Sometimes Mondays get away from me. On the blog I mean. I start doing some little something around here that needs doing and that one something leads to another something and before you know it, the morning is the afternoon and I feel less inclined to sit down at the computer.
Plus the sun is shining and I want to get out in it. We had a rainy weekend which I secretly loved, because rainy weekends are made for curling up with a book or a Netflix binge or a crossword puzzle or maybe all three and that's pretty much what we did. I feel like my depleted energy tank has refilled to maybe the halfway mark this month. Not traveling was definitely the right call.
Friday night hubs grilled salmon and afterwards we listened to music and played a few hands in our neverending game of Rummy. Let it be known we have been playing Rummy since 1984. He's winning.
Saturday morning we squeezed in a walk before the rains came because we need to walk, but also because we like to check out all the construction going on in the neighborhood. We have a house going up opposite us on the cove, construction beside us, construction two doors down, and just this morning they broke ground on an inland lot opposite our next door neighbors. You almost need a hard hat round here. On the bright side, the lake is still gorgeous. And I'm glad it's a construction palooza as opposed to a one home build per year deal which would mean hammertime for the next forty-eight months as opposed to the next twelve. They're all different builders and it's fun to see so many beautiful houses come to life.
Especially since ours is completed.
Also, it's amazing how often I manage to work hammertime into my vocabulary in a given week-ha! I bet some of you have no idea what I'm talking about.
We did go see a movie Saturday afternoon-The Darkest Hour. It's fabulous! Gary Oldman as Churchill is so good, and in spite of the film being almost all dialogue it's incredibly tense. Really good!
Yesterday we went to church, had a nice brunchy lunch out afterwards, then came home to-see paragraph #2. We're finishing up the last season of Longmire and since some of the characters are starting to annoy I guess that's a good thing. I also finished my book and if you've read it I'd love to hear your thoughts. (Idaho by Emily Ruskovich) A really different kind of story, the writing was absolutely beautiful, but I'm still not sure exactly what I think except to say I really really liked it. I think? The writing was five stars for sure.
I made a big pot of beef stew last night which was totally inspired by last week's Wednesday Hodgepodge so there's that. The Hodgepodge is good for all sorts of things.
The best part of the weekend was facetiming with our little mancub who just happened to be celebrating a birthday. Six whole months! Or half a year old as I like to say. Y'all know I'm all about marking time, but can you believe it's been six months? My daughter1 posted a darling picture on Instagram which I've borrowed because you need to see the cuteness. It's something of an ongoing debate and conversation as to which side of the family he most resembles, but I see in him a nice combination of both.
Except mostly I see his mama. It's the eyes y'all. They positively slay me. The dimples are all his Daddy but the eyes wing me back to the days of mothering his mother. It's definitely the twinkle but it's more the way he looks right at you as if he knows what you're thinking. How in the world did I ever get along without him???
I am so glad to read that Monday's get away from someone else. I was late getting out an email I send to our SS class every Monday morning. Usually early. I did not get out a Monday blog post strictly because I couldn't think of anything anyone would enjoy reading. So when did that stop me before you ask? Good question.
ReplyDeleteContent is challenging in January!
DeleteJanuary is challenging! How did we cope before Facetime etc when loved ones weren't nearby. I hope the hammering isn't too loud.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your Monday post and especially that last photo! He is just beyond adorable!! Six months...whew! Time goes so fast.
ReplyDeleteJanuary? Is it still January?
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute little guy.
So glad that you have been enjoying some down time. You deserve it for sure. And, I agree, little Tommy is the perfect blend of his parents, just too cute! Happy week!
ReplyDeleteI can see your sweet girl and her hubby in that sweet boy's face. And I thought it was the eyes that mostly made me think of his mommy. He's a cutie pie no matter who he resembles. :) I do know where Hammertime comes from, if we're talking about the same thing. LOL Oh, did I ever LOVE LONGMIRE! Until that last season. I've never been so disappointed in a final season. You're right- some of the characters did begin to annoy me more than usual. Wait, I was totally more disappointed in the final episode of LOST. HA! Glad you're enjoying some sunshine. I enjoyed a dreary, foggy day.
ReplyDeleteI loved Longmire too but I really didn't like how they wrapped it up at the end!!! So unlikely!!
DeleteMan Cub is precious Joyce!
They have started building a church in the field behind our house. They haven't gotten to hammertime, still just vehicles BEEPING as they back up and random dumping sounds. It will be a long summer.
It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Just the kind I like. And isn’t that video chatting with grandsons great. Not as good as being there, but still pretty good. He is cute and happy Birthday to him.
ReplyDeleteOh he is the cutest for sure. Such a great twinkle! I get to see our little 10 month old on Saturday on the plane to California and then spend a few days with her and family there. She'll be meeting her only great grandparent, my dear old pop who is almost 95. I understand the whole hammertime time from our past homes. We purchased homes in new developments which meant the hammering went on for months for the "next phases". See you tomorrow for the podge...
ReplyDeleteWhat a cutie-patootie!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely loved Longmire, but I think they've set it up for a sequel, which they shouldn't. If Robert Taylor can't be in it, it's not worth watching. :)
Since I'm down for the count now I'm afraid I won't get in the couple of movies I still need to see. The Darkest Hour is one of them! Six months already. It going by too fast. He is so precious and I am so happy for you.