Here we go-
1. Has spring sprung in your part of the world? How can you tell? Did March come in like a lion where you live? Going out like a lamb or something more ferocious?
It has most definitely sprung. How can I tell?
On a scale of 1-10 the pollen here is at a 20.
On the bright side, trees are budding, azaleas are blooming, and boaters are cruising the lake which is a sure sign of spring in my little town.
Did March come in like a lion? Hmmm...the beginning of March feels like a hundred years ago but this is the Palmetto State so probably not a lion. Maybe a lion cub? And since we've hit the 80's this week it seems to be leaving like a lamb. Course there is that whole everybody stay home and away from everybody else which does make it feel a bit more ferocious than our usual March exit.
2. The last thing that caused you to spring to your feet?
I'm sure it was something related to the little brown dog. I probably sprung to my feet upon realizing I'd left the bathroom door open and he's now in there chowing down on dental floss he found in the bin.
He's a mostly good boy but he does love to stick his nose in an unattended trash can now and then.
3. Do you have a spring clean to-do list? What's one chore on the list you've already managed to accomplish? What spring clean chore do you most dread?
I have a list. Hubs has a list. He is breezing through his and mine is kind of just sitting there undone. Not entirely but I've got a ways to go. The chore I'm most dreading is cleaning out my closet. I have reorganized some drawers and am working my way through the office file purge that needs to happen every year, but mostly I'm baking cookies, blogging, working jigsaw puzzles and reading books. It's a strange spring.
4. Tell us something you've learned about yourself or the wider world as a result of social distancing/the virus crisis.
I touch my face a lot?
People don't like to be told they can't do something? I've always been a rule follower, and staying home isn't a huge hardship for me, so I haven't resisted following the distancing guidelines the way too many people seem to be resisting.
I guess for me the biggest thing is discovering anew that peace is possible in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty about the future. I like to think I'm in control of my days and my calendar and my life in general, but that's only a little bit true. God knows the end from the beginning and I can rest in his faithfulness.
5. Something you love that's the color pink?
A peony.
Haagen-Daz strawberry ice cream.
Not neccessarily in that order.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm participating all month in the April A-Z Blog Challenge, which starts today. You'll find my Letter A post just after today's Hodgepodge. To join the challenge sign up on the website (link here) by April 4th. Let me know if you're playing along so I can read your alphabet posts too.
So good to have the Hodgepodge back in these strange times Joyce. And I might actually get through the A-Z this year without being late on posting! No excuses at the moment for not finding the time.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this week's questions! I'd hoped my weight loss picture wouldn't show up on FB when I posted a link to my blog. Now everyone knows! But at least it is 30 pounds down and not 30 pounds gained!
ReplyDeleteThe good ole pollen count. I'm trying to brace for Grass allergies - that's what gets me every year.
ReplyDeleteAwww . . . that pup's antics made me smile. My sweet Pele, who I continue to mourn for on the daily, was a trash digger. He loved to eat kleenex, which weirdly enough I seem to be addicted to using. He would go hunting for them and often located them in my bathroom trash can (along with my teaching bag and the recliner I sit in). Sweet memories . . .
ReplyDeleteBarefoot tracks on the porch is a pretty good indicator spring has arrived! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm also so glad we can have peace and rest in God during these troubled times. Not sure how I would cope without Him!
I also signed up to do the A-Z challenge again this year. I participated for the first time six years ago. I wasn't sure that I want to this year, but being on "shelter in place" orders through the end of April I thought it would give me a little something extra to do.
I look forward to reading your challenge posts.
It's good to be back blogging again. If feels like old times, with old friends. Thank you for resurrecting the Hodgepodge for a while!
ReplyDeleteAbout that pollen...oh my goodness! I'm on allergy medication and it's still driving me crazy. What a time to not be able to touch my face!
I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one with a "to do" list for hubby :) In my defense, I have done some de-cluttering inside the house...
