Monday, February 14, 2011

Your love is like a red red rose

...or a dozen sunny yellow roses if you're me. Hubs brought these home on Friday afternoon~

I have always loved yellow roses and these really started to open up over the weekend. I don't think there is anything else quite like fresh flowers to make me smile when I enter a room and see them in all their glory.

We awoke this morning to a sky that, in keeping with today's theme, was pretty in pink....

Hubs is heading out of town this afternoon (shocking I know) but he was home all morning so I made him his favorite oatmeal for's all about the 'heart' on Valentine's Day, right? I like Ina Garten's Sunday Morning Oatmeal recipe because she adds bananas and golden raisins and my favorite, dried cherries, to the pot. So delicious! I use skim milk and omit the
salt and the maple syrup...with all that fruit you just need a pinch of brown sugar on top and you're good.

We had one of those weekends that just sort of unfolds and we enjoyed relaxing and doing a little bit of shopping for the house. We still need a few bits and pieces for the bedrooms so we hit some nice shops and antique stores over the weekend and came home with a pretty chair and ottoman for Daughter2's bedroom and an antique table for our upstairs hallway. Now to find the right accessories to display and of course the chair will need a small table and lamp to go with and then of course we need to update the paint and isn't this the way it goes with a house? You tick one item off the home improvement list and three more appear to take its place.

We were in a nice mall on Saturday so we ended up having a Valentine lunch at Legal Seafood. So yummy! I had a Caesar salad topped with lobster and a glass of champagne because what is Valentine's Day without champagne? And no, champagne is not my normal lunchtime drink but we were pretending this was dinner. Hubs ordered a dozen oysters as a starter and the presentation was nice. I took a picture with my phone but for some reason when I put pics from my phone onto my computer they look blurry. This surprises you I know.

We had take out Italian food last night and watched the Grammys. Well, actually we flipped back and forth between channels because when the Grammys got too weird or felt the need to break for a commercial every 3 minutes we flipped over to the Baftas which are like the British Oscars. Needless to say we saw a lot of the Baftas. Seriously, the advertising during the Grammys was ridiculous. And who else thought Lady Gaga=total ripoff of Madonna's Express Yourself? One thing is for sure...Martina McBride-Miranda Lambert-Lady music fans should feel proud today.

So, how are you celebrating the day? Who out there is baking something wonderful? And by wonderful I don't mean oatmeal. I mean, it was good and all but let's be honest and state for the record that oatmeal isn't chocolate cake.

I think I'll go admire my roses now.

Happy Valentine's Day


  1. I already add bananas to my oatmeal (we prefer steel cut oats) ... I never thought about golden raisins and dried cherries! Wow, that just sounds too yummy for words!

    Those are beautiful roses ... and a special lunch! (I would have loved to have seen -- and sampled -- the oysters!)

    Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  2. Happy Valentine's Day. I'm just not an oatmeal person, although all of that stuff would make great additions to oatmeal cookies!! LBeau and I don't do much for Valentine's Day. I did get him a card and I bought some red tulips to brighten the kitchen. And we'll go out to dinner tonight, but nothing fancy. If you do fancy around here, you'll wait for a table for at least two hours.

  3. I'm having trouble commenting under "edshunnybunny" today, so I'm using my 2nd blog name.

    I love your yellow roses! They make a room feel so "sunny"! I just finished baking Ed a "heart-shaped" German Chocolate cake--and I'm tired! LOL

    Happy Valentine's Day.

  4. yellow roses fav fresh flowers: tulilps and/or daisies
    I'm definitely going to go get that recipe for Ina's Sunday Morning Oatmeal...i have black cherries in my freezer that would be GREAT in that.

    Relaxing and doing a little bit of shopping: my perfect weekend, too!
    Daughter's bedroom: i keep teasing mine that i'm going to be setting up a sewing corner in her room now that's she's in college...i get weird looks when i say it.
    Legal Seafood: love 'em, we went there for our anniversary dinner
    Grammys: i didn't watch them this year; i gave them up after last year...too crazy for me.
    Spent the morning picking appraiser was coming to take pics.
    Probably won't be doing any bakihg today...may do a special 'pork rib' dinner to celebrate love & Honey!

  5. I didn't bake today ~ but bought cupcakes!

  6. What beautiful Roses! The oatmeal sounds good even though I do not care for it, I think it is a texture kind of thing. lol. We are off to dinner nothing romantic I am a steak kind of person and then we are going to the movies. Just some time by ourselves... Patt his neice is baking a butter pecan cake with pink cream cheese frosting for when we get home. We didn't even watch the Grammys this year. Oh Well. Hope you have a wonderful evening!
    until next time... nel

  7. My favorite are yellow roses, too! Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. I'm laughing at so many funny lines you wrote in this post!

  9. Yes - Lady GaGa did rip off Madonna. We thought the exact same thing and even sang along with Madonna's lyrics to Lady G's music. Do they really think our memories are that short to not notice that? But I suppose they probably thought we, and those over the age of 25, weren't listening! Happy Valentine's Day!

  10. Beautiful flowers! I can't believe how much snow y'all still have!
    I did my baking over the weekend: brownies for MS & CH, cookies for YS & MS.

  11. I'm with you on yellow roses - my favorite.

    Yes, the work never ends when you own a house. One project always calls for something else. We seem to always have a project going and we've lived here 30 years. Mercy!

    Glad it was a "happy hearts" day for you!

  12. Gorgeous roses!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll take roses anytime over chocolate--unless it is chocolate with beer!!!

  13. omg, I am so glad you said that about Lady Gaga and Madonna. I absolutely felt the same way!!!!

  14. What a GREAT, and very varied, post! I think this is my favorite kind! :)

    I love looking at flowers but an unfortunate allergy keeps me admiring at a distance!

    We have a never ending to do list in our home too! Decluttering is at the tippy top though! I have put a moratorium on new stuff until some of the old is eliminated!

    I didn't watch the Grammys! Hung out on Food Network most of the evening instead!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! :)
