Thursday, February 10, 2011

Like Peas and Carrots

Daughter1 has been home for a few days and we are relaxing right now in the office. We needed to recover from our day which included breakfast out at a favorite local spot, shopping, Starbucks and finally pedicures. I thought it would be fun to write a joint post. She is not sure if that will actually be fun but she will humor me because I'm her mama and she loves me and I just bought her a super cute skirt and top and dress and had pink polish applied to her toenails.

Since it's the 10th day of the month we thought we'd make a list of ten things we've loved about the past few days together... well I thought of this and she is going along with it. My thoughts are in purple and her thoughts are in green...

1. She smiles a lot. She has a beautiful smile.
She hugs me a lot. A lot a lot.

2. I like going to bed knowing my daughter is just down the hall.
I like watching my parents fall asleep on the couch....
just knowing they're in the house is enough for me.

3. We have talked and giggled and discussed The Bachelor in minute detail.
I liked my parents not so subtle marriage advice given while we all watched The Bachelor together.

4. I like the fact that my daughter is finishing off the chocolate cake we had left over from the Super Bowl so I don't have to do the job myself.
I like finishing off my mom's chocolate cake left over from the Super Bowl.

5. I loved sitting side by side in pedicure chairs.
I loved feeling ridiculous with my mom as we made a run for the car in our flip flops in 25 degree weather.

6. We both agree it is worth it to have nice feet.

7. She tried not to roll her eyes when I couldn't remember the computer shortcuts she has shown me at least three or thirty times.
I helped my mom figure out her Google Address book and translated an email written in French for my dad and I didn't roll my eyes once.

8. We've lingered over breakfasts, lunches, and dinners eaten out.
I love being treated to breakfast, lunch, and dinner out.

9. We talk.
The joy that comes from a long talk with a 20-something daughter cannot be overstated.
Long talks with my mom make my heart happy.

10. A house feels more like a home when there's a daughter in it.
There's no place like home.


  1. Okay thanks you two for making me miss my sweet girl. Tears.
    I'll be okay, really.
    Lucky yous. ♥

  2. this was so sweet! Makes me miss Ashley and Joyce, you two look like sisters instead of Mother and Daughter.

  3. You two are the cutest! I'm so glad you're getting time together. *I have a lump in my throat and something in my eye...excuse me...*

  4. That is so sweet! That's how I feel when I hang out at my parents' house and they only live 15 minutes away. I love my house, but their's is home.

  5. I am glad I am not the only one with teared up eyes. You two have a very special relationship as do me and my daughter. I think I need to call Thanks for sharing this fun post! Glad you are having time together.
    until next time... nel

  6. Lovely - and this gives me hope as my 15 year old yells at me today. :)

  7. Oh my....this is just about the best post I have ever read....period! You two are so blessed to have eachother and have such a wonderful relationship.
    While I could comment on EVERY thing that you said, I will limit myself to commenting on #6! :-)
    Yes, having nice/pretty feet is such a blessing for you both.
    A pedicure/french manicure DOES make my feet look better but it's still a stretch to call them pretty. Maybe I will get brave and post a picture of my feet one day for all the world to see! :-)
    Loved reading about your time special. Thanks so much for sharing! It brightened my day which was already really good!! :-)

  8. Oh, how I'm crying! That has got to be the sweetest post EVER. What a good girl you have! It almost makes me wish I had a daughter...almost. :)

  9. Jealous. Both my girls are at least 7 hrs away. Looks like you both have had a wonderful time together and made precious memories.

  10. Now, this was just the cutest entry! There's just nothing like a daughter. A super great picture too! Always enjoy stopping by!

  11. Precious post. It inspires me to spend a day out with my only 20-something daughter. Your girl certainly has a sense of humor--the comment about the not-so-subtle marriage advice cracked me up. Sounds soooooo familiar.

  12. Now that was really sweet. I like #8, that is how I like to have my meals too!

  13. I don't have that kind of relationship with my daughter anymore, but oh how I wish I did! Thank you so much for sharing yours. Never take it for granted.

  14. What a sweet post. This was great!

  15. Joyce, I loved this post...loved it...but it sure made me miss my 20-something college daughter!

    Spending time with them is so rejuvenating isn't it! Enjoy your time together!

  16. I love how your thoughts complement one others in such a sweet way.

  17. Loved this post! Glad you are having fun!

  18. What a wonderful picture!! This was such a fun post!!! You gals look so pretty!!! And more like sisters, than Mother/daughter! My girls are coming to visit this weekend. I am so excited! Glad you have had some awesome time together this week. Praying for safe travels home for daughter #1. Love & blessings from NC!

  19. What a sweet, adorable post. And I'm not sure who's the cutest in that picture! I'm always blessed when I stop by.

  20. This is my favorite post I've ever read anywhere on the internet. It made me cry, and laugh, and hope and dream. I want a long detailed email telling some of your parenting tips so I can do this with MY daughter in 10 years. Seriously.

  21. Love it! (My own daughter is coming home in March for a few weeks - I can't wait!)

  22. I love this post! I have three daughters (and one son) and I miss my girls since they have all moved out of the nest.

  23. Oh how sweet this is. What a great relationship you two have. Love that! Now I'm going to go in the other room and have a good cry.

  24. Very cute. It wasn't stated what time you and hubby were falling asleep on the couch...I'm guessing pretty early, if you feel like we do.

  25. So touching. This is what it is all about, isn't it?

  26. Speaking from the mom perspective...AWESOME! My DD will be 16 in April, YIKES how did that happen, and she is a very chatty, verbal young woman. I praise Jesus every day that she actually want to have conversation with me. I also am thankful that she enjoys spending time with me doing the silly things like shopping at walmart or getting a starbucks.

    I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a post more. It just warmed this mom's heart with expectation of time to come!

    You are truly blessed but then I know you already know that!

    What a great day you two had!

    Thanks for sharing!

  27. That was a really really sweet thing to read. I've got two little girls right now and your relationship with your daughter sounds so wonderful to me! I hope I have that kind of relationship when my girls are older! (I came over from Missy's blog)

  28. What a sweet post. It makes me miss my mom (she lives 1,500 miles away!).

  29. What a great idea! You two make a great Mother-daughter pair! (And, yes, I'll say it again when you write another post like this with your other daughter)

  30. What a sweet post!!! Now I miss my daughters!!! I am going to call them NOW!!

  31. Precious post!! Y'all are so cute.
    Yes, the house was a bit stinky after the Raclette :)

  32. This brought tears to my eyes...and hope to my heart. That is something, considering where I am these days. Thank you for sharing, both of you. Very lovely.
