Thank you J for the word of the day!
Day 22-V is for Victory
Sharing a glimpse into lake life and two small victories we've experienced in the last week or so. You might even learn something here today, maybe more than you wanted to know, but let's carry on anyway.
A little over a week ago hubs noticed some sticks and pine straw in the water under the boat lift. The lake we live on is crystal clear so he knew something was up. Upon further investigation he discovered a varmint had been terrorizing the landscaping on our hillside and was also feasting on some of the tree trunks along our waterline.
Bucky had worked his way all the way up our hillside, gnawing as he went, ripping the low growing juniper out by the roots, shredding it's bark to use as construction material for his new home, which he thought was going to be under our dock. Nope. Not happening. The local HOA, aka me and the hubs, put the kibosh on that quicker than you can say Bob's your uncle.
When we lived in NJ we used to walk in a nearby wildlife preserve and we'd see quite a few beaver lodges there. We never saw an actual beaver and I used to think that would be kind of cool, but trust me, it's not cool. Now that I've seen one a little too up close and personal I can tell you they look a lot like an overgrown rodent. Are they rodents? I had to look that up but yes, they are semi-aquatic rodents.
Anyway, on the lake these creatures have found an alternative to the more commonly recognized lodge set up, and instead burrow into the shoreline and/or set up camp beneath your dock where they proceed to wreak havoc.
When we installed our dock we added something to the wiring that the dock guy called beaver guard. Who even knew such a thing existed??? I surely didn't, but I'm glad he mentioned it because turns out we needed it. The guard is a kevlar- like sleeve that fits over your dock hoses and it's pretty much indestructible. It prevents beavers from chewing through the air hose which would then cause your lift to drop and your boat to float away.
That doesn't happen often because most people tie their boats to their docks even when they're on the lift, but occasionally one floats out there. At the time we thought this was perhaps an unnecessary expense, but turns out dock guy was 100% right and we're so grateful now we added that when the dock was installed.
We're animal lovers here, but y'all we needed to get a handle on this before he moved his family in, so we ended up calling in the professionals. An animal control specialist came out and said we could snare him or trap him and either way he'd be a goner, which I know is so sad, but also very necessary. We opted for the snare which felt like the safer route given the fact we have an overly curious little brown dog living here. Everything was back as it should be (no beaver living under my dock) within a couple of days.
Hey, it was me or Bucky so capturing that 40+ lb beaver felt like a small victory. I know!! He was huge!! The animal control guy said he'd seen one close to 60 pounds, but ours was definitely on the ginormous side.
He did not use the word ginormous but I know he meant it.
Okay, how 'bout one more small victory since that's the word of the day? Last night hubs (he's always on top of things around here) spied a log floating along the shoreline. As I mentioned earlier our lake is one of the cleanest clearest lakes in the country and it's extremely rare to see debris of any sort floating.
So he hurried on down to the water and thought he'd just pull the log in, but turns out it was an entire tree trunk likely deposited somewhere on the water during last week's tornado.
Life has not been dull here.
A friend who had boated over to the neighbor's dock saw hubs trying to haul in the tree and came over with a pole to lend a hand. We have rip rap all along the shoreline so it's not the easiest thing to maneuver around especially when you're in flip flops, but together they managed to pull it in.
And his wife snapped photos and texted me with the caption V is for Victory which made me laugh, since I knew that was already the word of the day.
Little brown dog helped too.
He wanted to anyway.
This would not be a good thing to run into with your boat, so it's a good thing they managed to get it onshore. Hubs jokes he might carve this into a totem pole.
Victory is definitely an appropriate word for the day. When we visited Mackinaw Island, I saw my first up-close real live beaver house and also learned of the damage those boogers can do. So glad you were able to put a stop to it before damage was done to your dock. And yes, that is quite the log. Cannot wait to see the totum pole remains.
ReplyDeleteYour life is never dull lol!
ReplyDeleteThat is what I would call a huge, 40-pound Victory with a capital V!! The beaver and that big log, which could have caused a horrible boat wreck floating just under the water. Two victories. You have had a good week!
ReplyDeleteI can certainly relate to dealing with beavers, Joyce, we had a complete family that lived in our creek several years ago, they completely blocked the creek water flow, water had backed up in our back roadway! We finally called a wildlife conservative, he trapped them and moved them elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteBeavers certainly do not like water to flow.
A double Victory for sure for you all!.
Thanks for sharing,
Wow! I had no idea beavers were that big! Glad you got those issues taken care of. Of course, if your husband does make a totem pole, we want to see the results!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure happy to hear that you got that taken care off. I can't believe the damage they can do!