Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge...so glad you joined the party today. Be sure to add your link to the bottom of my post and then go visit the neighbors. After all, that's part of the fun! Here are my answers-
If you told me I had to do my own return I'd probably curl up in a ball and cry. Just this week I submitted our UK return. No, we don't live in the UK...haven't lived there in almost three years in fact. Why yes, we do still have to file taxes there. Something to do with something, something or other blah blah blah. Good thing accountants are on hand, right?
Got that one in just in time to begin our US organizer. The tax fun just never ends around here. At least I only have to complete the organizer and thankfully someone else does the actual math.
As a side note-I'm not voting for anyone who thinks we need to pay more taxes. I could rant here but I'll refrain.
2. This next question comes from Kansas Bob....he posed it in response to something I asked in an earlier Wednesday post and I asked him if I could add it to the Hodgepodge someday. Today's the day....
Which do you think has changed you more-love or pain?
Love. Its made me brave and given me a safe place to land. I haven't had a lot of pain in my life.
3. Tangerine Tango has been named color of the year for 2012. Your thoughts? Would I find this color anywhere in your house? How about in your closet? If not, will you be adding this color to your life in someway in 2012? If you're not sure what tangerine tango looks like click here.
Personally I love the color and I do have a splash of tangerine in a painting in my guest room. The room itself is mostly neutrals with brown and tans in the bedding so the bright colors in the painting help give the room a lift. I wouldn't want it all over my house and don't think I'd do a wall this color but there is something about it that's energizing. You'd find it in my closet, mostly in the form of scarves, but I also have a couple of sweaters in this shade and they lift my mood when I wear them.
4. Are you a collector? What do you collect and does it get admired, used, and/or dusted regularly?
I collect pottery which I've written about on my blog before. You can see some of it pictured here. Another small thing I quietly collect are sheep. The only people who buy these for me are my hubs and my girls. There's a story behind how this got started but I'm not going to share. Essentially, they only mean something if they're from my family so I don't tell people I collect them because you know how that goes...all of a sudden you're inundated with all things sheep. My girls put two super cute things in my stocking this year. These are measuring cups-
and this is soap-
The black one smells like licorice and the white one like vanilla- love!
5. February is National Heart Month...besides a green salad what is one heart healthy dish you like to prepare?
One of my favorites would be fish grilled in a foil packet with lemon juice, thyme, oregano and some veggies-usually onion, zucchini, and red pepper. So easy and delicious!
6. When was the last time you had car trouble?
Coincidentally you will find me sitting in the dealership on this Wednesday Hodgepodge morning. There's a lovely waiting area with fresh coffee, comfy chairs, a zen like atmosphere and free wifi. Its almost like home.
Nothing major is wrong (knock on wood!), just an annoying light on the dash that keeps blinking saying my tire pressure is low, which its not so likely a sensor needs replacing.
Ha-listen to me sound like I know what I'm talking about.
As long as they've got the car they're also checking out my key/doors because every now and then when I hit the unlock button only the driver's door unlocks. Since this is something intermittent they'll probably have to take the door off. Or not. I have no idea. Which is why I'm here. As a bonus they wash the car before I leave the lot and that makes me happy.
7. Have you been more demanding on yourself lately or less? Is that a good trend?
I'm always pretty demanding of myself. I expect a lot from me. Sometimes I let myself down but I forgive myself and repeat my favorite verse...
" The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23
That bold emphasis is mine but its worth emphasizing.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Do they have beefsteak dinners in your part of the country or is that a Northern NJ phenomenon? I haven't seen them other places we've lived but when we moved back here we'd notice signs from various fundraising groups advertising beefsteak dinners. We didn't know exactly what they were until two Christmases ago when friends invited us to their home and he promised to make an authentic beefsteak dinner. Essentially it's filet of beef that is marinated in olive oil, garlic, and some seasonings for several hours then slow roasted to a rare or medium rare state. Vegetarians look away.
Next its sliced and heated in a pan of melted butter and then served on white bread. Yes it has to be white bread. Firm healthy wheat bread doesn't soak up all the wonderful juices like old fashioned white bread does.
Pretend we didn't read question # 5.
Hubs has talked about that meal ever since and this past Saturday those same friends caved to his pressure and invited us over for another beefsteak dinner. I was kind of afraid it wouldn't live up to the memory, but rest assured it did not disappoint.
And yes, my random thought is about a meal.
Happy Wednesday!
A friend of my Mom's told people that she collected sheep and lamb stuff. Her office and home now have so many lambs in it that you cannot pick one thing to focus on. It's the good and the bad about telling people you collect something, you always know what you will get as a gift.
ReplyDeleteOh Joyce, I loved your answer to the love/pain question. You're so fortunate that you haven't had a lot of painful things to deal with.
ReplyDeleteSO - your answers had me salivating... both with the description of your fish dish, and then the description of the beef steak dinner (which no, I've never heard of before, and I've lived all over the west and the south east so it must be a Jersey thing), and then - oh my, to have a car shop where they WASH YOUR CAR TOO? Sigh... I just poured out tons of money - well, my insurance helped, but still, I was the one without a car for a while - and I didn't get even a courtesy vacuum. harumph. :-)
ReplyDeleteHmm, no, beefsteak dinners must be indigenous to NJ. Never heard of them, but they sound mighty good. The sheep measuring cups are too cute. Do you use them or just display them?
ReplyDeleteI should have that verse from Lamentations tattooed onto my forehead. No, strike that. I wouldn't see it that way. ;) But somewhere prominent, anyway. Thanks for reminding me. :)
ReplyDeleteI like your measuring cups! :) Such fun! That beef steak kinda grossed me out. Sorry. I have issues with meat these days.
