Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Bridge Over Untroubled Water

Carrying on with Day 2 of the A-Z Blog Challenge and my theme of 'delight' (go here to read Day 1)

For most letters of the alphabet there are so many words I could choose. Maybe today you're expecting brides (we do have a wedding happening here this month) or baby boys (don't worry-he'll get his day!) or BBQ (hey, I do live in the south) but no.

When I think of the word delight I like to picture myself chugging along through life. In the middle of this everyday-ness some big or little something crosses my radar and lifts my spirits. That's delight.

B is for Bridges

We live on a lake so pretty much every day I have to cross several small bridges to get anywhere. I had an early morning doctor's appointment recently and as I drove across the first bridge savoring the silence and the sunrise I realized I was smiling.

I know there are people who freak out when faced with crossing a bridge, particularly the great big high bridges, but I'm not one of them. I love the water and there is something about the ride across a bridge that makes me feel all the feels...peace, contentment, awe...delight.

Most places I've lived there's been a big bridge. The Walt Whitman. The Delaware Memorial. The Chesapeake Bay. Tower Bridge. London Bridge. The George Washington Bridge.

Small bridges too which I love almost as much.

Barclay Farms Covered Bridge
This old fashioned covered bridge that's sat for six decades in the neighborhood where I grew up is a treasure. The carefree days of childhood and the memory of riding my bike across that bridge to our neighborhood swim club wash over me still when we drive beneath it's beams. 

I love the way a view opens up as you cross a bridge.

Crossing the Bay Bridge to and from Maryland's Eastern Shore gets me every time. As we near the top I think of summer sunshine, crab feasts, daughters in the house. 

I love the way a great big bridge can make you feel small.

That's London's Tower Bridge, which kindly opened as our small boat drew near and the sun shone and it was a moment. London for me is full of moments.

I love bridges that carry me into great big cities filled with people and taxis and life. I also love bridges that lead me to friends and take me to the ends of the earth.

Prince Edward Island Bridge 
Or what feels like it anyway.

Old bridges-

Bridges that say 'you are here'.

Zig Zag bridges half a world away.

Bridges carry us places. Somewhere new. Somewhere old and familiar. To people we love and people we haven't yet met.

I can't choose a favorite, but if pressed I'm going with this one-

The bridge in my own backyard.

It carries us to fun and friends-

Rest and stillness


...and delight. 


  1. Great photos with your post :)

  2. Hello and thank you for visiting my blog. Bridges!!! I think I am one of those people who is a bit nervous on bridges. I really don't like the Bay Bridge over the Chesapeake Bay but I have driven the bridges to Key West - and I didn't have a problem with them. They were beautiful. Maybe it is the height. Anyway, great post on Bridges. I'll be back.

  3. I love old covered bridges. Oregon has quite a few historic ones. I'm impressed that you're doing the challenge! I mean, wedding and all....
    Go you! :)

  4. I'm happy to meet a fellow bridge lover and I thank you for visiting my blog. I love to walk across bridges, especially those that connect two different cities or even two different countries (I did that once). Of course, there are enough bridges that have to be driven. I've yet to cross the Chesapeake Bay bridge or, for that matter, travel to Key West as Retired Knitter did. My longest bridge was the Confederation Bridge, which connects New Brunswick (Canada) and Prince Edward Island. They have barrier where you can't see the water and I was so disappointed! Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  5. I definitely enjoyed all of your photos of the bridges in your life!
