Thursday, October 28, 2010

True Colors

Is anyone tired of seeing pictures of the gorgeous fall colors?
I thought not.
Last weekend we rode out to
Waywayanda and I couldn't resist taking a few photos.
I wrote about Waywayanda in a post last winter and its absolutely beautiful in the fall too.

We had a picnic lunch sitting here which confirmed for me that sunlight hitting water is one of my favorite sights in all the world...

It was an unseasonably warm day and perfect for a walk through the woods...

being ever alert of course so as not to miss this...

or this...

or especially this...

The thing about fall color around here is that its everywhere.
The park was gorgeous but so is the color in my neighborhood...

and in my yard...

and from my family room couch...

'Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn.' Elizabeth Lawrence


  1. Who could ever get tired of the beauty of the autumn colors? And I love that view of ... I mean from ... your living room!!!!! GORGEOUS!

  2. Gorgeous shots....I'm so not sick of fall pictures. East coast has the most amazing fall foliage. Leave are almost all off the trees here, now it just looks bare and gloomy. Have a wonderful day enjoying the colors.

  3. WOW! Such spectacular color everywhere. Not so much here. We had a VERY dry summer. Sadly, most of our leaves just turned brown and fell off. Thanks for sharing. I so miss the changing of the colors this year. Blessings, SusanD

  4. Beautiful pictures! I agree we all need to take time and enjoy things whether it be fall colors or family or peace and quiet. Thanks for sharing your walk!

  5. The colors of a NJ fall are amazing. If I were you, I would take my morning coffee on the couch and just take in your view.

  6. As much as I try not to be... I'm jealous. There. I said it. Sigh... So beautiful!! ;)

  7. Love the windows in your family room!

  8. Your pictures are absolutely beautiful. We took a few pics last Sunday... lol about 245. A lot of pretty roses in one of the gardens here in town. But I was disappointed our leaves are turning and they are pretty but they are not the vibrant colors they usually are. Thanks for sharing your fall with us@
    until next time... nel

  9. I agree with everyone else.

    Our fall colors are pretty much gone now thanks to the storms that passed through here and stripped most of the trees but there are a few trees still transitioning so I'll enjoy those while I can.

  10. Thank you! I never get tired of the colors!

  11. The colors and sights you've photographed are gorgeous. No, I haven't tired of them yet and, I'm sure, never will.

    Happy Thursday, Joyce!

  12. Gorgeous array of autumn colors in these photos. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Such lovely, lovely pictures, Joyce, especially the one of the stream and rocks! :-)
    Thanks so much for sharing!

  14. I am so JEALOUS!!! We just dont have that here in South Georgia....there is no real color change here. Green or dead...thats our choice here!

  15. I am not tired of seeing them at all! Your pictures are beautiful and the color is amazing. Thank you.
