Thursday, July 7, 2011

Red HOT and Blue I Do

I feel like I've jumped on a treadmill recently and cannot run fast enough to keep up with my blog. It's all a good kind of busy and I do want to record some of these events as they happen but I write best in blocks of time as opposed to spurts of time and right now all I've got are spurts.

We spent the 4th of July weekend in Houston, Texas...well, technically The Woodlands, but whatever you call it one thing is for sure-it's HOT. Actually HOT isn't the right word. When I come up with a word that accurately conveys the heat I'll let you know but until then we'll go with HOT.

The son of a special friend from our England days got married on Sunday. Daughter1 went to the high school prom with this boy aka The Groom, in grade 11. I probably say it at least once a week here but gosh it seems like they were all just 15 years old sitting round my kitchen table.

I guess not.

When you live in an ex pat community people come into and out of your life at an alarming rate. Its a hypertransient existence and carpe diem is not just an expression but is truly a way of living. The roots of friendship grow fast and deep in a way I cannot adequately describe.

I have blabbed on and on about the many challenges of repatriation but let me just say that I reconnected with several friends this past weekend, some of whom have been back in their home country for five years, and they all say life is still a teensy bit off kilter from the way it was pre-England. That makes me feel better. Normal.

My hair had a mind of its own in the crazy heat which is why I don't think I could ever live in Houston. Daughter1, looking perfectly perfect and fresh as a daisy, was able to join us for the wedding festivities and we had an absolute blast. There were several 'kids' (so what do you call your 20-somethings?) from her high school graduating class also in attendance and she hadn't seen any of them (with one exception) in over five years. They hugged and smiled and picked up right where they left off. These kids represent multiple countries, backgrounds, traditions, cultures, languages, religions and experiences yet, at an impressionable time in their lives, they were mixed together in a place called school in a land called England and in spite of all that was different they found something the same. I think the world can learn a few things from expat kids.

The wedding was absolutely lovely and the couple radiated joy on their special day. We were so happy to be part of the well wishers celebrating with this sweet couple. And I also really enjoyed seeing the day from the mother of the groom's point of most weddings I've been a part of I've been on the 'bride's side' and fyi-mothers of the groom need kleenex too.

I'd never been to Texas prior to this past weekend but spending time with old friends in Houston felt a little bit like going home...turns out there are kitchen tables to sit around all over this great big little world.


  1. wow this is beautiful!!! I love living on the beautiful coast of TX I lived in Corpus Christi, for almost 4 yrs and absolutely loved it. Corpus Christi is about 2 hours from Houston


  2. What fun you all had at the wedding in Houston, especially getting to see old friends!!! I can relate with the weather. My Mother is from Texas and I have spent many a HOT summer there. I'm with you, you can't describe the heat!!! You all looked lovely, even if it was hot. Glad #1 got to go too. She looked beautiful, as always! My good friend that I visited several years ago lives in the Woodlands. Love & blessings from NC!

  3. wait, what? you were in my neck of the woods? i'm so behind in blogland. i blame it on jetlag... from last week.

    the young couple looks so beautiful and happy. i'm sure you were so glad to share some time with your girl. she looks stunning, as well.

    hubs and i call it "oppressive heat" down here. this might be why winter is one of my favorite seasons.

  4. Let me guess the idea to take a picture around the kitchen table was yours? Nice!

    One of my Best Friends lives in Texas and when I try to complain about how hot it is in Jersey, she shuts me down right away. lol

  5. You all look so beautiful! I love weddings ....not so much the Texas heat! Beautiful bride and groom....looks like a wonderful time and more memories.

  6. The wedding looks like fun, and you look gorgeous! And by the way, a southern friend of mine told me that it was not sweat, I was simply glistening in the heat! lol!

  7. Wow, sounds like a great weekend, despite the heat. And I think your hair looks great!

  8. You look so beautiful! I understand the two countries thing, too.

  9. Yep, it's summertime and there's always so much going on! What fun photos! Laughed at that comment about your hair (which looks really lovely, by the way!) but it's just that men have no idea what it's like for us to deal with our hair every day. I guess we should be glad to have it. lol

  10. I know I could never live in Texas. I can barely deal with 2 months of heat in NJ. Your look beautiful!

  11. Sounds like a great weekend. I hope to go to Texas someday.

  12. Wait? You've never been to Texas? You've been to the end of the world and back but not Texas.

    I guess now you can say you've been to hell and back. ;)

  13. Glad you had a good weekend-minus the heat!

  14. Love it! You have a fabulous blog! I’m an author and illustrator and I made some awards to give to fellow bloggers whose sites I enjoy. I want to award you with the Creative Blog Award for all the hard work you do!

    Go to and pick up your award.

  15. All three of you looked so good together. I know what you mean about your hair and the heat. I can feel mine absolutely melting as soon as I hit the humidity and my girls always look like they are protected by a little bubble. I have been to Houston and you are right... it is HOT! WE are very soupy in NC right now too.

  16. You picked a fine time to visit Texas! Maybe you should consider going back in the fall. ;-)

  17. I spent time in The Woodlands way back in my public accounting days for training. I remember the heat. Sounds like a fun weekend!

  18. What a wonderful time you had. How awesome that you could get together with friends you lived in England with. I use "kids" all the time when I talk about mine who are 30 & 32!
    So glad daughter1 got to go too. My mother-in-law lives in Houston and I think she is in that area as well. Humidity is the worst, just like Florida. So glad you had such a nice time.
