Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Splurging On The Hodgepodge

Hello Summer and hello Wednesday Hodgepodge. Summer officially begins on Thursday in the Northern Hemisphere, but the temperatures here are saying it's arrived. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Or all the bloggers on the list, because it's summertime and the commenting is easy...

Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. It's National Splurge Day...what's something you might splurge on today? What have you splurged on recently? 

I haven't splurged on anything today and don't anticipate that happening. I'm not opposed to a splurge if something comes up though!  Hubs is usually the one to splurge (he won't deny it) and just yesterday he walked in the door with brand new Apple Watches for us both. Happy Anniversary to us! 

I saw a meme recently that said, 'In every marriage there's one person saving money and one person living their best life. Ha! Kinda true! 

2. Do you have a beach bag? What's in it? Is a trip to the beach on your summer bucket list? Do you have a summer bucket list? 

I don't have a 'beach bag', but I do have a boat bag. We live on a lake so having a bag mostly ready to grab whenever we go out is handy. 

What's in it? Assorted sunscreens, a plastic bag with paper products (plates, napkins, plastic silverware, trash bag), a coverup, extra coozies, towel, comb, hat, and my trusty wristbands to combat motion sickness. 

We don't have a beach trip on the calendar this summer, but there are small beaches on some of the islands in the lake that we'll motor out to all summer long. I have a summer bucket list in my head, but haven't written it down. Planning to do that soon. 

3. What's a song that makes you think of a summer past? What comes to mind when you hear it? What memories does it stir up for you? 

Too many to name, but beach music for sure. It's a whole genre, and is especially popular in the southland. If I have to pick just one I'll say Summertime's Calling Me by The Catalinas. 

Makes me think of college summers, dancing with my boyfriend (now hubs), and then years later our girls loving it too. We had a little arm motion we all did during the chorus, and we all still make that motion when we hear the song today. 

I just asked my hubs what he would say and we have the same answer. 

4. Sushi-yay or nay? Have you actually tried it? If you love it what's your go-to order? 

Sushi-yay! I like sushi and we go to a local spot from time to time to indulge. My favorite sushi spot is a bit of a drive from here, but our local place is okay too. I like most rolls, heat but not the kind that makes your eyes water and your face turn red.  I always get an order of edamame, and I always ask for extra ginger. I like the wasabi and soy on the side.

5. I own a ridiculous amount of ____________________________________. 

Nothing sprang to mind right off the bat, but in taking a look around I'm going to say glass vases. I almost always use the same three, but I've got probably ten times that. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

We finally got the paddleboards out and I got up on mine without too much difficulty. 

I'll spare you the outtakes! 

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  1. I've been wanting to try Stand Up Paddleboarding and have yet to get around to it; good job getting up! We used to keep a beach bag all ready to go too but we hardly used our boat at all and mostly hung out in the back yard on our own beach so I learned to keep a bin of sunscreen on the patio and a basket of beach towels by the door.

  2. Great paddle boarding pictures! My youngest loves to paddle board and is good at it even in wavy ocean water. The meme you mentioned about one person in a marriage being a saver and a spender is spot on! Have a great Wednesday and thanks for the questions/ link up.

  3. I would love a new Apple Watch. Are there any big differences with the newer one?

    1. This is my first one so I'm not sure what's different.

  4. Enjoying your summery song as I start leaving a few comments - love it! Great paddleboard photos! I'm so impressed with people that can do that, because I can't imagine being able to kneel and keep my balance, never mind stand up on one! Have a great week!

  5. Technology is amazing and frustrating. Hope the new watch is a fun addition. Way to go getting up on that paddleboard! You look like a pro. Those Grands will be up and ready to go on them sooner than you think. Why do they grow so fast?! Happy summer to you!

  6. I loved the summery prompts and posts today! That lake water is gorgeous. I love a lake so much more than the ocean, and I'll swim in it with no hesitation. I'm dying to know where you live, because I want to visit that lake! I don't mean for that to sound creepy, but I think you know me by now. 🤣 We live in West Tennessee, near Memphis; we have some beautiful lakes up in the mountainous area of our state in East Tennessee, and even some beautiful bodies of water near Nashville in the middle area of our state.

    1. Message me at and I'll give you the 411 on the lake : )

  7. Yay for new Apple watches! enjoy! The SUP experience looks great...beautiful scenery and a great workout.

  8. Look at you go with the paddeboard! I have only done that once, but it was fun. I don't think I stayed standing too long :). What a smart idea to have the motion bands on you while on the boat. Have a great day!

  9. OMG! I LOVE that song! :) I'm impressed that you're able to kneel on your knees would be killing me! :) I agree with the quote in #1...CH was the one living his best life.

  10. I know some day we will own paddleboards and/or kayaks but for now, we too busy!

  11. LOL, I'm chuckling at what some of the paddle board outakes must have been like! Thanks for hosting the Hodgepodge!

  12. That was so sweet of him. I love that boat bag. Love the song. I've never heard it before. I know I said I didn't like sushi but I have to admit I haven't tried a lot of it. That's interesting about the glass vases. The paddle boards look awesome. Enjoy your summer.

  13. I love summer! Daylight does me good, lol. I have to NOT think about the days getting shorter once we pass the solstice... that always makes me sad. Fortunately, it's a slow change.

  14. Those paddleboards look like such fun. Congratulations on the new Apple watches ... your hubby's a gem!

  15. Loved this Hodgepodge and your answers, too!! The paddleboards look like so much fun. I doubt I could managing standing up with artificial knees that don't like me kneeling on them. Enjoy it while you can!! (giggle) Wish I could see your hand gestures to the song!!

  16. YAY.... you got the paddle-board out and are up right. :-)
    Love, Carla

  17. Lucky you ! Having a blue sky and being able to paddle on water and not on a parquet inside !

  18. Love the paddleboard pictures! I am a city girl and would love to try that. I am off to hear the song now. Happy summer Joyce!

  19. Great song! I was in my 2nd year of college in 1975, and married 1 year. We used to cut classes and go to the beach.

  20. Way to go with the paddleboarding. My husband and I definitely fit the spend/save role description. Thanks for the fun linkup!

  21. Well, look at you! I'm so impressed that you can get up on your paddleboard. I've never tried but pretty sure it wouldn't happen. :o)) You will LOVE your Apple watch, I'm on my 3rd one.

  22. I don't see a comment from me so I am assuming I didn't post one, that said I could not stand on a paddleboard I have shocking balance.

    Splurge Day, never heard of it and I don’t splurge on anything which is kinda boring and sad, such is my life.

    I used to have a beach/pool bag for those trips to the beach or pool with my girls but no more those days are long gone.
    No song comes to mind, maybe my brain is feeling the cold and doesn’t want to work.

    Sushi----Nay, nar, no bloody way, I do not like seafood

    I own a ridiculous amount of stationary stuff, pads and pens and other stuff I don’t need.

    Why is the sun not warm, I was sitting in a nice sunny spot with Sam this morning waiting for her transport and the sun didn’t feel warm at all.

  23. A paddleboard looks like fun but I'd definitely need water wings because I'm not good when trying to stay afloat on my own! Does it get tiring to be on your knees on a paddle board? I would probably require a cushion for my bony knees and that in itself would look dorky, right?!!!
