Monday, June 20, 2016

The Post Weekend Ramblings Post

First things first. I'm not going to have a Hodgepodge this week because I literally cannot squeeze one more thing into a day/week/month. I've been out of town since last week's Hodgepodge with stops in three states, and will be traveling again this week, so something's gotta give. The Hodgepodge will return next Wednesday (June 29). 

Wait, wasn't it just May 29th? 

Anyhoo, hubs will be here managing the homefront and I'll be galavanting with my mama and also spending time with some
oldlong time friends.

The weekend. Let's discuss. Hubs and I celebrated our anniversary in one of our favorite cities in the whole wide world. A place that makes us sigh and smile and say remember when. 


Let's back the truck up for a minute to last Wednesday. Hubs had a business dinner in Washington D.C. on Thursday evening so I trekked to Raleigh (NC) with him Wednesday, hung out downtown while he worked in the office there, then we got back in the car and drove on to Richmond (Virginia).  

We stayed downtown and had dinner with his brother, sister-in-law, and another good friend who also lives in Richmond. We love Richmond, and there's so many new restaurants and shops I'd like to check out that we might have to go back soon and spend a full weekend there. 

On Thursday (our actual anniversary) we headed to Maryland so hubs could drop me at a friends house and then go back into D.C. to check into his hotel and get ready for his dinner engagement. Too bad you can't earn frequent driving miles because if you could we'd be knocking it out of the park. 

Before he dropped me at a friend's house we managed to grab lunch in downtown Annapolis at one of our favorite spots-McGarveys

Of all the crab dips in the world theirs is the crab dippiest of them all. 

While hubs was doing his work thing in D.C. my friend and I had lunch with my former across the street neighbor. We raised our children together and I loved catching up in person.

Hubs drove back to Annapolis after work on Friday and we spent the rest of the weekend right here.

Also here. Our friends took us out on their beautiful boat and we cruised to the Eastern Shore for a long leisurely lunch beside the water...crab cakes of course! When in Rome...

The weather was spectacular with low humidity, a light breeze, and sunny skies.

Ahh, the bridge and the boat spray and the beautiful Chesapeake Bay.

It's always so hard to peel ourselves away from the water here. It's such good medicine, and we're so thankful for good friends who always say come on over and let's pick up right where we left off.

We headed out early Sunday morning to make the all day drive home so hubs could have Father's Day dinner with one of his girls. Technically he might say two of his girls because he's pretty crazy about Daughter2's sweet pup too.

A perfect ending to a wonderful weekend.


  1. Girl, I don't know how you ever know where you are when you get up of a morning. Yes, they definitely should give frequent driving miles. What gorgeous pictures and of course, you were in "my country" when you were in Richmond and the Chesapeake Bay area. Beautiful area! We'll miss you this week but certainly understand. Happy travels this week.

  2. Happy Belated Anniversary. What beautiful pictures, Joyce...and whhhhaaaaattttttttttttttttt no HP this week (smiling and giggles) what's a girl going to do? (more giggles)

    Have a beautiful rest of the week. smiles

  3. You live such a busy full life with soooo many friends and places you go I feel quite boring in comparison, lol. It all looks soo wonderful. Glad you enjoyed. Have another good week!

  4. Well, I was just about to say almost exactly what Lea said. I lived 12 years in metro DC. Two in Maryland and 10 in Virginia. You just go and go and go! Whew! Will look forward to next week's HP. We'll be on our way to South Carolina on Wednesday....

  5. This post made me tired, just reading it :) Seriously, I'm glad you are out and about having fun. It'll take your mind off of the home building project. I'm also a little relieved that there isn't going to be a Hodgepodge, this week. It's very busy here, too!!! See ya' next week.
    Kathy (Reflections)

  6. Congratulations! Sounds like a great time together.

  7. I've been looking for the Hodgepodge, now I know why I haven't seen it! Wow you have been busy. Good for you. Sounds like a lot of fun. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  8. We lived in the DC area for 4 years in the 1980s. Our kids had the best field trips during that time. I'd like to go back for a visit.

  9. I understand about the hodgepodge. I'd be exhausted after all that travelling and socialising!

  10. Nice holiday pictures ! But I couldn't find out which is your main blog you have so many, that I am confused, lol !

    1. Thank you for visiting. I only have one blog : ) From This Side of the Pond. Many posts though!
