Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Beat the winter blues and join the Hodgepodge this week

It's February and you know what that means?

It means it's still winter.


Fortunately we have the weekly Wednesday Hodgepodge to lift us out of the winter doldrums. Here are this week's questions...see you back here tomorrow to link answers.

1. Would you rather be seen as a person who did their duty or forged their own path?

2. This week's Wednesday Hodgepodge happens to fall on Groundhog's Day. In keeping with that theme, if you could have a do-over of any one day out of the last seven, which day would it be and why. If you haven't seen the movie Groundhog Day this question will make absolutely no sense but that's okay....you can answer anyway.

You thought my question was going to be weather related didn't you?

3. Hot cocoa...yay or nay on the marshmallows?

4. Do you wear makeup every day? What are the top two must haves in your daily makeup routine?

5. Is it more important to you in a relationship to be loved or understood?

6. Parsley sage rosemary or thyme... your favorite?

7. What do you do when you feel angry?

8. Insert your own random thought here.


  1. So happy it's February even though it's still winter it's that much closer to Spring! Hope you have your bread and milk and are bracing for the next big storm! Have a wonderful Tuesday!

  2. We are getting close to spring and that makes me happy but more snow is on the way!!! :-(

  3. great questions... I'll see what I can throw together

  4. Another good set of questions--let me get my thinking cap on! I think of you everytime I watch the weather. Wow, what a winter! Stay warm and dry!

  5. Watched the weather--Boy oh Boy--Be safe and warm. In the 50's here with rain.

  6. Thanks for the questions again Joyce, some good ones to have a think about there!
    The signs of Spring are here in Manchester (England) and the crocus and snowdrops are shivering their way up through the frozen topsoil now. Still cold, but you can definitely see Spring woohoo!!

  7. you can find my answers on my blog annies home at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  8. It is going to rain here today and the high is 80. No snow here, which my kids are sorely disappointed with. Perhaps I'll ship them up to you.
    I've totally got you with the make up thing. 40 is creeping up and I'm all or nothing with the make up and if it's nothing, I don't go out of the house.
