Sunday, June 16, 2024


 I like to write letters to my grands on their birthdays and today is one of those days

Dear Sweet Baby J,

I suppose one day you'll need a more grown up blog name, but honestly this one suits you so perfectly I might be writing you a letter on your wedding day with this in the address. You are the sweetest. 

And now you're two, and you have a lot to say. We love it. For the past month, maybe even a teensy bit longer, when we Facetime you like to tell me your birthday is coming up soon. You are especially looking forward to getting a balloon. 

You love your swimming lessons and are a fish in the pool. You'll swim to the bottom to pick up the plastic ring that's been dropped, and I'm going to say I was not doing that when I was turning two. We all love the water here and there's a lot of it, so we're glad you're learning to swim and loving it too.  

You like the tunnel slide on the playground and you have the best laugh. 

You love your cousins. They spent a long weekend at your house in the spring, and you had a grand time playing and doing your best to keep up with the big boys especially. Nana can't wait to have you all together at the lake next month. We will have so much noisy, water-soaked fun in the sun which is the best kind of fun there is. 


You call me Nene. I know you're saying Nana but it comes out Nene and it's precious. One day Nene will suddenly become Nana and I will miss it just a little. Although, not as much as I'll miss the way you say 'orange' when you finally say the word orange. You pronounce orange 'oi-oil-lioi' and we have no idea why, but it is the absolute best. Sometimes we'll show you something that color or offer you one as a snack just to hear you say the word. 

You like to fish and especially like handling the worm. Your daddy, your uncles, and your grandfathers all like to fish so you're in good company there. 

You also like to vacuum. And Swiffer and sweep and run the Roomba and your future wife thanks you. 

You love cars, trucks, diggers, cement mixers, excavators and  really anything that goes. There's been a lot of new home construction in your neighborhood and you love seeing the equipment in action. Your birthday this year has a construction theme and we're so happy to be there to celebrate with you. 

You like hummus, cucumbers, peppers, and biting in to a whole tomato. And berries. All the berries. Really all the fruits and vegetables and now that I think about it, what don't you like? 

You love your Daddy and want to do what Daddy does. You're like your Daddy in that you have superior fine motor skills and enjoy building and carefully putting things together. 

You are Momma's boy too, and will still snuggle up on her lap for books and kisses. 

You became a big brother this year and again, your blog name one hundred percent suits. You're so incredibly sweet with baby sister and you really never missed a beat with her addition to your family. I think it's because you have a tender heart and know love grows and there is always room for more. 

You still have the best cheeks of any little guy I know. 

You have a twinkle in your eye, a million dollar smile, and you're happy almost every minute of every day.

Happy birthday sweet baby J! You are sunshine in the form of a two year old boy and your Nana loves you deep and wide. ~xo~

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9


  1. What a sweet letter to your grandson! He is adorable and sounds like he has a great personality and is ¨all boy¨ but very tenderhearted as well! Your mentioning how he mispronounces the word orange reminds me of the word ¨balloon¨ and how my niece used to say it. She called it ¨animay¨ (closest approximation) and no one knew then or knows now how she got ¨animay¨ out of balloon (and she had no speech/ physical issues that would make it impossible to say balloon). Kids are just the funniest! I hope your grandson has a great birthday- I can imagine how much you´re looking forward to having family at the lake for water fun!

  2. I love the letters you write to your grandchildren. What a treasure they will be for them. Happy birthday to baby J!

  3. Happy birthday to your sweet boy!! I'm a big James Taylor fan and have been humming Sweet Baby James while reading this!! Sweet baby J can last forever!! I always love your birthday letters. Treasures for the kiddos for years to come. xo

  4. Him looking at those balloons is so adorable! I'd love to know what he was thinking at the time. Happy Birthday Sweet Baby J! Those swimming lessons are the best. That's so sweet about Nene and how he says orange. Oh my with the worms!! It is great that he likes fruit and veggies too. Sweet post and I love all the photos you shared.

  5. This is precious and what a sweet legacy to pass down to your grandchildren! I hope he had so much fun at his party!
