Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Trending In The Hodgepodge

2018 is rolling right along and so is the Hodgepodge. If you've answered this week's questions add your link at the end of my post then go say howdy to your neighbor. And we're off...

From this Side of the Pond  

1. January is National Mentoring Month. Have you ever had a mentor? Been a mentor? How would you rate the experience?

I've never had a mentor in the form of a spoken arrangement, but certainly there have been people in my life who've poured into particular areas (parenting, my professional life, my spiritual life) so that I felt mentored. I've benefited from the input of someone older and wiser and like to think I've passed along some of what I've learned too. That being said I've never formally been a mentor. 

2. What current trend makes no sense to you?

Quite a few more serious things than what I'm going to say here, but those animal face filters people overuse on Instagram make no sense to me. I truly do not understand their appeal??? 

3. I saw a cartoon on facebook highlighting a few 'weird' things that make you happy as an adult. The list included-writing with a nice pen, having plans cancelled, freshly cleaned sheets, eating the corner brownie, cleaning the dryer lint screen, and sipping coffee in that brief time before anyone else wakes up. (Credit for the cartoon goes here) Of the 'weird' things listed which one makes you happiest? What is one more 'weird' thing you'd add to the list?

It's a tough call but I'm going with freshly laundered sheets. Definitely one of the simplest and loveliest of life's little pleasures. That early morning quiet and coffee though would rank a very close second. 

What might I add to the list? A clean kitchen, blank space on my calendar, and popcorn for dinner

4. What's the last good thing you ate?

We went to a National Championship viewing party Monday evening and there were lots of good things to eat. One of the best was a bacon wrapped stuffed jalapeƱo. So good! Hubs put it on his plate and I had just a bite or two because its January, not December if you know what I mean. 

5. Describe life in your 20's in one sentence.

I think this might become a blog post for me.  Relax! Not my answer, but later after I've considered it a bit more. One sentence is impossible but Benjamin Franklin somewhat captured it for me with this quote-

"Observe all men, thyself most."

6. Insert your own random thought here.

What a difference a day makes! We went from a couple of weeks of frigid temps, winter coats, hats and gloves to yesterday's walk around the neighborhood sans jacket.

Hubs and I even took our books (mine-Everyone Brave Is Forgiven by Chris Cleavedown to the dock and sat in the sun while it lasted. I love winter in the south! 


  1. Jo,

    I, too had plenty of wonderful mentors growing up. My in-laws, especially were excellent role models. I had to smile at your response to what doesn't make sense to you with the animal overlays on the various camera apps. I'd never heard of Snapchat until DD#2 told me about it and while hanging, she took a pix of us using it. We look like deer. I thought it was cute but I had no desire to use the app on my phone or do it again but the thought of it makes me smile. It doesn't make a lot of sense,though. So, you're not alone but...there's a lot this generation is doing that doesn't make sense. :) Bacon wrapped stuffed jalapenos does sound good. I'd like to try those but DH would be like NO to the bacon. We don't eat it because well, it's not the healthiest thing for you but I do miss having it sometimes. Now, I want bacon and it's the new year and I'm trying (really I am) to watch what I eat. Darn, can we get the holidays Oh, yes! We are experiencing the same warming trend and I'm SO loving it, too. Winters in the south is nice and I know when I complain when our weather isn't cooperating that friends up north suffer with much worse for much longer than me. That's when I feel grateful for where I am despite the very chilly conditions. I'm sure we'll get some more cold weather but hopefully it won't be as bad as last week. Thanks for hosting the mid-week Q&A fun, my friend. Have a good day & God bless!

    1. Have you tried the Al Fresco chicken bacon? It's not half bad!

  2. I don't know, those face filters on Snapchat can be pretty hilarious!
    Agreed, a clean kitchen is a simple pleasure.
    We have had beastly weather for the last few weeks too, a slight reprieve the last couple days, and a foot of snow predicted for the weekend! Pure Michigan.

  3. I didn't think about the trend of those animal faces, but I don't get that either.
    I wondered if y'all got any snow last week... Yes, winters in the south are usually pretty mild, but last week was rough! I suppose you could tell me a thing or two about rough winters, huh? :)
    Kathy (Reflections)

  4. I love the smell and comfort of freshly cleaned sheets. Bacon stuffed jalapeno sounds delicious--I love jalapenos.
    Have a great day.

  5. I miss the winter in the South! Have a great week, Joyce.

  6. I understand your comment regarding December eating vs. January eating. Trying to back off from so many calories here, too!

    Thanks for the Hodgepodge questions!

