Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Indulging in the Wednesday Hodgepodge-Vol 97

Welcome to the Wednesday glad you joined the fun today!  Add your link to the bottom of my post before you run off and visit the neighbors.  Here are my answers-

1.  In what ways do you indulge yourself?

Probably not as much as I deserve-ha!  I like my toes polished so I do get a pedicure fairly often. Is that indulgent or just routine maintenance post 50? More likely the latter, but it still feels indulgent. I also love naps on the couch on a Sunday afternoon, a long luxurious bath, champagne when its not a special occasion, and reading when I should be doing something else.

2. Have you ever taken a cooking class?  Any interest?  What type of class would you most like to try?

I've taken several cooking classes and would love to do more. One thing on my bucket list ( if I had a bucket list) would be a week long cooking experience somewhere in Italy. Or France. Or Italy and France.  

3.  What does it mean to be a good citizen?

The first thing that popped into my head was they don't litter. I'm pretty sure that's what we were taught in grade school when I was growing up. Still true. Good citizens don't litter.

Besides that whole not littering thing I'd say good citizens are law abiding people who vote, help their neighbors, and show respect for this nation and the men and women who fight to defend our many freedoms.  

4.  'Tis the season of the political these ads influence your vote?

No, but I consider myself an informed voter. I'd like to think everyone who votes takes the time to listen to a candidate in their own words, but I know that's not the case.  In this day and age I don't think anyone should base their vote on a political ad.  

Most candidates have websites and public records reflecting their experience and ideology that can be accessed with the stroke of a keyboard.  I think anyone who plans to vote should absolutely watch the debates. It's one of the very few opportunities we have to hear a candidate answer for himself and that's important.  

5.  What's something you see today that makes you wish you were a kid again? many Hodgepodges will I read today where people answer by saying,"I don't want to be a kid again"? More than a few I bet. I don't want to be a kid again either but if I must choose something I'd say-imagination unencumbered by the reality of life.  

6.  What's your least favorite cliche?

All's well that ends well.

It seems when I'm on the receiving end of this one it usually means someone dropped the ball on their responsibilities but thinks its okay because in the end everything somehow got done.   

7.  What percentage of your Christmas shopping has been completed?  How does that make you feel?

.oo1?  Let's just say I've barely gotten started, and I'm perfectly okay with that.  I'll pick up some things here and there in the next few weeks, but I always do the bulk of my shopping in December. 

I like my holidays one at a time, and Thanksgiving is my favorite.  I need to linger a while in the soft light and golden hues of autumn before rushing headlong into Christmas.  

That being said,  I did order my Christmas cards this week and that feels really good.  I was highly motivated by a fabulous coupon expiring Monday at midnight.  

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I'm part of a gourmet group that meets for lunch once a month.  Normally we have a theme to work around, maybe something ethnic or seasonal, and everyone prepares a dish in keeping with the theme.  This month it was a little bit different and we did a 'brown bag' lunch.  You had to pack a lunch for someone in a pretty or creative container and then we voted on best menu and most creative packaging.  

We drew numbers and chose a lunch to eat after the voting and it was fun to see what everyone came up with.  I went with an apple theme and packed mine in a red riding hood style basket lined with red and white dish towels.  I printed the menu on a paper apple and tied it to the basket and then wrapped the basket handle with gingham ribbon.  

The lunch I made included a Waldorf chicken salad, an autumnal pasta salad, a croissant, a small bag of white cheddar popcorn, harvest punch, and an apple pie cupcake with cinnamon frosting.  The lunch I chose was filled with Italian goodies and packed in two cute tins.  I think everyone went home happy!


  1. You are much better than I am regarding Christmas cards. I quit sending them several years ago. I do enjoy receiving them, however, and even love reading letters (brag-a-thons) from friends. It's usually the only time I hear from friends from far away.

  2. I enjoyed reading your answers to each of the questions. Your lunch basket is beautiful and very creative, I am sure whoever received it enjoyed it very much.
    Thanks for being a great host and for coming up with such great questions each week.

  3. I really enjoyed your answers this put a lot of thought into it. Political ads I don't like, but I DO make sure I watch debates. Now, I must also add, I loved your 'apple' basket lunch. Mmmmmm, apple pie cupcake? With Cinnamon Icing?!!! [where do I sign up for that....kidding....but in all that sounds scrumptious]

  4. I like your lunch in a basket as well. Very nicely done. Yes, I did say that in no way would I want to be a kid again.

  5. #2 - Yes! I want to do that too! I pick Italy!

  6. I love your answers. I love having my toes and my fingernails polished. It's one of those girly things that makes me feel feminine even at 55. I also like my holidays one at a time. I am enjoying Halloween right now by decorating and looking forward to Trunk-or-Treat at church.

