Thursday, March 3, 2016

Thursday Thirteen. Ish.

What does one do when one feels like blogging, but doesn't have much to say? They blog anyway. And a list is always a good idea, especially on a Thursday.

Here's my thirteen somethings-

1. I've been browsing through my collection of scanned photographs for a little project here, and came across the absolute sweetest picture of my girlies when they were oh so small. I started to post it here, as a #hashtagthrowbackthursday #bestillmyheart, but they're in tiny swim suits and I started imagining the creepy crawlies all around the Internet and decided against it. Do you think about the creepy crawlies when you post pics online?

2.  I did find another swim related pic I can post, taken during this very same week in March, 2008-

Daughter2 and one of her best buds at a high school swim meet.

In Cairo.

I know! I love this last one...not a shot you see every day, and perhaps not what you imagine when you think Egyptian pyramids, but real life.

Pizza Hut and history.
High school swimmers need both.

6. Anyone notice what I did there? Totally legit.
Also, 2008 feels like a long time ago.

7.  Hubs is working from home today which is nice. A couple of weeks I ago I tagged along to NC with him, a quick couple of days on the tail end of our long weekend with friends. I met a blog friend for lunch one day, which was really fun. (Odom Party of Five) I think we started blogging about the same time, and we're both moms of adult daughters. So great to meet in person.

8. Here's a tip for making your Thursday more super than your Tuesday...steer clear of the news and social media. Other than my blog of course. You're safe reading here.

9.  I'm re-reading My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers this year, and every morning I remember how much I love this book. I bought the journal version since my copy is in storage and I like to journal in the morning. It's been in print since the early 30's, but is still relevant, convicting, and filled with wisdom for daily living in 2016.

10. What in the world am I making for dinner tonite???

11.  Tomorrow my son-in-law celebrates a birthday so whoohoo! I know my daughter will make him feel special and adored because he is. And she knows peanut butter is his love language so I'm sure she'll find a way to serve up some peanut butter in the form of cookies, cake, pie, or ice cream.

12.  This picture was taken the first time we met, August 2013. We spent the day in Annapolis and insisted the Army boy have his photo snapped in front of the Naval Academy. He agreed but under duress.

13. Also, it was the hottest day of the century and we were literally melting.  Well maybe not literally, but close to it.  My son-in-law is a good sport, and we capped off the day with a crab feast at our favorite spot-Cantlers.

Happy birthday dear Dr. Captain! I'm so glad you're family now, and I appreciate so very much the gentle love and care you show my girl. Your girl. Our girl.

 May the year ahead be filled with good health, lots of love, and all the joy your heart can hold.


  1. Yes indeed - happy birthday to Dr. Captain! I know I have come to care about him as much as I care about all of you! Blogging friends are special folks. Those crabs look SO delicious!

  2. I enjoyed your Thursday thirteen, and Happy Birthday to your son-in-law!
    Kathy (Reflections)

  3. Yes, the "creeps" on the internet are why my DIL and son do not allow posting of their girlies on social media, thus the little heart that is always across their faces. I hate it but sure understand.

    Loved your 13!

  4. Always nice to look back on good memories. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Love this!! I enjoyed your Thursday Thirteen very much. Have a good weekend!

  6. The news media right now is making me crazy. I resolved to stay away from it for a while. I'm not big on conflict, and it's a long time until November. Whoever wins will then be under fire from the news media as well.

  7. Fun! I enjoyed your Thursday Thirteen. :-)
    What did your daughter surprise your son in law with? When you mentioned PB ice cream, yummy!
    Happy Birthday to your son in law. I love the relationship you have with him.
    Have a great weekend!
