I wish I'd planned ahead a little bit but instead I'm winging it this week with the A-Z Blog Challenge letters. C'est la vie. Also, story of my life when it comes to blogging.
F is for Family Ties
Hubs and I both are one of four children in our respective birth families which means our girls have lots of aunts and uncles who have loved and encouraged them all their lives. They have special and unique relationships with each one and all the aunts claim to be the favorite. They are.
Daughter1 has two darling boys of her own now, who are not only adored by their immediate grandparents and aunts and uncles, but also by all the many greats who loved their mama and daddy before them.
Dear Grandboys,
Your extended family is big and loud, full of many words and more than a few opinions. They think they're hilarious and they kind of are. They are spread across many cities and states and thanks to the US Army you're a million miles away from all of them right now.
These people who think you hung the moon and would dare anyone to disagree, are different in very many ways, yet completely united in their love for you. In fact they might argue over who loves you most and every single one will say it doesn't matter what any of the others say, they love you best.
For the record-Nana loves you best. Carry on.
It is a beautiful thing to be loved well. To have a sense of belonging from the moment you're born. To know your successes will be celebrated and your moods understood or at least tolerated. To know there's a whole team of people rooting for you, praying for you, ready to hold your hand when your hand needs holding.
When you are four and when you're forty four.
We hate that you, our big little mancub, at three years of age has to wear a mask to preschool. We love the twinkle in your eyes behind the mask.
We hate that baby 'Max' has gone from squishy newborn to a walking talking 18-month old little man in the blink of an eye. We love that he's healthy, all smiles, and will spontaneously hug his mom around the neck whenever he feels like it.
We hate that we aren't there to rock you to sleep, stack all the blocks, and read all the books again and again and again. We are grateful every single day God gave you a mother and father who do all the things, and who share all the moments with us they can possibly share using all the technology we love to hate.
We hate that we can't sit at the table and share a meal in person. We love that you love your noodles, your rice, and your Bibimbap, and that you like to say it too.
We hate that you are 7000 miles away but we love to see pictures of you on the far side of the world. To know that even though you're very young you are learning so much. That these experiences are shaping your family in ways it needs to be shaped.
That God has a distinct plan for your lives and this is part of His plan.
We hate all the moments we have missed. We know too that you boys are burrowed so deeply into the hearts of all who love you that we're together even when we're apart.
That's the miracle called family.
What an eloquent post, and a sweet letter to your grandboys that literally brought a tear to my eyes. I have a very small family. Very small. My grandboy is thousands of miles away too. I've never met him, and don't know if I ever will, for lots of complicated reasons. I loved your Mother Teresa quote too. Visit if you'd like. http://www.projectnineteenblog.blogspot.com and check out my A-Z posts.
ReplyDeleteFamily really is everything. I was so blessed to grow up with many aunts, uncles, and cousins. Family reunions were loud and so fun. You say it all so well here. It was sure easier when we all lived within an hour of everyone. Now we are all spread out... not 7,000 miles but might as well be. Your grandboys will enjoy reading this one day. xo
ReplyDeleteAw, what a sweet sweet letter to your grandbabies.
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful description of family Joyce! You are very blessed (and so am I). Love that picture and the quote from Mother Teresa.
ReplyDeleteSuch a sweet letter - your grandboys are loved by many!!
ReplyDeleteA beautiful letter to your grandsons. Of course you love them most!!!
ReplyDeleteWHAT A CLEVER PHOTO! They kids have made remarkable memories with their time spent in Korea. But I know you will be thrilled to have them stateside once again.
ReplyDeleteAhh, wonderful post, Joyce! I love your use for the letter 'F'. What a glorious way to demonstrate family ties than through this letter to your grandsons. They will enjoy reading this one day. Perhaps, you need to turn this A2Z series into a pdf for them just in case things are lost in the world of blogging. :)
ReplyDeleteStop by when you get a chance to check out my Looney Tunes Foghorn Leghorn art sketch on Curious as a Cathy. ;) Happy A2Zing!