Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Hodgepodge Questions and the Letter V

Here are the questions to this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge. I'm also going to count this post as my entry in today's April A to Z Blog Challenge because I am so busy right now. I'm giving myself a little break here with the letter V. 

Firstly, V is not an easy letter and second, as I was writing this week's Hodgepodge questions it occurred to me I've written volumes. VOLUMES. 460 volumes of Hodgepodge questions to be exact and that's a lot. That's 2300 questions people, and this weekly linkup counts as one of my favorite things so there you have it-

Day 22-V is for Volume

If you're a regular here, you know the drill. Answer on your own blog, then hop back here tomorrow to share answers with all your friends and neighbors. See you there-

1. What does the word values mean to you personally? Where did your values come from? What are some of the values that have guided you throughout your life? 

2. Your favorite vanilla flavored something? 

3. What's something you've seen/done recently that you found to be very difficult, very confusing, very helpful, very interesting, or very special. Elaborate. 

4. Something you own and love that is violet in color? 

5. Do you have vacation plans on the calendar this summer? Tell us more. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.  


  1. Thank you once again for these questions.

  2. It amazes me how you can think up so many questions (and more than you thought as earlier volumes had more questions than the current 5 plus random thought). Yes we're on the home stretch now of the A-Z - you've got this!

  3. Good way to use V!

    1. What does the word values mean to you personally? Where did your values come from? What are some of the values that have guided you throughout your life?
    I guess I see values as a way of what's important to you, what you'd stand up for, what guides you in choices, how you pick your relationships. Some values came from my bio parents, some from families I was with, a few from teachers, and some from life experiences. I value treating others reciprocally, accepting the consensual life choices of others, loyalty, creativity, and determination.

    2. Your favorite vanilla flavored something?
    There was this vanilla coconut candy I had once. I think it was from Brazil.

    3. What's something you've seen/done recently that you found to be very difficult, very confusing, very helpful, very interesting, or very special. Elaborate.
    Very difficult has been the A to Z Challenge for me this year.
    Very confusing has been some questions asked of me that seem drop-dead obvious.
    Very helpful has been Anjela, who stepped up with graphics.
    Very interesting has been several A to Z blogs.
    Very special is my friend surviving a "major heart event."

    4. Something you own and love that is violet in color?
    A blanket from a friend.

    5. Do you have vacation plans on the calendar this summer? Tell us more.
    In early May, I'm going into the woods for a few days.

    6. Insert your own random thought here.
    Venison is delicious.

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author
