Sunday, October 3, 2010

I should've called shotgun

We had a pretty low key weekend here which involved some football and some gorgeous fall weather. Oh, and a little side trek to the local Emergency Room for something extremely ridiculous but which I will share with you anyway because what are blogs for if not to share stupid stuff that happens to us? Stuff that we probably wouldn't even be mentioning had we not waited three days to go to the Emergency Room? To preface this story, when I told daughter2 what happened I said, "You aren't having trouble believing this are you?" And she said no. Sigh. When it comes to grace I'm predictable.

Early last week a minor little incident occurred...nothing really. I was getting in to the back seat of a friend's van and as she turned to speak to someone parked beside her the door closed on my hand. But not hard...she didn't slam the door, it just kinda fell closed and it barely hurt. Turns out that's because it crushed the band of my engagement ring instead of my knuckle. I mean it hurt a little but I didn't even mention it to my friend because I really thought it wasn't any big deal. And I didn't mention it to my hubs either because I really wasn't worried. While I couldn't get the ring off right away, I could twist it and move it a bit so I figured I'd just let everything calm down for a day or so and then I'd get some dish soap or vegetable oil and slide it right off. Wednesday and Thursday my knuckle still looked a little swollen so I told myself Friday was the day I had to deal with it and I set out in earnest to get the ring off. (No lectures husband, the local jeweler, the hospital registrar, three er nurses, the x-ray tech, and the ER doc himself have all got that covered.) Anyway, it wouldn't budge using the usual techniques for getting a tight ring off your hand so I did what any normal person would do and I googled it. There was a step by step guide to ring removal and guess what the first thing they suggested was? Windex! I guess the dad in My Big Fat Greek Wedding was onto something.

They had a few other suggestions and the last one was to slide a piece of dental floss under the ring, wrap it all the way up your finger and then start unwinding. The floss is supposed to force the ring upwards and off. Yeah. Not happening. And there are no pictures because hello, I was down to one hand at this point. Should you ever need it you can see the dental floss trick here.

The all knowing Google said if this didn't work get thee to a jeweler and they'd cut it off. Sob. But what was I going to do (besides feel like an idiot?) so off I went to a local jeweler who gasped and informed me they hadn't done that in about 20 years. You know, because of the blood. Huh? There's going to be blood? I need the ring cut off, not my finger. Anyway, she was quite concerned and said I needed to get to the ER right away because a finger could suddenly just swell up and then I'd have real problems. Oh bother.

I called hubs en route to the ER and attempted to casually drop this all into the conversation in a kind of, "How's your day, what do you want to do about dinner and, oh by the way, I'm on my way to the ER to have my rings cut off, but there's really nothing at all to worry about." Hubs knows me and I think said something along the lines of, "Whatever."

Thankfully it was fairly quiet in the ER and the registrar got the nurse who informed me it would probably have to be cut off but they can't just do that without registering me so into the system I went. As a side note, the registrar asked me how it happened and when I told her it was shut in a car door she said, and I quote, "Oh, well then they're going to file that with your car insurance." When she saw my look of confusion she added, "Oh don't worry, your rates won't go up. NJ is a no-fault state." Okay. But still, what does that have to do with my injury?

Anyhoo, after they took my MEDICAL insurance info I was escorted back with the folks who were having real emergencies as opposed to my cartoon emergency and after the nurse tortured me with the string thing she went to get the doc and the saw and he tortured me some more trying to cut through my solid gold band. And then he said that even though my wedding band hadn't been touched it had to come off too because after all this 'trauma' my knuckle was just getting bigger and bigger and he thought my wedding band was soon going to cause a circulation issue. Fabulous. He tried to use the 'hand saw' but it wouldn't go through my band so he had to get the motorized saw. Finally, after many more torturous minutes he broke through the band and I wanted to cry from the relief. The doc looked again at my hand and said maybe I'd better get an x-ray just to be sure it wasn't broken because it surely was swollen and now also bruised so off I went to x-ray to re-tell the story one more time and learn that my finger was not broken.

I know I should have been happy at that point but instead of feeling happy I kinda wanted to cry thinking about my wedding ring sawed in half. I've been married for 26 years and I cannot even remember the last time I took my wedding ring off. I take my diamond off for gardening and such but I never take my wedding band off. I don't want a new band. I want my original 1984 band that we bought when we were young and crazy in love and didn't have two nickels to rub together. I know it's just a ring but Whaaaa!!


  1. Oh Mom!! I'm so sorry (although not surprised this happened to you-and you wonder where daughter 2 gets it from?)

  2. :( So sorry!
    But, at least your hand isn't broken or you didn't lose a finger or something/
    Maybe you can get the jeweler to work some magic and put your ring back together!

