Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hey Peeps! It's The Hodgepodge!

Hi Hodgepodge peeps! So glad you could join in here on this first Wednesday of Spring. If you've answered today's questions add your link at the end of my post, then hop over and say hello to your neighbor in the link up. Here we go-

1. Has spring sprung in your little corner of the world? Other than the calendar how would I know? What's your favorite thing about spring?

Yes it has. Now I did have to scrape my windshield when I headed out to the dentist early Tuesday morning, but by lunchtime we were in the mid-60's with plenty of glorious sunshine. I spied some pink tulips in full bloom and passed a mass of redbuds showing off too. Pastels dotting the landscape sing springtime to me. 

My favorite thing about spring? More daylight! 

2. Besides the weather, what's put a spring in your step recently?

I was out at the lot yesterday checking the progress on our home build and definitely had a spring in my step. The sky was a cloudless bright blue, sunlight was dancing on the water which I've told you at least a hundred times is my favorite thing in the world, and the framers had added the roof to our front entryway, They also got the screened porch framed in and roofed.

couldn't quit smiling. Daughter1 called while I was out there and I texted her a bunch of pictures and we talked about how we can't wait to sip a cup of tea on the covered deck one day in the not too distant future. 

3. How does Easter impact you?

The world is a really hard place right now. My heart breaks for the people of Belgium and all those touched in some way by the despicable act of terrorism in the Brussels Airport this week.  

Closer to home I know so many struggling with significant health challenges, difficult and painful family situations, and more. 

And into this great big mess of a world comes Easter. I love the way God makes all things new. I love the way even the Earth submits to His grand design as winter turns to Spring. 

Easter reminds me this place is not my home. That in this world we will have trouble, but Jesus has overcome the world. That we only see in part, but God knows the end from the beginning. Easter says there is hope. Live hopefully. 

"...Now we live in the hope of eternal life because Christ rose again from the dead. And God has reserved for his children the priceless gift of eternal life; it is kept in heaven  for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. And God, in his mighty power, will make sure that you get there safely to receive it because you are trusting him. It will be yours in that coming last day for all to see. So be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead...' 1 Peter 1:3-6 (The Living Bible)

4. I saw this somewhere on Facebook and thought it would make a fun Hodgepodge question. Which of the following would you find most disappointing...

a just stuffed taco shell breaking open and spilling out when before you take the first bite? dropping a just-purchased Starbucks/Dunkin Donuts coffee? opening the peanut butter jar and finding it empty? upending a just-purchased ice cream cone?a burnt bagel popping up in your toaster when you're rushing breakfast? or cutting into an avocado and finding out it's rotten? 

I really hate cutting into an avocado that's rotten, but if the taco incident happened to me I'd likely be wearing the taco, and that would be most annoying. 

5. What's something held together with tape at your house? Or a paper clip? Or a wing and a prayer?

I want to say the Internet. I can be happily typing, reading, surfing around, step away for a quick second, and then step back to the computer only to see the message-'you are not connected to the Internet'. 

Refresh, refresh, refresh, hit the keyboard a few hundred times, flip the switch on the magic black box a few hundred times more, resist inserting a naughty word, refresh again, and finally it's back. Grrrr....

6. Do you feel underappreciated? In what way?

No, at least not by my little family of five. I know I'm appreciated as a wife and mother, and I think as a mother-in-law too. 

7. What's something you'd build if you knew how?

I wish I had the skill to do rock work, as in build a retaining wall, an outdoor firepit, etc. That would come in handy right about now. 

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Happy Easter to each one of you reading here wins. 


  1. My internet connection depends on the weather...nice weather great internet service but let the wind blow..yep there goes my internet connection. Have a Happy Easter.

  2. Unbelievable. Your answer to number 3 was exactly the passage I put in mine and then I deleted because I thought it was too long. Your answer is beautiful. Just perfect. Your new home is certainly an exciting thing to be looking forward to.
    Happy Easter to you too.

  3. Your house appears to be coming along nicely.

    Internet troubles are so frustrating!

  4. Joyce...I love how your house is looking and that view...WOW! I can hardly wait to see the finished result! Love your answer to #3! I'm with you...losing Internet drives me bonkers, too. It's happened numerous times and it does make you want to pull your hair out. Here's hoping you and yours have a BLESSED EASTER!

  5. Love, love, love your Easter answer!!!
    Your home is coming right along and looking good!!!
    Wishing you and your people a blessed Easter!

  6. I can't wait to see the finished photos of your house. It looks awesome!!! It will be worth the wait for that cup of tea on the deck. Rock work would be an awesome skill to have. I think I will add that to my list. Happy Easter! He is risen indeed!!!

  7. That's a great answer to #3, especially the passage.
    Every time I see the view from your house, it takes my breath away...
    We're experiencing the same problems with our internet, and it's so annoying. Speaking of that, I got lucky, today, and could actually see the 'linky' :) Yay!!!
    Have a happy Easter, and thanks for all you do, Joyce.
    Kathy (Reflections)

  8. Yes, love does win. Happy Easter to you and yours, Joyce!

  9. Hi Joyce... I was out all day yesterday and couldn't work on my Hodgepodge. Your house looks great. Must be so fun seeing all the progress. Have a great Easter.

  10. Great Easter Hodgepodge! Wishing you and yours a Blessed Easter!

  11. I love that we get more daylight too, but I often forget to get dinner started early enough ;) I answered about building a firepit too :)
    Have a wonderful Easter!

  12. So much fun to watch a new house going up. Congratulations!

  13. Hi Joyce,
    Love the photos of your house. It looks like things are going well. I love the view of the lake and the pine trees.
    Love wins!! I like that!!
    Happy Easter,

  14. I really do love having more daylight. Your new home looks spectacular! I seem to wear more food these days and it really upsets me. You are very lucky to be appreciated. Happy Easter to you too.....

  15. More daylight is my favorite too!! Happy Easter!

  16. That view from your home is breathtaking. Oh my goodness!I can not wait to see more pictures.

  17. Oh my gosh that view from your 'windows' is fabulous!
    The Hubby says that the kids do appreciate me, it's the period of life they're in right now that makes me think they do not. Psh. I say, it's my fault. (Of course) We JUST had this conversation, actually. I feel like you're in my head sometimes with your questions. Does not surprise me anymore. At all.

  18. I agree with you about more daylight - our clocks change on Sunday and I can't wait. Lovely lovely answer for Easter. Hopefully the internet was playing ball while you were doing all that, especially getting the photo update done! Happy Easter.

  19. That is a beautiful view.
    Mama Bear

  20. The house is coming right along! Do you have a projected end date? I know it's going to be lovely!

  21. I read your blog about 5:30 this morning. Just looked again at the photos. Your house is going to be something and the view is incredible. How lovely.

  22. Loved your answer to #3, very profound. And, your house is really coming along. So exciting!

  23. Great HodgePodge. Happy Easter to you too!

  24. And you are greatly appreciated as a very wonderful daughter-in -law. We love you so much.
    Sally and Tim

  25. I love your answer to #3 especially.

    I am glad that things are moving right along for your house. How exciting! When are they expecting to be finished with it?

    Have a blessed Easter!

  26. Great hodgepodge and have a Happy Easter!
