Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A Berry Nice Hodgepodge

We're kicking off this first day of June with another edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. If you've answered this week's questions be sure to add your link at the end of my post. Then go say something nice to the blogger linking before you because today is National Say Something Nice Day.

Here we go-

1. Tell us about one fun thing on your June calendar.

We celebrate 32 years of married life this June, so there's that. Course it lands on a Thursday so hubs will be dining at a work event, and I'll be dining with friends on the other side of town. They tell me we can Skype him in-ha! 

2. How careful are you in the sun? Do you tan or burn? Do you make it a point to see the dermatologist every year?

Ah the sun. Why must it be so bad for you??? I used to only tan, but now I'll burn if I'm not covered in sunscreen so I wear the lotion and a hat, spend time in the shade, and yes I do visit the dermatologist once a year. 

3.  Describe a time when you wanted to 'throw in the towel'.

Not often because I'm quite stubborn, but in all likelihood it had something to do with a computer problem I couldn't solve on my own. Thankfully I birthed my very own I.T. department so the frustration doesn't ever last for long.  

4.  What's a song you love that has a day of the week in the title or lyrics? 

Again with the pick one? My favorite is probably Easy (Like Sunday Morning) by the Commodores with Saturday in the Park by Chicago coming in a close second. 

5.  Are you a fan of berries? Which one's your favorite? What's the most recent berry dish you've eaten? Which blueberry breakfast food appeals to you most-blueberry pancakes, blueberry yogurt, or a blueberry muffin? 

I love berries. Blueberries are my favorite, but when it comes to berries I'm really not picky. We had mixed berries for breakfast on Monday morning and they were delish. Of the breakfast foods listed blueberry pancakes appeal to me, but I almost never eat pancakes. I like hubs to order blueberry pancakes when we go out to breakfast and then I can have one bite which is enough. I'd choose the yogurt. 

6.  What's something you want to do before your next birthday?

Move into the new house! And on the off chance Bob the Builder is reading here, my birthday's mid-September. Maybe I should tell him it's in mid-July? 

7.  June 1st is National Say Something Nice Day, so let's all say something nice here. 

I was grocery shopping Tuesday morning and a man shopping near me gave me a coupon for $10 off a $50 order. Whoohoo! It was expiring that day and he said he wasn't going to have $50 worth of groceries so would be happy for me to use it. Small unexpected kindnesses make life so much sweeter, don't you think? 

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

My nephew turns 10 today, and if you're related to me and your birthday falls on the Wednesday Hodgepodge you get a birthday shoutout. 

I thought it would be fun to see what else turns ten this year, and that list includes-Taylor Swift's first album, Twitter, High School Musical, and Nintendo Wii (anyone besides us still have one?). 

Oh, and also Facebook although it had been available to college students before then, but 2006 was the year your mama could finally see what you were up to online. Not this mama because I did not jump on the FB bandwagon until a few years later.  

Happy birthday A! I wish I were there to hold up two hands on your big day! 


  1. Have a great anniversary. We are 32 this year too.

  2. hope you have a great anniversary

  3. Happy Anniversary! Our 32nd anniversary will be in November. I'm sorry that you two won't be celebrating it together.

    I birthed an I.T. Department, too! The US Marine Corps is benefiting from his service now, but he can fix pretty much every computer problem that I have even from 7,000 miles away. :)

    How sweet of the man in the grocery store to give you that coupon!

    Happy birthday to your nephew. :)

    Have a blessed week.

  4. Congrats on your upcoming 32nd anniversary!

    And congratulations to your nephew on his 10th birthday.

  5. Can you believe it's June? Happy Anniversary (a little early) and good luck with the house.

  6. Oh yes, computer problems! I am with you on the frustration they cause - and just throwing up my hands at times.

  7. I enjoyed today's Hodgepodge questions "berry" much :)
    I love it when strangers do random acts of kindness, like sharing a coupon.
    Happy Birthday to your cute nephew, today!
    I'm afraid my computer is not being cooperative and I can't see today's linky (again). Could you please link me up? Thanks in advance.
    Have a great day!
    Kathy (Reflections)

  8. Hi Joyce! I came late to the FB party too. As soon as I got on, my girls got off... Happy birthday to your adorable nephew. Crossing my fingers that you are in your new house by your birthday.

  9. Happy Birthday to your nephew. smiles

  10. Very clever of you to birth your own IT department. :-))

  11. Happy Anniversary and congratulations on your big day. Computer problems do make you want to throw in the towel, don't they? Actually, it is more like I have wanted to throw the computer out the window!
    I don't know what the weather is like there, but here it would be slow going building a house because of all the rain. Happy June!

  12. Those are great songs. I had three for my answer but only wrote down one. We still have a Wii. Happy Anniversary Month :)

  13. I used to tan, but now burn too! Since we have now decided to move to Florida (I know!) I will be slathering on the sunscreen every day!

  14. Saturday in the Park is one of my all time faves, too! I used to have it as my ringtone, and the boys would just roll their eyes!
    Happy Anniversary! We just celebrated our 32nd in May! :)

  15. Well first happy anniversary! 32 years is wonderful. And then I too used to be a sun worshipper and tanned very easy, and hate every minute of it now. Cover up and avoid it when I's just gotten hotter or something, lol. And Saturday in the Park is one of my all time favorites. I've got it in my head now and I have a feeling it will be there all day...grin...And finally, random acts of kindness never fail to make us all smile and puts a warm good feeling inside. You'd think we'd all do them all the time huh? Enjoy your day!

  16. Happy Anniversary!!!
    Saturday in the Park is a good choice!
    Ahh, computer problems, the bane of our existence.
    $10 free dollars, your lucky day!
    Love the picture of you and your nephew!
    Have a wonderful June!

  17. Happy Anniversary! Yes, computer issues can be the most frustrating of all. Those are both great song choices. Happy 10th Birthday to your nephew.

  18. Hi Joyce,
    Our anniversary was yesterday. :-) 19 years.
    Happy Anniversary xx oo
    Have a great week!

  19. Happy anniversary!! Thanks for another fun HP!

  20. Oh, I do hope you are in your gorgeous new home by mid-Sept. Then you will get to do your landscape, unless of course, you are doing that before you move in. We are knee deep and rising with ours and seems it may never end. Sort of like the house building.

    Oh, yes, tech issues with the computer can definitely make me want to throw in the towel.

    Happy Wednesday!!!

  21. I used to be in the sun a lot as a kid since we had a pool. I now am paying for it with these spots, luckily i haven't had anything taken off in years!

  22. Happy Anniversary! None of us would have believed when we celebrated year one that we would be so lackadaisical about how we celebrated this big event years down the road. Our year-long celebration for the 50th was the first time we really did anything special. Am hoping your being in your new home soon will be part of your anniversary and birthday celebrations.

  23. I love the sun, too, but I'm very careful in it because I've had skin cancer. Had my annual check today and got an all clear! Yay! Enjoy your anniversary!

  24. Hi Joyce! Fun questions today! Congrats to you and your hubby on 32 years of marriage...that's awesome!

  25. Congratulations on your anniversary! It is interesting to see what was happening 10 years ago.

  26. Congratulations of 32 years of marriage. That's quite the accomplishment in this day and age! Excellent song choices too! Have a great week!