ReplyDeleteI didn't write a post, however, it looks like your little Linky-Loo is not working. Goshdarnit. :)
Wherever did your girls find 'sheep' measuring cups. They're awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteNever heard of steak on bread but it looks good. I think Love will be the most answered over pain today.
ReplyDeleteGreat Bible verse-needed that one this morning.My mother-in-law is a cow collector-too many to count-She says there is a story behind why and one day she will tell me-I'm waiting on that.
ReplyDeleteOrang is an energizing color! I’ve read that it’s a color of self-confidence. I like it too, but I agree. I wouldn’t want a full wall of it every day.
ReplyDeleteIn Michigan, the fundraiser dinners were always Spaghetti dinners. I’m not a vegetarian, but I don’t care for beef, so if it was a fundraiser dinner, I’d probably just send a donation.
Oh shoot... I forgot... I also collect sheep things. :)
ReplyDeleteYour sheep stocking stuffers are precious!!!! Yes, I know what you mean about the collections G-R-O-W-I-N-G. That why I had to get rid of most of my mug collection.
ReplyDeleteNever heard of beefsteak dinners. I prefer my beef medium rare, so I'm not sure I could go those last couple of steps ... I might have to eat mine out of the oven! ;-)
ReplyDeleteWe don't have beefsteak dinners here it's Fish Fry Fridays all year not just during Lent! I like your answer on Love .....I had a crappy last two days involving some physical pain and some mental pain....I'll take love over pain anyway!
ReplyDeleteHappy Wednesday!
I love those soaps! Where did they find those?
ReplyDeleteI loved the pottery pieces. I have taken a shine to some lately. I don't know what it is about it....could be that I live in an area where pottery is a huge deal. They have an annual pottery show where dealers come from all over and bring unique pieces.
ReplyDeleteThe dreaded door lock/unlock. I've gone through that for the last year. Three times to the dealer. Of course it never happens when it is there. Last time they changed out all of the electronics in the key. Still didn't fix the entire problem but it has happened less. Which really sucks since the car is only a couple of years old and less than 18,000 miles.
ReplyDeleteHaving trouble commenting again. Sure hope this goes through under my google blog!
ReplyDeleteNever heard of beef steak dinners. Live and learn!
Your sheep gifts are cute. I'm sure there's an interesting story there...
Thanks, once again, for continuing to host this fun meme! (Kathy)
Love your lamb collection. Whenever the temperatures change extrememly my pressure light goes on. It really scared me when it first happen. The beefsteak looks delicious!
ReplyDeleteNever have had beefsteak dinners, maybe it's a cardiologist promoted thing.
ReplyDeleteBeefsteak is a new on me, coming from the South. I have to eat my steaks WELL DONE! I loved seeing a few of your collectibles. I used to collect music boxes and Emmett Kelly figurines. When my mom passed away in 2000, I inherited her hummingbird figurine collection...wouldn't trade it for anything!
ReplyDeleteI like that random thought! It made me hungry! I collect all our tax info to pass on to the accountant, and I positively hate it. I'd hate it more if I was the one doing the math and filling out the forms.
ReplyDeleteI've heard of beefsteak, but I don't think I've had it prepared like this. Mostly I do recall is more like a country beefsteak. This is usually steak which has been pounded, lightly drudged, and fried. Your recipe looks yummy, though. Now, I'm hungry!
ReplyDeleteNow I really want to know the sheep story. :) Your girls managed to gift sheep in a classy way - not an easy feat. Good for them.
ReplyDeleteYour sheep are so cute! I agree. Once people know what you collect forget it.
ReplyDeleteThat beefsteak looks really good and the fish recipe sounds easy and good. Yummy!
ReplyDeleteoh I love your sheep's.. Those are way too cute.. I also like your fish and meat dishes.. Have a great day.. Even if you have to spend some of it at the dealership..
ReplyDeleteLove food! Beefsteak is the best!
ReplyDeleteFish on the grill sounds really good. Most of the time we only use the grill for steak, or chicken. But with this warm weather we really need to broaden our choices.
ReplyDeleteI love the measuring cups- how fun! I haven't heard of beefsteak dinners but looks really good :)
ReplyDeleteI don't have that problem with the blue bottles...mostly cuz they tend to be out of people's price range. At this point in my collecting I only buy them if they're under $5 dollars or truly unique. The sheep soap are TOO cute!
ReplyDeleteThe beefsteak looks delicious. Always good to include random food. Thanks for the comment about Jersey Boys. It is a fun show, and it's interesting to see how they change it up a bit depending on the venue. There were some Ohio jokes included in the Dayton performance.
ReplyDeleteAnd I love your sheep, especially the measuring cups. Too cute!
Did you end up with a new car today?? :)
LOVE those measuring cups; any idea where they got them?
ReplyDelete"Love. Its made me brave and given me a safe place to land." Amen to that.
So I posted my blog and linked up here and then I realized I just answered the questions and had no intro which is not my normal thing. I am so sorry! If you tell me how to delete it here I will fix and re-link. Love the Hodge Podge!
ReplyDeleteMust be the year for measuring cups! A friend gave me some similar ones, only they are gingerbread men!
ReplyDeleteLove the random thought about the meal on the heals of the healthy #5! LOL
I love your little sheep things!! This is my first time joining in the Hodgepodge fun. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid if Hubs and I did our own taxes, we'd end up in jail. Unless they don't imprison one for ignorance. And, yes, I know exactly what you mean when you mention something you like to collect...thus, my overabundance of Santas and Nativity sets.
ReplyDeleteLove the sheep!!! ive never collected sheep but most any other farm animal. The beefsteak dinner looks yummy!!! Thanks for hosting this awesome hop!!!
sorry so late...i had jury duty today and forgot to add the link before headig to the courthouse...great number of participants!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by :) always appreciate the support.