Ah, pollen. I forgot to mention that sign of spring, but it's just beginning to be a problem here. A lovely problem this year as a tickle in the throat or a cough or sneeze has us fearing we've caught the virus.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to sign up for the A-Z challenge. I just saw your post about it this morning so mine won't be posted until later today.
Have a blessed and beautiful day!
Hi Joyce,
ReplyDeleteI liked your answer regarding the color pink. I am blessed to have my grandma's heirloom pink peonies. Each of her grandchildren got to dig up roots when she moved.
xx oo
Your dog is so cute. I wish I had a dog right now but my husband is not onboard. Plus we may be moving and that complicates things a bit. Love your answer for #4!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I could deal with that pollen. How nice to hear boaters cruising. We hit 80 a few days ago and it was awesome being outside. That's funny about the dog. Love the photo of him. I love that you have a list. I use to be so organized, like OCD organized! Now not at all and for years projects have felt too overwhelming to start. Truly I am years behind in everything. I had fake nails for like 20 years and it's been about that long since I stopped having them done. I learned to do things more with my knuckles and I actually don't touch my face but if I do it's usually a knuckle. Not necessarily germs there so to speak. Peony is a great answer! Good luck with your A-Z.
ReplyDeleteYep...that touching your face thing is real. I might need to wear a mask. But I wonder...if you are in your own home around your own germs, washing your hands till they are like scales, what's wrong with touching your face? I am doing the challenge. Hopefully I didn't cut off more than I could chew. Happy April to joke!
ReplyDeleteYes, the pollen is really getting to my miserable. Strawberry ice yummy!
ReplyDeleteHave fun with the A-Z. I haven't really thought much about doing it this year, but maybe I'll come up with something before the 4th. I look forward to reading yours.
Oh, you reminded me of my beautiful peonies that the landscaper dug up!!! I love those things. I saw a yellow powderlike substance on our deck and on the top of the spa cover and wondered if it was pollen. I've never seen it before, but it washed right off. Who is getting to eat the cookies?
ReplyDeleteYes, I didn't realize I touched my face as often either. Amazing what we realize once it's brought to our attention. Love your #4 answer. Stay well and keep working on that list.
ReplyDeleteAhhh, the face touching is a real struggle! I had no idea just how much I do it. All this at home time has us missing our Cooper a tad more. Bittersweet. Anyway... I love a pink peony too!
ReplyDeletePollen hasn't really started yet...key word YET!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your answers, and photos.
ReplyDeleteThank you for hosting.
I'm glad spring is here because I enjoy seeing the pictures of the fun as well as relaxing times you have on the lake. It is all so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteYour dog. (smile) I thought you were going to say he was tearing up a roll of toilet paper! (been there!!!)
Thanks for this week's Hodgepodge, Joyce!
May the pollen vanish!!!
That dog is giving me many chuckles...the puzzle pieces and such! Thank you so much for organizing this again! Happy Hodgepodge!
ReplyDeleteNot sure I'll be doing the Hodgepodge today, as getting my "A" post up took enough energy.
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah, all the pollen! Do you struggle with allergies? I'm thankful I don't, but my kids do, and the pollen is bad for them.
March sure went out like a lion for us here in SW Idaho. We had an earthquake yesterday afternoon. Came it at 6.5, and although we didn't experience any damage here at my house, we certainly felt it. First time ever for that for me.
It seems like the pollen has raised its ugly head a bit early this year...maybe I'm wrong. Great, great answer on #4 question. Thanks again for the Hodgepodge and enjoy the rest of your week!
ReplyDeleteIt's so lovely to see your answers and everybody's else's.
ReplyDeleteAgain, thank you for bringing the Hodgepodge back. Based on the participants, it could not have been better timed and needed. Who would have ever thought we would be cleaning everything that comes into our house so maliciously? I even spray the bottom of my shoes after I walk in the neighborhood. Have no idea if it is necessary or doing any good, but at this point, why take any chances. The numbers are growing here so fast and more are expected, so I will do my part. Thankfully the pollen has lessened so I can leave the back door open to the porch now.