Still blogging my way through the alphabet with the April A-Z Challenge. People related to me will not be surprised by today's entry-
Day 7-G is for Games
Listen up. There are two kinds of people in this world-those who love to play games and those who don't. Guess which one I am-ha! I'm not talking athletic competition, but I am talking competition because I do like to win.
I've taught my grandson how to play Crazy 8's and apparently he played with his grandfather during a recent visit. My daughter texted saying the mancub didn't cut granddad any slack when it came to winning, just like Nana.
Is that a compliment?
I'm going to say yes.
The mancub also likes to play Go Fish, Candyland, and Guess Who, and you need to know if you play once you're going to play twenty times. I love that he asks to play games and that it's something we can do together. He's a very good sport and seems to know he can't win every time.
Hubs would say especially if he's playing with Nana.
He's not wrong.
Hubs is not a big game player, but he'll humor me now and then with a game of Rummy or Backgammon. Whenever we play a new game with people, one I already know how to play, he likes to remind me not to go overboard with the rule keeping.
I don't deny it. I mean games have rules and rules are meant to be followed, right?
I don't deny it. I mean games have rules and rules are meant to be followed, right?
Our next door neighbors love to play games too and we get together pretty often for cards or Sequence or Dominoes. We play Euchre with them too and Darts which is a game of a different sort, but also fun. We have Cornhole and Yardtzee and also a pool table, all fun games to play with a big group. Hubs may not love games but he does love a houseful of people.
fyi-games that involve too much eye hand coordination are not my strong suit.
When Covid was in full force and everyone was hunkered down alone I started playing a card game with my mom via Facetime. It's called Hand and Foot and while we had to tweak some of the rules, we've made it work. It has been such a fun way to connect with her every week, and do something 'normal'.
Also, she likes to win too, so I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree.
During Covid I learned from another neighbor how to play MahJong, and I really enjoyed it. I haven't played much lately as we've had so much going on here, but I hope to get back to it. MahJong requires focus and strategy and it's quick so you need to play regularly if you want to be any good.
Daughter2 and I played a lot of games when she was living with us and we still play at least one or two or ten games of Skipbo every time she visits. We got a fun game for Christmas called Chronology and it seems everyone likes that, which is good for a group.
I play an online game, which I call brain training because that's what the makers of the game call it, but hubs rolls his eyes when I say that so we'll just say game. And like the rest of the world I do the daily Wordle and also Quordle, which I think is a bit more challenging.
So what games do you like to play or don't you?
Are you a person who loves games or are you no fun? teehee.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Yes, that was a compliment. How cute that you taught him that game and that enjoys all the other's too! I do enjoy board games and card games but we seldom play anymore. That's really cool about you playing cards with your mom on Facetime. I'm going to have to push Mark to play some Scrabble.
ReplyDeleteI love to play games of all kinds and I love to win. We played lots of board games with our kids-- in fact most Fridays during our homeschooling years I called it gameschooling and we'd pile up games that worked on various skills and play 1-3 times per game.
ReplyDeleteWhen we were dating (back in the early 80's) Mark actually said to me, "I don't play games!" I wasn't sure what he was talking about - games or games? It turns out - both! He doesn't enjoy playing games but during covid we found a box of dominoes we had received as a gift. We changed the rules a tad but we played often!
ReplyDeleteWe play a lot of Uno with our grands. We have a chart where we keep track of how many games everyone has won. I currently hold first place with 34! Our grands love to play Kings Corners, SkipBo, Clue, War (ugh!), Candyland, Sequence... just to name a few. Hubby and I play a lot of Backgammon. Enjoy your weekend!
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm no fun at all. If I never played another game, I would be just fine. I will play and I do give it my best when I do but I really don't care and it gets old real fast. Sorry!!
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