Monday, April 5, 2021

Hot Diggety Dog!

We've had a busy fun few days which means I haven't spent a lot of time planning my A-Z blog challenge posts. I asked my daughter what I should write about for today's letter, something that would tie in with my theme, and she said I couldn't write about grandparenting, grandchildren, or grand things without talking about the 'grand' dogs. 

D is for Dogs

And we do think ours are pretty grand. I love dogs but am not someone who refers to them as people. Although, quite often they do act so much like humans you can forget they're not. 

If you read here regularly you know we currently have custody of our daughter1's dog while she and her family are living in South Korea. Does she know we're not giving him back? I guess she does now-ha! The dog hubs absolutely positively did not want is now his best friend and closest companion. 

A magnet stuck to his side from sun up to sun down. Where hubs goes he goes including the daily bluebird feeding, the dock, the boat, the mailbox, the front yard, the back yard, the patio, the porch, Lowes (his favorite) and waiting not so patiently just outside the shower door, the screened porch door, the garage door, any door where hubs is on the other side. 

The little brown dog is obedient, well-behaved (unless you're popping popcorn then all bets are off), always ready to go where you're going, and needs an excessive and steady stream of belly rubs-exercise-and attention. Hubs obliges because he is a man who should always have a dog even when he says he will never have another dog because you love them too much and lose them too soon. 

This is one of the lessons dogs teach us. 
There is a cost to loving with your whole heart, but the reward is worth the cost. 

We spent the Easter weekend with our other 'granddogs'. One being the sweetest dog we've ever known and the other, her new best friend even though she might not admit it...

The little guy who will keep her young, who thinks he's boss, and who jumps like the very best player in the NBA, who was abandoned by someone but loved and cared for by my son-in-law. 

Dogs are a lot of work. They need feeding and walking, and owning a dog means you can't just jump in the car and road trip spur of the moment because you need to consider the dog. Who will care for the dog and will they care the way you care?

We think the joys of owning a dog far outweigh the aggravations. Dogs love without reservation. They throw a party every time you walk through the door even if they saw you five minutes ago. They teach you patience, but they also know instinctively when you need them to snuggle up beside you because you've had a bad day or you're having a bad moment. 

Dogs fill empty spaces in your home and heart you didn't even know were there. 

And while life would likely be less trouble, it would also be far less grand without our little brown dog and his 'cousins'. 


  1. That is so sweet that your "new" dog has become your husband's best friend.

  2. So sweet...I have been told to get a dog to help me (sadness) but I am afraid to right now. Maybe later on.

  3. You can never go wrong with a post about dogs. They really are wonderful animals. I have a 4 year old boxer and she is totally a member of the family. Thank you for sharing your Letter for grand-DOGS.

    Stopping in from A to Z:

  4. I bet that is one spoiled boy! So sweet that your husband feel in love with him.

  5. Great post! This is so true -- "There is a cost to loving with your whole heart, but the reward is worth the cost."

  6. Love this post! I love dogs, but especially ours, of course!

  7. Oh, Joyce, I loved reading this post! I have cats but have always loved dogs too and get my 'dog fix' whenever I can. This post was a good dog fix for me today! Thanks for that!! xo

  8. You've summed it up so well, Joyce: "This is one of the lessons dogs teach us.
    There is a cost to loving with your whole heart, but the reward is worth the cost."

  9. Joyce,

    I like dogs and often wish we had a good place for one or two but not to keep indoors. Our allergies wouldn't permit that but outdoor animals don't seem to bother either of us nearly as bad so it would be nice to have a dog, maybe even a cat outside. Lovely post! Will there be a Hodgepodge this week?

    Curious as a Cathy's Looney Tunes A-Z Daffy Duck Art Sketch. Join the fun at your leisure. Happy A2Zing, my friend!

  10. I grew up with a dog and had one before and during the early years we were married. I'd love to have another one but hubby isn't so keen. He worries about them being a tie when we go away but hah we haven't been away in ages and aren't likely to be going too far any time soon!

  11. Such a sweet post. I love the photos. I miss our Skye so much but we do get to enjoy Adam and Gabby's dog Roxy who runs at us when we arrive with a huge smile on her face. New puppy coming this Friday to their house!

  12. We have always had a dog. I do wonder if all parents "inherit" their kids' dogs... We inherited two. But we don't regret making the choice to take them in as they were both wonderful companions. We loved them and miss them, but no more for us. As you said traveling is not easy with a dog... especially a big one, which is what we always had.
