Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Upside

There is an upside to having a husband who travels.

And that upside is presents.

I like presents.
And I like jewelry.
And I especially like presents that are jewelry.

When my hubs got home last night he said he bought me something in Shanghai. He pulled out the gift bag and I asked if this was an anniversary present because we have an anniversary coming up in a couple of weeks. Or maybe a birthday present although my BIG birthday is still a few months away. No, just a present. Or three.

Cultured pearls are a bargain in China and you have to negotiate with the vendors. He loves that sort of thing...he is all about the negotiating. It usually pays off too.

I love these pearls. The set on the left looks white in the photo but they are more of a pewter color. The set on the right is a combination of white, pewter and a gray blue and they are my favorite. He also bought me a bracelet and it's all white. And he may have bought a little something for daughters 1 and 2 but I'm not showing that here since they read my blog.

Now, who thinks I need a nice dinner out to go with the jewelry?

Oh, and I think I've told you once or a hundred times that I also love pottery. And since hubs will be in Istanbul on our anniversary there is a certain set of beautiful brightly colored dishware made in Turkey that would make an excellent anniversary gift.

Just sayin'...

Even though we don't really exchange gifts on our anniversary.


  1. Oh my... Joyce, what a lovely surprise!
    I love pearls now too (not so much when I was younger but, since a few years now, I love them!) and yours look really lovely.
    And of course you deserve a nice meal out to show off your lovely non-b'day or non-anniversary presents just for the sheer plasure of owning them... go out with your dear hubs!
    Enojoy! Lety x

  2. So pretty I love pearls. When my hubby use to travel more every gift I'd get was from Duty Free...nice've been through duty free ...I got lots of perfume and some nice pearls but ...never anything from outside the airport! Drove me crazy. And yes dinner and jewelry go hand in hand.

  3. How beautiful!! You are a Lucky Lady!

  4. Oooooh-la-la! I need to send LJ to China!

  5. Beautiful pearls! And even if you don't exchange gifts for your anniversary, I think if he's going to be out of the country ON your anniversary, he owes you a gift.

  6. Beautiful pearls and a squeal-with-delight surprise. Dinner is def in order. Blessings, SusanD

  7. What a romantic! I think it is neat that he's thinking of you and buying beautious things to surprise you with. I think pearls are beautiful, but don't own any. Imagine that!

  8. I like the necklace on the right better, too, but both are really pretty! Me, I wouldn't have anywhere to wear them, so tell hubs thanks anyway! :D

  9. We have an anniversary on the 24th. I went to get a battery in my watch and was looking at some pearls. We don't exchange but we do buy something special if we really want it bad enough. I seldom get gifts when dh travels :(
    He did good, love your gifts.

  10. So Pretty! I love a man who brings home prizes! That is defintely a plus of a traveling Hubby.

  11. How special! Your pearls are beautiful. That is so sweet that he brings you goodies. Just reinforces who is on his mind even tho he is working! You are truly blessed! Thanks for sharing.
    until next time... nel

  12. I am wearing my pearls right now, but they are not real. I LOVE yours. Boy, Tim knows how to shop. They are beautiful!!!! I bought Lauren real pearls when she got her Master's degree. Hers have a light pink cast. Love & blessings from NC!

  13. There absolutely is an upside to having a husband who travels! The pearls are beautiful!

    Have you ever told us what your husband does for a living?

  14. They're beautiful! How fun! Tim is a great shopper. :)

    My hubby bought me two pearl necklaces as gifts - one for our anniversary and one for Christmas recently. They are very special to me. One set is almost a brown. Very unique.

    I was kinda wondering the same thing Linda asked. He sure travels to some interesting places.

    By the way ~ you definitely need to go to dinner to show off those lovely pearls.

  15. For my mom's birthday last year I bought her a multi-colored set of pearls with the same colors as the ones shown above. She wears them all the time and I'm kicking myself that I didn't buy an extra for myself.

    I have, however, told Mom I have dibs on it for, you know, later.
