Monday, June 10, 2024

Weekend Roundup

We had the absolute best weather this weekend and enjoyed spending lots of time outdoors. A friend I've known since childhood (and her hubs) arrived from the Garden State around noon Thursday, and after lunch on the screened porch, we moved over to the covered deck, and eventually down to the dock as we caught up on our lives and all the goings on since last we spoke. 

There was very little humidity and a lovely breeze, so pretty much perfect. The little brown dog thought so too, and he went for a swim which is always entertaining. As a bonus, it wears him out a little. 

B and I met here-

A summer camp on Maryland's Eastern Shore many decades ago. We discovered we lived in the same town (opposite high schools) and the friendship grew. We spent a few summers together working at camp, time marched forward and we both married, then time kept marching and we had our first baby girls about a month apart, then our second baby girls a couple of years later. Then hubs and I moved and moved and moved some more and time rolled on and on, but whenever I'd visit my mom B and I would also get together for a visit. 

It's always like no time has passed, and aren't those the best kind of friends? 

Thursday night we had an event with our wine club and B and her hubs were able to attend as our guests. It was a fun, low-key event which included wonderful French wines served alongside a delicious beef bourguignon. 

We relaxed with our coffee on the deck Friday morning, then spent the rest of the day on the water. We could not have asked for more beautiful weather which I know I've already told you, but it's worth mentioning again. 

Even though we've had our boat summer ready for several weeks now, this was our first all day outing of the season and it was a winner. Adding more of the same to our summer calendar please. 

We saw a lot of wildlife while we were motoring around the lake, including a juvenile eagle perched beside a nest at the top of a tall tree. Hubs has eyes like a hawk (no pun intended) and he is always the one to spot birds and other animals in the wild wherever we happen to be. 

B's hubs has a fancy camera with a long lens so we look forward to seeing some of his pictures once they're back home. We encountered the same blue heron several times throughout the day and he snapped lots of really great shots of him. 

That night hubs grilled our favorite coffee rubbed pork tenderloin recipe then we went back out on the boat to check out the sunset. 

There was not a cloud in the sky which, believe it or not, doesn't make for the most spectacular of sunsets, although there's no such thing as a bad one. 

A few clouds bring out the best colors but ours was still beautiful.

On Saturday morning B and I went for a semi-power walk in the neighborhood before heading in to the nearby small big city for a late brunch. Balance, right? 

The city was bustling as we'd forgotten there was a Jazz festival happening, but fortunately we'd booked a table and were seated quickly. 

Brown butter pecan pie and a bite of banana pudding which were both super delish! 

Our friends were heading on to another city that afternoon so hubs and I had a fun Costco date. Not! I do not recommend Costco on a Saturday afternoon, but we were already in town and needed a few staples. We didn't do the usual up and down all the aisles, but we did get what we came for and got out in a reasonable amount of time so there's that. 

We actually got more than what we came for because can you not when you shop in these kinds of stores? 

Hubs and I went out for breakfast Sunday morning, then I spent a few hours trying to upload two different templates to a print site which was only a teensy bit frustrating because my files were too large or some such nonsense and then I had to rename everything and blah blah blah technology. 

We also read, watched some college baseball, and I did some laundry, spent another hour or so booking flights for a trip later this year (blah blah blah technology) and then caught up here. I had a home chef in the frig I needed to cook and that made for an easy dinner prep wise. 

And that's the weekend that was. 

What fun or not-so-fun things did you do this weekend? 

Linking today with Holly and Sarah for their regularly scheduled Hello Monday morning party. 


  1. This sounds like a great weekend with friends, especially catching up with an old friend. That is great y'all have kept in touch. The weather looks pretty perfect too for a boat ride. Happy Monday!

  2. Oh your lake time looks like perfection! We go to our friends' lake house during the 4th of July and I cannot wait to get on the boat!

  3. How fun to have your best friend there for the weekend? Those are the best kinds of friends, like you said, the kind where no matter how little or much you talk or see each other, it's like no time has passed between the years. My best friend and I are like that, and so are our old friends and neighbors who have long moved on; they come to visit while they're in town, and it's like they never left! That water in the lake looks incredible, and now I want to visit a lake and swim in it. 🤣 I didn't realize about how clouds make for a more colorful sunset! I love what you said about how that doesn't matter, though, that an ugly sunset doesn't exist. It's so true! Thanks for sharing with us here today!

    1. The water here is crystal clear, one of the cleanest lakes in America. You can see your feet which is how I like it : )

  4. In the picture with the dog in the water, it looks like the dog is in a pool- the water is so blue and pretty! Glad you had great weather. We did as well- fairly cool and no humidity. We are in for a spell of very hot weather (summer? I reckon :)) so we enjoyed the much cooler temps this weekend. How fun to spend time with an old friend. Your food all looks and sounds delicious. Have a great Monday!

  5. Sounds like a great weekend! I also avoid Costco on weekends; no thanks!

  6. Hooray for perfect lake weather and a boat. These kind of friends get more precious every year. We are heading to Costco this morning (70 miles south) to pick up Greg's hearing aides. Nowadays they are all connected to your phone which is Yikes. Glad it's him and not me. He'll be able to answer his phone through the hearing aides!! I'm just hoping they don't do something loud when we are sitting in church. LOL! Hope you have a good week ahead.

  7. That sounds like such a fabulous weekend on the lake catching up with old friends!

  8. So glad you had that time with B and her husband. Sounds like it was a perfect weekend.

  9. Your weekend was a lot more fun than mine (which I detailed in my weekend recap). A day on the water sounds wonderful!! We don't have a Costco but we do have two Sam's Clubs and I feel the same way about Sam's as you do Costco. Wednesday afternoon is usually a good time to visit my Sam's. Have a blessed week, Joyce!! xo
