Friday, October 1, 2010

Show us Where you Live-The Dining Room

I thought I'd join in with Kelly's Korner today for her weekly 'Show Us Your Life' posts. Today people are posting pics of their Dining Rooms and I love to see how others decorate one of my favorite rooms in a house.

I know a lot of people feel like the dining room is wasted space because its not used on a regular basis. If I'm serving a meal in my dining room it usually means my whole big extended family is gathered round for a holiday meal or celebration of some kind and I love that. Or it might mean friends are gathered for a dinner party which is something else I enjoy. It may not be used often but when it is its almost always something special and happy. Forgive the bright lights...this was taken pre dinner party one evening and I hadn't dimmed the chandelier yet.

Speaking of the has got to go. I'm pretty sure its the one the builder installed when the house was built about ten years ago. We've been in our house just over a year now and most rooms still need a little tweaking. We're getting there but its a work in progress!

If you read here you know I have a thing for dishes and pottery and having a meal in my dining room means I get to use some of the pieces I've collected while traveling.

The walls in our dining room are navy blue up top with white wainscot minus the paneling down below. The trim is also white. I love the color and have navy walls in my living room too. It sounds dark but its not...the white trim, windows and open foyer between the rooms keep it feeling light but cozy.

We've gone back and forth on the window treatment...we like it bare and we sit back off the road without anyone directly opposite our house plus there's a fairly large tree in front of the window so we don't need anything for privacy.

We've decided to put plantation shutters up anyway though because I love the way they finish off a room and also, hello...

This girl? She likes to stalk the groundhogs and chipmunks who hang out in the rock ledge on our front hillside. This means there are practically permanent nose prints on the glass which makes me a teensy bit crazy.

This is one of my favorite pieces...

Its hand made glass that we bought in Murano. Murano is a series of islands just a quick boat ride from the city of Venice and its famous for its glass making. You can watch them work and the stuff is positively gorgeous!

I also love birds and bird prints and we have two Audobon prints in Antique frames with silk mats that we've moved from house to house through the years. I like them best in a dining room.

The corner where my server sits needs something on the wall above it...just can't quite decide what...

I guess I should mention our cork collection...when we moved to the UK we began saving corks everywhere we went and we keep some of them in a pretty glass jar in a corner of the dining room.

Thanks for stopping by today..hop over to Kelly's Korner to see more dining rooms on tour.


  1. Thanks for stopping by! Beautiful room. Your paint color is gorgeous!

  2. Love the wall color... what a pretty navy!

  3. Oh my gosh, your dining room could be mine! Right down to the jar of corks! Haha. Maybe I'll play along. . .

    Have a great weekend!

  4. love your reminds me of Chihuly!

  5. Love the hand made glass vase. It's beautiful. Did you get to see them make this particular one?

  6. You have a beautiful dining room! It's so pretty, I love your furniture and the colors!

  7. Your dining room is beautiful. I do love the color. We don't use ours often but when we do it always feels so special. Love your piece of Murano glass and the way you have collected your corks. Mine are all in plastic bags because someday I will make something and I've been saying that for years!

  8. Very very pretty and I love the bay window.

  9. What a beautiful room! I think dark walls look so beautiful. Love the Murano Glass!

    Have a great weekend,

  10. Love the navy blue! I used to have navy blue at my old house.
    Now peach.
    Just peach.
    All peach.
    And I know you are not a goober. I was just joshin' ya!

  11. That pitcher is GORGEOUS. And the dishes/pottery from Italy...beautiful. Guess what color our dining room is? Orange! (ha!)

    I need to start keeping mine now, so I can do that.
    I just love that idea.
    Now, to have a house to put them all in (and to find such an amazing jar...)

  13. First of all, I need you to come over and help me get my house as clean as yours! While looking for Hubby's Album yesterday I came face to face with the disasters which I call closets. I think I will make the month of November my room by room cleaning month.
    Your home is lovely and so is your doggy!

  14. Your dining room is beautiful, Joyce! You have collected some lovely pieces from your travels all over the world. I know it is fun to use them and be reminded of fun times there in years past. You should see my dining room now. It is still stacked full of boxes with stuff from our upstairs. It will get unpacked slowly, but surely. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Love & blessings from NC!

  15. I have that same problem with window smudges only mine are two year old sized! Thank you for stopping over at Yoga Gal. Your dining room is beautiful- I am like you, I hate covering up those large windows. I have hemmed and hawed about ours. :)

  16. saw your blog from Kelly's Korner. I love the blue paint and white trims!

  17. I love the wall color, Joyce and your dining room is beautiful! I don't have a formal dining room but would like to have one someday, perhaps.
    Love your girl looking out the window checking for critters on the horizon! :-)

  18. This was fun to see. I love seeing what other peoples tastes are and all the good ideas they have.
