Monday, January 13, 2025

Hello Monday Musings

Good Monday morning everyone. How was your weekend? Ours was cold, really cold for South Carolina. We had snow on Friday which is a rare treat. It's come and gone now, but was so pretty while it lasted.

The temps were freezing and it was a really wet snow, and yes I know wet isn't the best adjective to use here, because isn't all snow wet? This was not the light and fluffy kind, so I didn't get out in it. 

Someone did though, and he loved it. LOVED it!!

He does an army crawl across the grass and it makes us all remember what he was like as a puppy living in the Pacific Northwest. 

There's something about a snowy day that inspires me to cook. Hubs and I started the day with blueberry waffles which are hubs favorite, but not something I make on the regular. I also made a pot of chili for dinner because that's in the snow day bylaws. 

Saturday we had some errands to run and opted for a breakfast date before making a few fun stops like filling up the gas tank and wandering the aisles at CVS. We came home and I finally cleaned out the pantry. I don't know how the pantry periodically ends up so out of order, but I pulled everything out, wiped down all the shelves, got rid of a few things, then put it all back in mostly the same place, but not quite. 

Change is good. 

Also reorganizing the pantry is a satisfying job to have done. 

I put a roast in the crock pot before we left on Saturday and the house smelled so good all day long. Did you come here today to read about what we ate all weekend long? If so you're in luck lol. I made the Mississippi recipe which calls for a packet of ranch dressing, and didn't realize until it was too late that the ranch mix I bought was spicy ranch. I didn't even know Hidden Valley made a spicy ranch mix? 

All's well that ends well though because we like spicy here. It honestly didn't change the flavor too much,  a tad more peppery than usual but very tasty. 

A pretty low key weekend overall...reading, football, watching the snow fall, comfort cooking, and a few small projects crossed off the to-dos. I finally made my winter bucket list, and always refer to my calendar when I  create my list to capture anything eventful I know will be happening. While we don't have any big trips or significant travel on the calendar this winter, the calendar somehow still manages to look awfully full. 

There will be grandkids in the house this winter and I might make a bucket list with them once they're here. I usually do one in the summer when they're visiting, so this would be different and fun I think. In the meantime here's mine-

So how was your winter weekend? Frosty? Fun? Filled with family? Do you have a winter bucket list? 

Linking today with Holly and Sarah for their Hello Monday weekend recap blog hop. 


  1. We had snow on Saturday (and made pot roast on Sunday!). I think ours was a more wet snow too as it looked like it would be great snow for making snowballs... but I really only walked outside long enough to get to and from the grocery store. I don't mind shopping during a storm since everyone else seems to stay home and the stores are less crowded that way.

  2. That snow is so pretty! And, yes, snow density (or something?) must be different because some snow seems wetter or heavier than some. The snow we had on Friday was so much easier to shovel than the snow we had on Monday. Monday's was thick or wet or something like that. Speaking of wet, does your water feature turn off? Like is it something you do to control the water flowing? I know that for outdoor fountains, at least around here, it's recommended to not run them in cold weather. That got me curious about your water feature. Your weekend sounds nice. I don't make bucket lists but yours sounds like a good one. Happy Monday!

    1. We can turn the feature off but we don't need to so we haven't. The water is moving so it's fine. It's rarely below freezing here so we've been told it can stay running. I think if you live somewhere where it gets cold, freezes for long periods, etc you do turn it off as it can damage the pump. It's pretty with the snow on it!

  3. Oh my gosh your photos are gorgeous! Happy Monday!

  4. I love the idea of a grandkid list! Baking a family recipe? Visiting a zoo or animal place in winter - we used to love to do that - less crowds and animals seemed more active.
    Your snow is beautiful but I know what you mean. Our first snow was hard to be out in. Our third snow was fluffy but we had all the gunk under it to contend with.
    What is it about snow days that make me want to cook, too? Bake!
    I didn't follow the chili by-laws and I am paying for it with cravings. Lol!

  5. Yes the snow is pretty viewed from the comfort of a warm house lol. Snow is definitely wet. Great bucket list and well done on getting the pantry organised. I need to clear out a lot of things in my second fridge that have been lurking out of sight and mind for a while lol. Have a good week.

  6. Good Monday morning to you. I do not have a bucket list for winter but I do have a cleaner coming this morning so I was motivated to do a lot of organizing on the weekend. Sheesh. I like your list. JJ is coming later today and I just realized I'm out of snacks. That kid loves his snacks! Have a great week!

  7. What you described seems like a pretty perfect weekend. The snow looks beautiful. I'll keep an eye out for the spicy ranch.

  8. Your snowfall photos are so pretty. We still have lots of snow on the ground, and now it's starting to get really, really cold. Stay safe and warm my friend!

  9. Snowy weekend here too but we are in New England that is expected- I am SHOCKED that you actually got snow in SC! Wow! Love your cozy cooking :)

  10. I love the snow photos... and your sweet pup doing an army crawl. ;-)

  11. No bucket list here, and our winter weekend required the heat to be on and a sweater worn outside, but no snow (which is fine by me!). I LOVE the photo of your little brown dog loving that white stuff!! Have a blessed week!

  12. Your dog doing the “army crawl” in the snow made me chuckle. Animals, they really throw off any inhibitions with their emotions, don’t they?

    Since snow is not the norm for your area, I'm thinking this may be the first time I've seen snow around your lake. It is so beautiful!

  13. This sounds a lot like our weekend, except we didn't have snow. I had to live vicariously through my daughter in Nashville! I had no idea that Southern Living had a cake of the month. That sounds like a fun challenge! Hope you have a good week.

  14. I just read "East of Eden" (John Steinbeck); it was excellent! Also, there is a "Bible in a Year" by Fr. Mike Schmitz that I listened to when it first came out...I'd highly recommend it to anyone, Catholic or not.

  15. The snow looks pretty. He definitely did enjoy the snow! Way to go on the cooking, it sounds delicious. I needed to mail a package yesterday and I convinced Mark to take me and we went out to breakfast. Haven't done that in a long time Way to go on the pantry. Way to go on all the cooking you have done. I have zero interest in that. Good for you on the bucket list. I normally don't watch football. I like golf. However, I try to watch the playoffs before the Super Bowl because I like watching that so it prepares me. Have a nice week.
