Welcome to another edition of The Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then leave a comment for the blogger before you. Here we go-
1. Do you know much about (or understand) Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Does it worry or excite you?2. What was the last song you listened to? Your favorite movie soundtrack? What song always puts you in a good mood?
Oh My Soul by Casting Crowns was playing on the radio when I got out of the car a few minutes ago.
As far as movies soundtracks go it would be hard to choose a favorite. A few favorites would be The Big Chill, Saturday Night Fever, A Star is Born and Almost Famous.
A song that always puts me in a good mood? Dancing Queen by Abba. Don't judge.
3. What were you doing ten years ago?
May 30, 2013
This is when a blog is helpful. I scrolled back through my end of May/early June posts from that year, and it seems life was rather ordinary. I wrote about my blooming Viburnam hedge, celebrating my nephew's 7th birthday, a teacher daughter home for a visit, hubs traveling hither and yon, enjoying the outdoor fire pit, dinner with friends, and taking a spin in the little red car.
Hubs and I were living in North Jersey, Daughter1 was in D.C., Daughter2 in South Carolina, and both girls were single and working. Hubs was working too, and Daughter2 finished her Master's degree that summer. Life was good and for the record none of us live in those same places ten years later.
An awful lot of change happens in a decade, doesn't it?
4. Your favorite no-bake summer dessert?
Blueberry pie. I do cook the filling on the stove, but the pie isn't baked.
5. Something you're looking forward to in June?
Sweet Baby J turns one in June, and I'm looking forward to celebrating this boy who has brought so much sunshine into my life this year.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
You never know what's going to pop up when you peel back the years. This picture was on my blog May 6, 2013. She never did catch one of the chipmunks or groundhogs who lived in our rock wall, but she sure loved to try. Sweetest dog ever.
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Been a long time since I've had a blueberry pie but for sure, berries are a summer-time food!
ReplyDeleteI am just not ready to wrap my brain around all of the AI stuff, right now. Blueberry pie is one of my favorite treats.
ReplyDeleteThose are awesome soundtracks you mentioned. I do so poorly in answering a question when I'm put on the spot. :) I never even gave a thought to looking at my blog posts from 10 years ago. What a difference 10 years has made in your life. How exciting to be celebrating Baby J's 1st birthday. Grandchildren are the best blessing from God. Sweet random photo. Enjoy your day.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your answers. I always love seeing pictures of your dog. He's so beautiful! Life does change a lot in 10 years.
ReplyDeleteI love a good blueberry pie. Mine sounds a little similar. I cook part of the berries on the stove and fold in uncooked ones at the end, then the pie is chilled before eating.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, when I get a question about what I was doing x number of years ago, the blog is my best source for remembering!
I love looking back ... more often than not going, "Wow!" Love me some Casting Crowns. Thanks for another entertaining episode of Hodgepodge!
ReplyDeleteMy dog likes to chase squirrels too. I had to go back and look at my old blog. I see that I had a nice Mother's day and a busy year, in spite of the loss of my dad. Life goes on and grandchildren make it special!
ReplyDeleteLooking back is always fun! When you are on a Hodgepodge break, I always go back in time and post an old Hodgepodge. I would love your blueberry pie recipe!! How can Baby J be a year old already? Good golly, the time goes so fast. xo
ReplyDeleteDancing Queen is a great feel-good song! :-) I was also amazed by how much has changed in just ten years, and found an interesting parallel to what I'm doing now.
ReplyDeleteOh yes I love Dancing Queen! 10 years ago would mean I was home with a 5, 7, & 9 year old so I'm sure this time of year was spent with lots of time getting wet in the lake. They never seemed to care how cold it was and just wanted IN the moment it was completely thawed and the sun was warm.
ReplyDeleteYes on Dancing Queen! Thanks, as always, for writing the questions for us!! I appreciate the nudge to blog each Wednesday!
ReplyDeleteBlueberries are one of my favorite fruits ! When I checked the day 10 years ago, thanks to my blog I realized that Rick started with the first signs of Parkinson ! Nobody knew as he didn't tremble what à vicious disease !
ReplyDeleteHi Joyce... AI is so out of my realm it's not even funny. Now Dancing Queen... you're talking my language. Isn't it amazing how quickly ten years flew by... Hope you have a wonderful Summer and I can't wait to get into my old Hodgepodge seat in the Fall!
ReplyDeleteGeez, just getting around to commenting. I enjoyed your answers. I had to go back to seeing what I was doing 10 years ago too. lol.