Wednesday, June 9, 2010

You want random on Wednesdays? I got Random on Wednesdays...

Normally on Wednesdays I participate in the Weekly Random Dozen but our hostess Linda is taking the month of June off so I'm on my own with random stuff today. Fortunately random is more or less the theme of my blog so I'm not too worried.

Here's my own 'random dozen' thoughts this morning-

1. In a funny coincidence it turns out the restaurant where we had dinner last night is the very same restaurant where Danielle and Dina held their tete-a-tete on Monday night's episode of Real Housewives of NJ. I learned this piece of trivia from a guy my hubs works with which just goes to show you that you never know who is watching Real Housewives.

2. Our dog is a bird dog. We've never hunted with her but the instinct is there and every once in a while we're reminded of that fact. Like Monday night. She was out in the yard when hubs arrived home and he could tell she had something in her mouth so he called her over but naturally she ran the other way. He finally managed to get a look only to discover it was a baby bird. Ewww! We're pretty sure it fell from a nest and was already dead when she got hold of it because she is much more of a super model than a successful hunter. She loves to stalk birds, squirrels, rabbits, groundhogs, and chipmunks but the only animals she has ever actually caught were injured, thus unable to escape.

3. I had a birthday cake delivered to daughter1 on Monday and I had to smile a little. When I placed the order the lady asked what I wanted on the cake and I said 'Happy Birthday Daughter1' (except I inserted her name). She then asked me if I wanted an enclosure card delivered with the cake and if so what should it say. I told her the card should say, " Happy Birthday Daughter1 (insert name of course). Love, Mom and Dad". So daughter1 sent me a pic of the cake and right there on the top it says 'Happy Birthday Daughter1's name, Love Mom and Dad'.

Ha-have you been to the website Cake Wrecks?

4. One year ago this month we moved back to the US from across the pond. I have a few thoughts about this (shocking I know!) which I think I'll save for another post.

5. Twenty six years ago this month I married my honey. Go us!

6. Tomorrow night we're going to a concert and I'm super excited. We'll see Keith Urban, The Dixie Chicks and my favorite band ever, The Eagles. Kind of an interesting combo of musicians but whatever. It will be at the brand new Giants stadium and yay! for corporate boxes.

7. I'm rooting for the Flyers in the Stanley Cup playoffs. I know they're the underdog but don't count them out yet. There's a reason their nickname is The Broad Street Bullies. And in keeping with my random theme, here's a piece of useless information for you...I spent four years of high school sitting beside the son of the Flyer's then coach, Fred Shero. The Flyers won two Stanley Cups when he was boss. It ain't over til its over!

8. I had a pedicure yesterday. I heart pedicures. To the nth degree. One of my favorite ways to spend an hour. When I eventually get to China with my hubs I will be having a foot massage for sure. They come highly recommended.

9. Speaking of is a picture of a squirrel fish prepared for my hubs on his recent trip to Shanghai-

It looks a little bit like a blooming onion but tastes nothing like a blooming onion. Because its a fish. According to my hubs, it is also delicious. The part sticking up is actually pieces of the fish that have been breaded and deep fried. And hey, this post may be random but you can't say it isn't educational too.

10. I am in love with a plant called trailing verbena...

It is beautiful in a pot or basket and comes in many gorgeous colors. My mom had some purple and white trailing verbena in pots at her house and they were just jammed with blossoms. Of course my mom can look at a plant and it will grow. I have two hanging baskets filled with shades of pink and so far so good.

11. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow and that makes me happy. As long as my hairdresser doesn't do anything crazy I mean.

12. We also have house guests arriving tomorrow and then more arriving on Friday and as a result I have a zillion things to do today errand -wise. Which means I best get off the computer and on to my to do list. Ciao!


  1. Wow. Y'all were just a step away from meeting Dina. (I'd stay far, far away from Danielle, if you know what I mean!) Wish you could've seen the look on my face when I saw the picture of the "squirrel fish". EEEWWWW!
    I have a trailing verbena, too! And, it's doing great!!!


    Ok. The trailing verbanana . . . does it need full sun or would it grow in part to full shade?
    Answer me that, Miss Fishy-Pants. :)

  3. My previous comment got knocked offline...hope it doesn't put it up twice.

    What would you have said to Dina had you met her?

    dog instincts amaze me...
    love the cake...

    <3 me some EAGLES...and in a corporate box! wow!

    China with my hubs: sounds like a lot of fun!

    I would have to try that squirrel fish; love trying new reminds me of one of those back massagers.

    trailing verbena used to cover my front island next to my iron bench...hubs mistakenly took it out with the weed killer mist...but they do great in full sun...they make a GREAT ground cover ;)

    don't forget to post hair cut pics

  4. #6 -- what fun!!!

    Be sure to blog about the concert!

    Hugs to you today,

  5. Oh I loved all your randomness in today's post. I think I would have to pass on the questionable fish, just doesn't look that appetizing.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  6. I'm grateful for a little time to catch up on some blogs. I have been in Little Rock since Sunday, helping out with new granddaughter. Ben and Claire are both working and summer nanny doesn't start until Thursday.

    Love the Eagles. Have only seen them once in concert. That was in 1977 when I took some students to New York for a high school journalism convention. They were playing at Madison Square Garden, and we managed to get tickets.

  7. Great random dozen! And the picture of the fish--really gross! Sorry!

  8. Yes, a great random dozen! My little maltipoo always goes after the birds and wild rabbits. And since the rabbits probably out weigh him I always wonder what would happen if he actually ever caught up with one.
    Yuck on the fish and yay on the concert!

  9. Another great post. The fish, though, not so good (maybe because I'm seeing it when my stomach isn't feeling too good).

    Have a great time at the concert! Sounds like a blast!

  10. That is one crazy looking entree. I am not sure that I would know what to do with that. At least it was fried..... it is hard to not like anything that is fried! I heart pedicures too. I am need of one. I get a kick out of picking out a color because OPI always has the best names. That would be a great job to have. I would love to go to China just for a foot massage.

  11. Our dog THINKS he's a bird dog, I believe. He chases the birds around here ALL of the time!! I don't believe he has managed to catch one yet though! :-)
    I'll have to check out Cake Wrecks! Happy Birthday, Daughter 1! :-)
    Happy Anniversary, Hubs and Joyce, this month!!
    Love the Eagles, too, and that does sound like an interesting mix of music! Have a great time!
    Oh, I couldn't even eat that fish. Oh my. Maybe with a blindfold on? I don't know....
    OH, Joyce, I may just have to find me some trailing verbena! They are beautiful!!!

  12. Oh, you ended in twelve.

    Which I know is Random Dozen, but it sets me akilter.

    And I'm so proud of your husband for taking a picture of the fish because he knew you needed blog fodder :)
