
    I enjoyed your recap!!

  9. That sounds like a wonderful weekend! We try to avoid 95 whenever possible too; often going down the interior as far as southern Virginia before veering over to the seaside in North Carolina when visiting family. I swear it is still shorter than sitting in traffic. That lizard tradition is so fun!

  10. My first thought was how many young people would know the word shenanigans.
    My next thought was how happy every looks in the photos and what a wonderful must have been had by all.

  11. What a fun, fun time, but you two make everything fun. Enjoy this new week!

  12. I loved your weekend Recap!! Made me hungry for Maryland crab, that's for sure!! I still have family in Bowie and Baltimore. Thanks for sharing the memories, both old and newly made!! xo

  13. You certainly had a delicous visit to Annapolis! My husband lived right outside the Naval Academy wall when we started dating and we had so much fun in Annapolis!! There is no crabcake like a good Maryland crabcake. I love your dress for the wedding!

  14. Sounds like a wonderful, fun trip!

  15. You packed in so many wonderful memory spots in your short time. So lovely. Love the family tradition of leaving the lizard! There is no doubt that those two are brothers! Friendships like these where you get an invite to the wedding of the kids are so special.

  16. What a fun weekend full of memories and good food, and enjoying it all with family and friends! I like Annapolis - only visited a few times in all our Maryland years, but it's a charming small city.

  17. Sounds like a perfect trip and so much crammed into it!
