Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Remember When

Today is our 26th wedding anniversary. I think this is the first anniversary we will celebrate apart. On different continents. Sigh. You know, this was not in the manual I was given on my wedding day.

Actually lots of things were not in the manual.
Actually there was no manual.

While the media loves to talk about what a drudge marriage can be I have found it to be full of surprises. I'm sure that has a little something to do with the boy I married but I bet most people married a long time would say something similar. When we said I do 26 years ago we had no idea what the future would hold. But we committed to find out together, to face the challenges and share the triumphs. Our married life has been full of both.

In honor of our special day I'm going to quote that world renowned Georgia poet...Alan Jackson. He wrote a beautiful song ( you can listen here) and I absolutely love the words.

Remember When

Remember when
I was young and so were you
and time stood still
and love was all we knew...

Remember when...
we vowed the vows
and walked the walk,
Gave our hearts...
made the start and it was hard

We lived and learned
life threw curves,
there was joy and there was hurt
Remember when

Remember when...
old ones died
and new were born,
And life was changed,
disassembled, rearranged....

Remember when...
the sound of little feet
was the music
we danced to week to week...

Remember when...
thirty seemed so old,
Now lookin' back
it's just a steppin' stone

To where we are

where we've been

Said we'd do it all again
Remember when...

Remember when
we said when we turned gray,
When the children
grow up and move away

We won't be sad
We'll be glad
For all the life we've had

And we'll remember when....

Happy Anniversary hubs...I love you!


  1. Great pictures! Happy Anniversary!

  2. Congratulations on 26 years. LBeau and I will celebrate 40 years in December. Great pictures.

  3. The song was playing in my mind as I watched the pictures of your life together. Beautiful. Touching testimony to your love and commitment to each other. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

  4. sweet. Happy 26th guys!!

  5. Oh. You're killin' me. When when when will you learn to put a tissue alert at the beginning of these posts?!

    Happy 26th, sweet love birds!

  6. What a beautiful post. Happy anniversary!!!

  7. Happy Anniversary to you both!
    What a precious post. I bet your hubby had tears in his eyes reading this.
    We did a slide show for my parents for their 50th anniversary and used this song along with lots and lots of pictures of them in their early years and pictures of us four girls, our families etc. They were both in tears.
    I always love your posts Joyce & love the pictures.
    Again, congratulations!!!

  8. I love this! Happy Anniversary! Hope your main man comes home soon!

  9. Well Happy Anniversary my friend, I hope you have many more, our 50th is in September, lots of love and lots of memories though the years, hugs and blessings, Barbara

  10. What a great post. Sweet pictures.

  11. Happy Anniversary! Loved this post!

  12. Happy Anniversary! Be blessed!

  13. Happy Anniversary to you both! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  14. This is so sweet, Joyce. Happy Anniversary

  15. Hi Joyce
    Wanted to let you know I left you a little bit of happiness on my blog pressure to pass on just wanted you to know! :)

  16. Oh, you made me cry! I absolutely love that song (it makes me cry!), but your choice of pictures to put with it were perfect!
    Happy Anniversary!

  17. Happy Happy Anniversary!

    I loved the song, just beautiful! We have our 30th anniversary on the 22nd! It's so hard for me to believe. When I was growing up, when I heard that a couple was celebrating their 25th anniversary, I thought they were sooo old! Now we're celebrating our 30th! It's a bit surreal!

  18. Beautiful post! I love that song, beautiful words! Hope when he gets home you two will celebrate your anniversary like never before! Happy Anniversary a little late...
    until next time... nel

  19. Happy Anniversary! I'd like to "borrow" the words when we celebrate our 26th next month. Hope you don't mind!
