Welcome to another wintry Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Thanks for playing along here on Wednesdays! Here we go...
1. It's been said January is 'the month of opportunity, inspiration, and change." Which of the three do you need most right now? Elaborate.3. The British Museum opened on this date (January 15th) back in 1759. Do you like visiting museums? Do you have a favorite?
I love museums. It's hard to pick a favorite because they're all so different. If we're spending a few days in a new city we'll generally visit a museum there. I like art galleries. I like historic old homes that have been turned into museums. I like natural history museums.
The Met is definitely a favorite plus I love NY.
4. It's National Oatmeal Month (yes, apparently it gets a whole month as opposed to a single day)...do you like oatmeal? How often do you eat a bowl of oatmeal? How do you like yours? What about an oatmeal cookie? Is that a sweet treat you enjoy?
First things first...I love an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. I like the texture oatmeal gives the cookie and usually make my chocolate chip with oatmeal in the batter.
I also like oatmeal for breakfast and we have that about once a week. I make mine with sliced bananas, dried cherries and a sprinkle of cinnamon. It's yummy.
5. What's something useful you learned in high school?
Typing. Who would have thought that would be the thing we'd use on the daily decades later?
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Shameless nepotism here...
My daughter1 is getting ready to move back to the states and she wrote about it on her blog here (Sincerely Shannon). She's got a lovely voice and so much wisdom, and I want to encourage her to write more. If you have time go say hi and welcome home.
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Great questions, Joyce! A little bit of everything... I answered exactly as you did for regarding something useful that I learned in school. And I used the word nepotism in my post as well (for the question about opportunity). Is the quote from Forrest Gump?? Will check out your daughter's blog... Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI didn't think about typing! I learned to type in high school, too. Someone told me it was a useful skill to have and I ending up loving it and use that skill everyday!!
ReplyDeleteLoved your answers and your daughter's blog! Did they think they would stay there longer? What a dream come true and she sounds contented and ready!
ReplyDeleteTyping is such a good answer of something useful we all learned from high school! I still remember my typing class. I love that quote....from the Sound of Music! I will look at your daughter's blog. Thanks for hosting this!
ReplyDeleteI see that we both listed typing although I didn't learn at school. You must be so excited to have your daughter and family close to you after them being far away for so long.
ReplyDeleteMy answers were very similar, especially for the first two. And how could I forget about typing?! Yeah, such a practical and useful skill on a daily basis! What's amazing to me is that I had to learn it, and took it as a whole class in high school, while today's kids start absorbing keyboarding from their earliest years. My daughter learned proper typing from an online game when she was about 8yo and as a homeschool mom I wouldn't give my kids high school credit (like I got!) for typing. LOL
ReplyDeleteHave a great day and stay warm!
I chose inspiration for the same reason you did.
ReplyDeleteWe did the natural history museum in MY in 2017 and I loved it! I thought that was one of the cooler places I'd been, aside from all the Smithsonians in DC.
ReplyDelete*NY. Wow.
ReplyDeleteThese were fun questions this week, Joyce. Thank you. We agreed on a couple of the questions. Hoping you have a really good day. On my way to visit Daughter1.
ReplyDeleteI chose inspiration, also. And similar answers to number 2. Question....you get the plain oatmeal and then use bananas? I love bananas but have never purchased the plain oatmeal.
ReplyDeleteMotivation is a great word choice. Funny, right now I need motivation to make some things happen that I am putting off. Good answer for #3. Your oatmeal sounds yummy.That's true, here we are typing on our computers. I'm so happy to hear that they are moving back to the states. Enjoy your day Joyce.
ReplyDeleteI like oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, too. 🍪
ReplyDeleteHello, we like to check out the museums in the little towns we visit. They are so unique and usually in an old historical building.
ReplyDeleteCable, Wisconsin is a small community and they have an old log cabin library with the communities museum inside too. It is so little and jammed packed with little nuggets it is just delightful.
I had a split high school experience - 7th grade in an American high school and the rest in a British grammar school and there wasn't a typing class in either one. I didn't take a typing class until I went to technical college. An oatmeal chocolate chip cookie sounds delicious!
ReplyDeleteDried cherries in ANYTHING is wonderful!! Yes, I learned to type, in junior high, actually, but then perfected it in business college years later. You are so right -- we (in my generation) had no idea back then how essential typing would be in our future.
ReplyDeleteThe quote is from The Sound of Music! one of my all time fave musicals and the reason I wanted to be a music teacher so took Music Education/Piano minor in Voice in college. Fast forward 5 yrs when I needed a MS degree, God wanted me to be a Special Ed PreK teacher. But I still loved all things Maria and finally got to her grave in vermont last summer and got to meet her grandson!! :)
ReplyDeleteENJOYED your answers. I eat steel cut oats almost every mornign for breakfast with cinnamon, blueberries, raspberries and walnuts or sometimes when no raspberries, I use pomegranate. ANd I LOVE my vegan oatmeal chip cookies.
I 'll get my post up soon
A lot of bloggers said typing for that answer, and I would agree! I even went to typing competitions in high school. I saw on another blog that you spent the night at the museum. I did that also with my son's boy scout troop in London. Talk about a hard concrete floor! It was a good experience though. I enjoy reading your daughter's blog and will leave a comment!
ReplyDeleteI liked your answers
ReplyDeleteWe have the same taste for breakfast only I eat it every day with different fruits, my favorite is Kiwi. I learned typing in business school and got a price for being the quickest !
ReplyDeleteSheesh. I'm finally able to sit and check out Hodgepodge posts. After prayer meeting this morning at church I went into the church kitchen and got carried away with a lot of organization needs. Three hours later I was at the stores before heading home to make dinner. I only make chocolate chip cookies with added oatmeal. Like you I enjoy the extra texture. How exciting that it is time for daughter1's family to come home. I will head over to read the post.
ReplyDeleteI'm late finishing my Hodgepodge.
ReplyDeleteI said typing too! I remember the year I had to take the class my "what if" for that year was what if I can't type? I was worried I wouldn't be able to learn!
Thank you for hosting! I have loved joining in for the first time.
ReplyDeleteSo many people learned to type in school, I wasn't it was just something we were expected to know how to do when using computers.
Good luck to your daughter with the move, I hope it all goes well.
I definitely saw a theme while reading this week's HPs....typing (which I completely agree with) and oatmeal cookies. Especially with added chocolate chips...again, I totally agree! I am going to have to make some cookies this weekend!! Enjoyed reading the answers this week!