Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Snug As A Bug In The Hodgepodge

New month, still Hodgepodging. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, and since it's February be to share some comment love with the blogger linking before you. Here we go-

From this Side of the Pond
1. Feb 2nd is Groundhog Day in the US of A. Tell us about one day you wouldn't mind living over again, and why you chose that day. 

I wrote a whole post about this once upon a time. You'll find it if you click the link here. It was about some of the days I'd maybe like to relive, but really on second thought probably not. Time is a funny thing and I don't think I'd want to tinker with it if that were ever a thing. 

To answer today's question, if I have to choose I'm pretty sure I would pick an ordinary day over a grand occasion or a big milestone event. I'd love to revisit myself as a young mom, with my girls around ages 5 and 7. I'd like to relive for a single day the sweetness and wonder that particular season brought into my life.

 2. Something you know beyond a 'shadow of a doubt'? 

"Jesus loves me this I know..."

3. Give us an example of history repeating itself in some way, in your own life or the lives of your children.

Well I've spent most of my married life living a fair distance (geographically) from my parents and so far my girls are doing the same. I hold out hope that one day they will be at least within a short car ride from us, but in the meantime I'm grateful for their sense of adventure, their confidence, and their optimism which makes the miles feel like less than they are. 

And deep in my heart I know God is teaching them so much about who they are and who He is and I guess He's also still teaching me a few things too. 

4. Snowed under, snow job, not a snowball's chance, snowbird, on thin ice, snug as a bug in a rug, tip of the iceberg, snowball effect, run hot and cold....choose a wintry idiom and tell us how it best applies to your life right now. 

I've never really wanted to be a snowbird. I enjoy the changing seasons and think I would miss that, although a week at the beach somewhere sounds nice right about now. Most evenings I'm snug as a bug in a rug in my warm home, the fireplace burning, a blanket on my lap, and a really good book that isn't light and would probably be a lot for a summer read but is just right for February. 

5. Your favorite sign of spring? 

More daylight. It's a subtle change but with the ever lengthening days I know spring is on her way. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Who cooks duck here, and if you're raising your hand tell me how you like to fix it. Hubs went duck hunting and now we need to fire up the grill. Or the oven. Or the stovetop? I've only eaten duck in restaurants so if you have a favorite recipe send it my way. We have just breast, not whole ducks. 


  1. I caught myself doing a double take at the clock this past week. It was still light outside and it was a little past six o'clock! I love more daylight hours.

  2. Joyce,

    I like your answers for #1 and #2. It would be fun to relive the days when my three children were from two to eight years of age. I also know that Jesus loves me even when I don't love myself so much. The extra daylight is a beautiful sign of spring. I love the extended hours of sunlight in the late afternoons pushing well into the evening hours by mid-summer which is my favorite part of a summer day. No advice to give on how to cook duck but that would be nice to know. I'll be eager to read what you learn. :) Thanks for hosting the mid-week fun, my dear!

  3. Snowbird & Snow Job were two I've never heard of before :) LOL
    I think a lot of us are going to put JESUS as our thing we know without a doubt - love it!

  4. Great answers. I'm glad that Jesus loves me and I can sing that song with my grandchildren. I've never made duck anything. I'm sure there are some great recipes out there. Happy new month to you!

  5. Something I have thought about often is that idea of kids moving away from their parents - since it is there life after all - but now that I have kids, I wish we lived even closer to my parents. We're about 3 hours now and it's not a bad drive.

  6. I'm with you about missing the seasons! 1 think I didn't like about living in SC was that every season was so short...except summer! :)
    No duck here.

  7. Yes, Jesus loves you! I wrote about moving my children away from family. Great answer on more daylight. I've noticed it starting and I'm so happy for it. I agree, I would love a week at the beach right now. I have not cooked duck buy Mark's grandmother did.
    I have a Czech cookbook that says: Cleans, wash and dry the duck. Rub inside and outside with salt, pepper and caraway seed. Bird is usually left unstuffed. But on the inside you put a small branch of marjoram. Put on a rack, breast up in a roasting pan. Roast at 325 degrees for 45 minutes per lb. Pour off fat during roasting. Test if done by moving drumstick. Skin should be brown and crispy. A 4 to 5 lb duck serves 4 people.

  8. Hi Joyce,
    My husband's family owned a restaurant called Big Bear Lodge. Jeremy's mom was known for her Orange Roasted Duck.
    Sadly, we do not have the recipe, many times Jeremy wishes we did and a few other recipes that did not get passed down.

    I liked how you answered #3.

  9. I have only eaten duck once, in a restaurant, and I don't even remember how it was prepared. It was more than 35 years ago. Good luck!! Let us know what you decide to do!! Thanks for the fun Hodgepodge, Joyce! xo

  10. We like duck but don't have it often. It's not hard to cook and I'm sure you've found a recipe. My favourite though is duck pancakes from the Chinese takeaway - with spring onions, cucumber and plum sauce. Many recipes suggest an orange flavoured sauce but that's not for me. Hope you enjoy it however you cook it!

  11. We have the same exact answer for #2. I'm so glad he loves us all! Your answer about more daylight is great! I noticed yesterday that it was just getting dark at 5:30. I looked back in December and saw that we would gain a minute of daylight per day (basically) and told my sister-in-law that I was looking forward to the end of January and more light. I've never eaten duck (husband has) and I've never cooked it.

  12. More daylight...yes!! And today we are having close to 80* highs and loads of sunshine. My back door is open! Can spring be far behind?

    I am thankful that one of my daughters has moved back 'home' to El Paso - in her own home not ours. Wish I could get the other daughter closer. But we are in the same state. Texas is just a BIG state.

  13. My grandma had an excellent duck recipe because it tasted delicious but I was a child and didn't know how she prepared it. It was à Christmas meal. Now the only duck I eat is Chinese !!
