1. Has spring sprung in your little corner of the world? Other than the calendar how would I know? What's your favorite thing about spring?
2. Besides the weather, what's put a spring in your step recently?
3. How does Easter impact you?
4. I saw this somewhere on Facebook and thought it would make a fun Hodgepodge question. Which of the following would you find most disappointing...
a just stuffed taco shell breaking open and spilling out before you take the first bite? dropping a just-purchased Starbucks/Dunkin Donuts coffee? opening the peanut butter jar and finding it empty? upending onto the sidewalk a just-purchased ice cream cone? a burnt bagel popping up in your toaster when you're rushing breakfast? or cutting into an avocado and finding out it's rotten?
5. What's something held together with tape at your house? Or a paper clip? Or a wing and a prayer?
7. What's something you'd build if you knew how?
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Thank you Joyce, see you tomorrow. Enjoy your day!
ReplyDeleteI'll see you tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Joyce. Looking forward to seeing everybody spring some answers on you tomorrow! Love your hodgepodge.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Joyce!! See you here tomorrow. I look forward to the Hodgepodge each week! Thanks!!