  7. Your basket lunch is adorable and the contents sounds YUMMY! You are so creative! I agree with your #6- it usually means that when someone says it to me too. Funny- the no littering thing was the first thing that popped into my head too! But then I thought, nah, nobody will get that these days. LOL Birdie and I thought of taking a cooking class or two together once upon a time. Maybe we'll revisit that idea. But going to Italy or France makes the idea even better! :) Have a great day!

  8. I have gotten a few things for Christmas. Nothing that adds up to anything. Last night I ordeedr two Maybooks (calendars). I love the lunch idea so cute!!

  9. Wow! Your "brown bag Lunch" looks beautiful and sounds delicious! One of the SF&N ladies was VERY lucky to get it!

  10. Really cute idea with the apples! Maybe it was the "educator" in you coming out!

  11. I said littering too!!! We definately must have been indoctrinated!

    Your lunch looks and sounds yummy.

  12. Love the 'brown bag lunch' idea. Yes, we all need to watch the debates, but oh those commercials are something else.

  13. Oh yes! Not a fan of that cliche either!

  14. Amen on the cliche choice! And what a darling lunch basket! I imagine someone was very happy to get that one!

  15. Okay, that lunch idea is just the cutest and I may just have to steal it for my girlfriend lunch in Dec. Just so cleaver!

    You always have the best answers and might I add, the best questions! :o) Happy mid-week!

  16. I loved your lunch basket, such a cute idea! Give me a brown bag lunch like that one, any day :)

  17. Your basket lunch is beautifully done! Christmas cards BEFORE Halloween… OH LADY YOU ARE GOOD!!!!!!!! :)

  18. What an absolutely gorgeous lunch you put together ... no one would complain about a "brown bag lunch" if they were served that! Whoever chose your lunch had quite a feast!

    And yes, I was one of those who said that I didn't want to be a kid again. Sorry! ;-)

  19. I forgot about showing respect for those who serve and have served! Good point.

  20. I am with you on reading when I should be doing something else. :) Also, I agree wholeheartedly that Christmas shopping should be done, for the most part, near to Christmas. That's part of the fun of it! And I plan to order my cards today. :)

  21. I would've gone home happy with your basket lunch! How creative! Did you win? If not, did you photograph the winning lunch? Do show if so! "Imagination unencumbered by the realities of life." Amen, sister. How I'd love to have that again.

  22. I love that lunch idea. Your basket is so cute. I agree with your Christmas shopping answer completely! The one thing I think I should try to do earlier is ordering my Christmas cards. I like to wait and hope for snow in December so I can get a picture of the kids out in the snow for our card. Maybe I should rethink that ;)

  23. Your gourmet group sounds like so much fun! The basket is so cute and it sounds so tasty! Now I want to make cupcakes. :)

  24. As always I thoroughly enjoyed reading your answers to your questions. Your gourmet group sounds like so much fun. I loved the creativity in you basket and the food choices sounds delicious and fun! I agree with you, savour Thanksgiving.

  25. I don't think I want to be a kid again, but I do have good memories from childhood! :)

  26. You had me at "apple pie muffin". :) I would love the recipe if you have one. :)

    If I have a long enough break here, I plan on joining in on your HodgePodge.

    It's always great to be here, Joyce. I visited daughter1, too.

  27. Do you know I saw Christmas stuff in both Rite Aide and BJ's yesterday! I simply could not believe that! It gets earlier every year!

  28. What a beautiful basket lunch! Your lunch group sounds like a really neat idea. I have been enjoying my holidays one at a time, too! I have a hard time not skipping Halloween and Thanksgiving because I love Christmas so much. My kids enjoy each holiday so I have been trying to indulge them:) I though of "Don't be a litter bug" with the citizen question, ha! Have a really great week!

  29. I didn't do Hodgepodge this week because I did my Wed. blog early when I had time, but really enjoyed your questions this week and your answers by the way.

  30. That is a really really cute idea ~ the lunch thing!

    Wow, Christmas cards. I'm impressed. ;)

  31. What a pretty basket and that sounds like such a fun get-together idea.

  32. I think you and I could spend our leisure time together exactly the same way! :-)

  33. really late getting in...almost forgot...sorry

  34. It is good to be back! hehehe I guess on classes you were talking about cooking huh? Oh well I love to cook but I would still rather take an oil painting
    until next time... nel

  35. That lunch is making me drool!

    I'm a huge fan of naps. I love the indulgence!

  36. I always enjoy dropping by and visiting.

  37. i love the gourmet lunch idea! so fun :)

  38. I'm 50/50 on the kid thing myself. I had a great childhood... wonderful Mother and Grandma... but boy did I loathe school!