  3. Okay, I knew it all along...we are twins that were separated at birth! No, really, I thought I was the only one that had this kind of stuff happen.
    My wedding/engagement rings (fused together) are currently in a safe until I can bring them to the jeweler. I chipped the setting on my diamond and I do not dare wear it!
    I hope your knuckle heals quickly!

  4. Joyce, so sorry that this happened to you. I hope they can fix your ring for you. You did not mention if that was an option. I hope it will be, since you love it so. I'm like you, I am very sentimental about my "things". I sure pray that your finger feels better too. That whole incident sounds like something that would have happened to me. Trips to the ER are never fun. Here's hoping you have a better week. Love & blessings from NC!

  5. Bless your heart! That would be very scary. See I would have a problem with somebody coming at me with any type of cutting instrument. You are very brave! And I know what you mean about the ring, maybe a good jeweler could fuse it back together somehow. It would be worth checking in to.
    until next time... nel
    ps. sorry I could not award you another entry for being the first. You know how it is, someone would notice. lolol

  6. Well surely they can just put your wedding band back together, can't they? You always have the best stories.

  7. I had to have my wedding ring cut off too but I just went to the jeweler. She had a special gadget just for this purpose that slid between the ring and my finger. No blood at all. And then she was able to fix the ring and you can't even tell it was damaged.

    Maybe next time get a second opinon, not from a doctor but from another jeweler? lol

  8. Oh no! Bless your heart. I'm so glad your finger is okay, but I understand the nostalgia in wanting your original ring. (((hugs)))

  9. Thanks for all the 'oh no's : ) My engagement ring was a clean cut and can be easily repaired (I think) One edge of my wedding band chipped so I'm not as hopeful about that one. Sadly, this is not my first experience with having a ring cut off but in my defense the last time was truly from a legitimate accident that required surgery so that doesn't count.

    I think some jewelers will still do this but my finger was too swollen for them to make the attempt. The doctor had trouble so I guess its good the jeweler didn't even try.

    Filing this one under-lesson learned. Sigh

  10. Sorry about your ring - I'm sentimental about things like that and even though in my head I can say "it's just a ring, it's just a ring", in my heart, the disappointment echoes.

    On the bright side, upgrade.

    Sorry, couldn't resist.

  11. Ohhh, so sorry about your ring. I know it is just a ring; but it's your ring. Hopefully the jewelers will be able to fix it. (((hugs)))

    Isn't it amazing how as women, we don't do for ourselves what we would make sure those we love do.

  12. I'm so sorry about your ring. I would be just as upset or more so, I think! And having to go to the ER for anything is simply adding insult to injury. Or insult to insult if there is no injury. Or maybe injury to insult since it sounds like your finger was worse off at the end of the visit.

    And yes, I agree that perhaps it's time for an upgrade. : )

  13. Wow, scary. Maybe the ring can be retro fit to be a pinky ring?

    I'm with CPQ . . . upgrade? :)

  14. Joyce, I am so sorry you had to go through all that emotional torment as well as physical pain, However it was a good story and gave me the laugh I needed. Keep Writing.

  15. So sorry. I'd be crying too, would hate to lose my rings.

  16. That really stinks about the ring. CH gave me a set of rings after we had been married for a few years (when we got married I just had a band), but I wear that on my right hand. I'm impressed that you didn't cry or at least tear up when the door shut on your finger...did that before and it was not fun!
    Glad it wasn't broken!

  17. Well that was quite the experience wasn't it?
    So glad that it isn't broker and I feel you pain about the rings. ((HUGS))

  18. Oh, what a bummer about the ring! I am sorry! :(

  19. I had to have my wedding ring set sawed off when I was pregnant years ago. So long ago, it was back when jewelers still did it themselves. Your jeweler should be able to sodder it back together for you so you can continue to wear it for many more years of wedded bliss. :)

  20. Shoot. That was no fun and expensive too! I hope they can get the rings fixed for you.

  21. I had a ring cut off my finger in the 5th grade. The doctors thought it would be easy as pie, but after trying a few times, asked me what the heck the ring was made out of.

    It was made from elephant tusk.

    My dad traveled a lot, and had picked it up in Africa.

    Glad that your finger is okay! Sorry about losing the ring though :(

  22. Oh my goodness...I just now read this...I "freak out" when my finger even swells a little bit and my ring won't move...I can't imagine having one cut off...especially your wedding ring..I love mine from 1987 and would be devastated if it had to be cut off...this sounds like something that would happen to me...I am so sorry!!

  23. I can't image losing my wedding ring that way. I certainly hope you will/have checked to see if the ring can be fixed (chip and all). I had to take mine off when I was pregnant but wore it around my neck.

    Hope your knuckles are better.

  24. I want to click "Like" on Shannon's comment! Keep us updated; we're all going to want to know "the rest of the story".

  25. Oh no! what happened with the ring? were you able to get it fixed ~maybe an upgrade??