  7. All our lovely snow is gone, school is back in session, traffic is all backed up and the temperatures have gone up into the 60s. I can't stand it when it gets warm in the winter EXCEPT I do get to take the grandbabies to the park! When I think of it that way, I guess the 60s aren't so bad. :) I loved all those things on the 'weird' list but I had no idea they were weird. Have a lovely day!

  8. I could not agree more with you on why people post those photos on Facebook and why they post photos like that of their children. I don't like all the duck lip photos either. Fresh sheets and early morning are my choices as well, but in reverse order. I hope to get on board with Hodgepodge next week. These were good questions today.

  9. The National Championship is what they call the final game in the college football season-American football : ) It's essentially a playoff between the top two teams so this year the University of Georgia Bulldogs vs. The University of Alabama Crimson Tide. It was a great game!

  10. You're so right, I can't stand those animal faces!! What you added to that list are also pleasures of mine. Glad your weather is better.

  11. I'm impressed that you only had a taste of those jalapeno poppers! :)
    I almost did do a whole blog post on question #5. It took on a life of it's own. Question #3 inspired me to get up from the computer and wash my sheets, so thank you and my hubby thanks you. Hope the rest of your week has moments of sitting in the sunshine!

  12. I didn't even think about those animal face filters, but you're right. I just don't find them cute.

    I just changed my sheets this morning -- put it off from my usual Monday because a cold has really zapped my energy. But it was time!

    Our weather has moderated also (though not so much as yours) and it is so nice to have sunshine and milder temps.

  13. You are lucky your weather changed ! We are still in cold and rain, everybody is fed up ! I never saw those animal faces but I would certainly not like them.

  14. I do NOT get those filters either! Must be an 'age' thing. ha The sheets thing makes me chuckle (inside Hubby joke, I'm sure you can guess) Our weather has been unseasonably mild so far. Makes me scared that something harsh is coming. I so hope not, but it's not unheard of us to have snow in Feb.

  15. It's 70 here today...just crazy! I didn't even think about those animal filters! I don't quite get them either...some people just have too much time on their hands!

  16. I love the change in the weather too. I was able to walk the dog tonight just wearing my sweater. Love it!

  17. I do not understand the filters either. I do not like cold weather but love having all 4 seasons

  18. I enjoyed reading your answers! We are enjoying better weather here too!

  19. Hi,
    I had to chuckle when you shared that the life in your 20's question would need to be a post. That is what I thought. I had to ask my husband to help answer. ;-) We left out buying our first house, our two boys were born ... Ha!

    I had some other trend ideas too. Decided not share, I have a feeling we may be both thinking of the same thing.
    ;-) Carla

  20. Hasn't this been the craziest weather?? I hesitates to name Snap Chat filters because I didn't want to offend anyone. You must have been reading my! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  21. Oh, bacon wrapped jalapenos sound divine! And, clean sheets are at the top of my list as well. And, the Georgia/Alabama game was a doozy and proved that it is NOT over until "the fat lady sings." Saban worked his magic once again! :o))

  22. Oh you are right about the tends - those animal faces - filters - I don't get those either.

  23. I wonder if part of the dislike of the filters comes from being like me - technically challenged so I don't actually know how to create them! lol I laughed at your start to #5. My 20s definitely contained huge changes and would probably need more than 1 blog post to sum up. Enjoy the rest of your week Joyce.

  24. I'm with you 100% on those animal face filters. My step-daughter has a new one every day. AAARRGGHHHHH!

    I love fresh sheets too, but I think I would have gone with 'having plans cancelled'. I'm a little bit of a hermit, especially in winter, so not having to go out pleases me immensely.

    I also like a nice pen, though. My favourite is the fountain pen my husband gave me for our anniversary two years ago. And that reminds me of what I'd add: new leather pumps. They make me feel so good!!

    Sorry I don't have the time to officially join in this week.

  25. I must confess I don't know what a "face filter" is. I must further confess that I have no idea what you mean with the reference of it being January and not December.
    I watched the Alabama-Georgia game too. I was thoroughly entertained and surprised that Alabama pulled off a win.
    Send some of that winter heat up this way. Although the past few days have been a nice respite. We go back into the deep freeze on Saturday after a significant rainfall on Friday.
    Thanks for another fine Hodgepodge.

    1. Basically face filters are an app for photos where you make yourself look like an animal- a dog or a rabbit usually. In December I use the holidays as an excuse to eat too many sweets. January it’s time to reinstill some discipline.

  26. I totally agree about the animal face filters - they're all over the place and I don't know why. I love that you would have popcorn for dinner - that's very cool.
    Thanks for a great hodgepodge as always, and have a great week.
