Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge and/or the April A-Z Blog Challenge, Day 17. If you've answered this week's HP questions add your link at the end of my post (Hodgepodge links only please), then go say howdy to your neighbor there. If you're looking for letter Q scroll on down to my random thought. Here we go-
1. What's something you wish you had spent more time doing when you were younger? Explain.
Doing more of what matters for eternity and caring less about what people think. In a completely different vein I wish I'd spent more time learning to speak French like a native.
2. Who inspires you to be better. Tell us how.
My daughters. I feel like they live their lives with great intention and that's how I want to live mine too.
3. Share a money saving tip with us.
Stop buying things? Ha. Seriously, that Amazon app. Holy moly it's dangerous.
4. It's National Garlic Day...are you a fan? Your favorite dish that includes garlic?
Definitely a fan, I love it. How to pick a favorite dish though? That's a tough one. Italian is the obvious answer and while it's hard to beat a perfectly toasted piece of garlic bread or a yummy Bolognese, I think I'm going with Thai Green Curry, which might top my list of favorite foods period.
5. Would you describe yourself as decisive or indecisive. Elaborate.
If we're talking about life's most important matters then I'm decisive. However if we're trying to figure out what to watch on TV or where to go for dinner then I'm more indecisive.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Continuing this month to use the random thought space here on Wednesdays for my A-Z Blog Challenge entry...
Day 17-Q is for Quiet
I've decided not to overthink this one. This is my word and I'm sticking with it, even though I've written umpteen posts on the subject. All that blog space devoted to quiet only demonstrates how much I like it.
And when it's not it's because it's full of people I love and that's a good thing. We're a loud bunch. Sure we have grandsons and while I'd like to blame all the noise on them, I can't. Our extended family on both sides is fairly large and we're not all together very often, so when we do get together we talk, sometimes over one another. We laugh and carry on and play our music with the volume turned high.
We embrace the noise. Eventually everyone goes home and our house goes back to being quiet. In this season I'm learning that in order to appreciate both, I need both.
The rhythm of family life.
It's the one reeled in by the fisherman all alone.
It's nobody in the kitchen and a dishwasher at rest.
It's a hands held running COWABUNGA off the dock.
It's 'just us' coffee sipped on the dock.
It's beanbags flying and BBQ smoking.
It's a nap on the couch and an omelette for two.
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Loved your random thought at the end. And LOL to your money saving tip. It's true though.
ReplyDeleteI love what you wrote about the rhythm of family life -- YES! You put words to my thoughts and it is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI love what you did with "quiet." In our 'old age' we are so comfortable with our quiet routine and rarely have anything to threaten that; but when we do, we realize how much we needed that interruption and enjoy it. We also like getting back to the comfort and known. Hoping the rest of your week is spent exactly how you need it to be.
ReplyDeleteThat Amazon app... gets me EVERY TIME. I literally just went on & spent nearly $200.00 just because - while watching TV.
ReplyDeleteLove your random.
ReplyDeleteBfully written...loving the quiet and missing noise....also interesting Hodge podge questions..i saw it somewhere else tooo....i loved the last poetic lines.
ReplyDeleteDropping by from a to z "The Pensive"
Yep, stop buying stuff, that's what I need to do!!! I adore Amazon.
ReplyDeleteI liked reading all of your answers. You're so good at this. Love your random thought. Excellent!
Amen to your random! We have had the noisy and quiet for 5 days solid now. I'm also nodding my head for your #1 except for the 2nd part of the answer I'd say to be more serious about learning Russian. Our Spring is still hearkening back to winter temps the last few weeks. Brrr. Hoping that means less wasps this summer! Blessings!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with the way you stated if you are decisive or indecisive. I am the same way
ReplyDeleteI loved this and love your thoughts on quiet. It's perfect.
ReplyDeleteYour random thought.... just perfect!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for another fun Hodgepodge, Joyce, and your random is brilliant. I miss the noise. It has been too quiet here for way too long now. Well "said" and thank you! xo
ReplyDeleteThe Amazon app!! My downfall!! but I am trying not to purchase so much.
ReplyDeleteThat noise poem is so good! For a few years it was just my husband and I with our oldest daughter (she has Down Syndrome and lives in our daylight basement apartment. We can go a day or two without seeing her.) But recently our middle daughter and 12 year old granddaughter moved in with us - with their two cats - and boy have things changed! But, I also realize it won't be like this forever so I'm relishing in the noise and chaos. For now. :) Oh, perfect answer for #5!! I'm the same way.