Saturday, April 3, 2021

Small Grand Things

True story...I rarely blog on Saturdays. But since Saturday posting is required in the A-Z Blog Challenge I'm going to do what I've done the past few years and use Saturdays for list making. The only rule is that the list must go along with the letter of the day, and this year I'm going with small things I think are pretty grand. I like to keep these lists to 20 because that's a nice round number. 

I invite you to make your own list because there's nothing quite like intentionally thinking about the little things you love and appreciate to brighten your mood and sometimes even your entire week. Here we go-

C is for Capturing Blessings Small And Grand 

cute shoes
casting my cares on Him
considerate people
charcuterie trays shared with friends
compelling stories
a clean house
my whole crew round the table
cookies fresh from the oven
courageous people
changing seasons
calm waters, both the literal and the figurative 
chats with my daughters
cotton candy clouds
coffee on the porch
a nap on the couch

Wishing you all a joyous Easter weekend...He Lives! 


  1. Splendid idea, Joyce! I'm going to start doing this ... starting today.

  2. I absolutely love your list for C Joyce, it's perfect! Thanks so much for stopping by. Enjoy the A to Z Challenge and Happy Easter to you and yours!

  3. Nice list of "C" blessings.
    Happy Easter!

  4. I love all of those things on your list, Joyce! Blessings captured and shared! xo

  5. Lovely list Joyce. I think a nap on the couch might be in order today ;)

  6. Cupcakes/ cake! LOL. This is a great list.

  7. That's a great list! I would enjoy each one.

  8. Good list and cool idea for C! I am doing bands that impacted me but I may save this idea for another post.

  9. Joyce, capturing blessings small and grand is cleverly written. What's not to love about these things, many of which I also enjoy especially a clean house. :) Thanks for sharing!

    If you haven’t already, I invite you to check out my Looney Tunes Cecil Turtle Art Sketch. Happy A2Zing, my friend!
