Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I heart the Hodgepodge Questions-Vol 66

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope your day is filled with love and chocolate. Before I post this week's Hodgepodge questions I'm going to subject you to my picture for the February Photo Challenge. Today's prompt is-'heart'.

This has been on my kitchen island for the past two weeks-

Honestly, it's a good thing Valentine's Day isn't at the end of the month. The fact that there is a candle plunked down in the center of these conversation hearts does not deter me in the least. Perhaps I should keep it lit?

Now on to something else I love...the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Answer the questions on your own blog and then hop back over here tomorrow to share your answers.

1. George Washington-Abraham Lincoln-Thomas Jefferson...who would you most like to meet and why?

2. What's your favorite chain restaurant?

3. I spied this question on the Bears at Home blog last week and she gave me permission to steal borrow it-

When you look back on your life, do you imagine you'll think about the goals you failed to meet with regret? Or will you look at what you accomplished and say: it was good?

4. Grapefruit-take 'em or leave 'em? Given the choice between an orange and a grapefruit which would you choose? Would you prefer it served as is or squeezed into juice?

5. When was the last time you cleaned out a closet? Is there a closet in your home that currently needs cleaning? What are you waiting for?

6. You get to have lunch with three famous people...who would you like to see round your table?

7. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your ability to parallel park?

8. Insert your own random thought here.


  1. I haven't had conversation heart candy around since our kids were young and at home---that's probably about 30 years or more. No wonder I can't find 'em at the store any more---you've been stripping the shelves of the bags for your candle holder. LOL [kidding, of course]

  2. The candle with the candy hearts looks dangerous to me...no way could I walk past that and not be tempted to steal at least one! Even with the candle lit, I think I could find a way to steal one!
    More good questions this week!

  3. I know it's odd, but I cannot stomach candy hearts but I do love to use them in decorating. Happy hearts day my friend! See you tomorrow at Hodgepodge!

  4. Those candies wouldn't last a day in my house! Hope you have a sweet day!

  5. I like those hearts too. It's the strangest thing because they really aren't that good and yet at this time of year I just crave them.

    1. Another great set of questions! Can't wait to answer them and play along!

  6. That's a great idea for a centerpiece! Super cute!

    Happy Valentines Day ♥

  7. I had to laugh - I have the exact same candle with conversation hearts in a bowl on my coffee table! Seriously... we need to meet halfway between your home and mine and meet for coffee someday! :-) I'm glad I "peeked" at these questions, too, before I post tonight... gives me some time to ponder them! Thanks again for doing this every week Joyce!
