Monday, August 31, 2009

They Say It's Your Birthday

Almost thirty years ago I met and fell in love with my husband. Today he is celebrating a milestone birthday. I use the word celebrate very loosely because he is working and traveling all day and I'm not really sure how much fun you can have in an airport. I will say this though...if there is any fun to be found he will be the one to find it. Because he knows how to enjoy life. To seize a moment. To pull you into a moment right along with him. To laugh. To make me laugh. To embrace opportunity. To love a challenge. To be spontaneous.

He never met a stranger. He is the person you sit next to on a plane and you find yourself telling him your life story. He draws people out. He makes people feel comfortable when they are not. There isn't a microphone on any stage that he wouldn't love to step behind. He believes I can do anything and he encourages me to try. He gets teary eyed when he talks about his daughters. He has passion and drive, integrity and determination and he admires that in others too. He has boundless energy. He is honest. That sounds kind of like a boy scout. Oh wait, he was a boy scout. An eagle scout in fact because he doesn't do anything halfway.

When I imagined the post I'd write in honor of his birthday today I was thinking it would be funny and a little bit him. Instead I find myself feeling rather sentimental. But this is okay too. Because he feels deeply and loves completely.

A couple of months ago I saw this video on Steph's blog and told her I was totally going to steal it. And I have.

Happy Birthday to my husband... he reaches the half century mark today but inside he's still that boy with the mischievous grin and the twinkle in his eye. He's still the boy I married.


  1. Happy Birthday, Joyce's Hubs!

    It sounds like you have a prize there. I hope he has a wonderful day (or as good of a day as you can have in airports).

    And I'm glad you liked the video too. Nice affirmation that I'm not the only one with a goofy sense of humor. ;)

  2. Joyce,

    Perhaps you can surprise him at his hotel and have something delivered? Here is wishing your hubby lots more birthday wishes and celebrations and I am sure you will all plan something when he returns home. We definitely need more people like him in this world.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  3. Here's wishing your hubby a happy birthday--a day late. Hope it was a memorable one.

  4. Love the video!
    My brother-in-law is a huge Beatles fan and tomorrow is his birthday.
    I may have to share this with him.

    Your husband sounds like an amazing man, Joyce.
    Please tell him your blogging friend from Oklahoma said "Happy 50th!!"

    P.S. My husband got something in the mail today from AARP! :)
