Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A picture is worth 1000 words but I still need words

Remember how I got a brand new camera for Christmas? I've used it a few times but I really need to play around with it on a more regular basis so I'm not so clumsy and one dimensional in my picture taking. The camera is bigger than the old toss-it-in-my-purse-and go camera I was using before so I have to think differently when it comes to taking pictures. I have a few very exciting 'things' coming up this spring that will provide excellent photo ops (oooh, mystery!) and I need to become more comfortable in using my camera before those 'things' get here. I like a little mystery on my's what keeps you reading, right?

Anyway, I've booked a lesson with a local camera guy. I told him I have a blog and enjoy using photos as a jumping off place for all my many words but that pictures are not currently the focal point. He says he can change that.

He can't.

I feel pretty confident in saying words will always be my thing. Pictures do however, help tell the story, and if I can take better pictures to go with the words then I'll be happy.

I noticed a link on Kathy's blog for a February photo challenge and thought I might give it a try. I'd love to do one of those year long picture a day challenges but I'm thinking a thirty day challenge might be the way to go for now. Actually its only 29 days since its February...I can do 29. Some days I may just pop the photo onto my blog and call it a day but I'm hoping there will also be days where a photo will lend itself to words. I think we can all agree I have a lot of those. This post kind of makes my point.

If you're interested in playing along you'll find the link with the photo prompts here. Today's prompt is 'your view today'. It only seems appropriate to post a photo of the view from my kitchen window. I probably take at least one picture a week of our back hillside as it is ever changing and full of life. Hubs and I have nicknamed it the DMZ because once you start looking its hard to peel your eyes away. The hill is steep and when we bought the house I wondered how I'd like that, but hubs and I agree it's our favorite thing about this place we call home.

The hillside changes with the seasons and we see the sky turn every shade of pink and orange when the sun rises over the mountain. There are birds of every size, shape, and variety from the most delicate of hummingbirds to the majestic hawk. My hawk as he is known here.

There are woodland creatures...rabbits and squirrels, chipmunks and groundhogs, even the dreaded possum. There are larger creatures too...a mama fox who makes her nest on the side hill and births a litter every spring. We love to watch the deer who regularly trek across the hill as they feast on the wild plants that grow there. And then of course we have the bear. There really is nothing quite like seeing a 4-500 pound bear stroll across your back yard. I haven't managed too many pictures since the sight of one tends to throw me into a tizzy but I'm determined to be calm, cool, and collected next time and get some better shots.

Okay, I said something about a picture. Here you go-my view on the first day of February which felt a little bit like the first day of April...

but still looked like February.
The End.
You're welcome.


  1. Funny I was going to this too at Kathys blog you I got a new camera for Christmas.

    1. Cute end to your post. lol Yeah, we all still need words! And though your photo captures February, it's still February - my least-favorite month. :-)

  2. How funny, I'm taking my first photography class tomorrow and then another one next week. I have a big Nikkon and then a little Nikkon that stays in my purse. I'm always equipped. :o) I'm excited to find out what all I DON'T know about taking pictures.

    Can't wait to hear about your spring.......

  3. Wow you have a lot of creatures in your back yard. nice February pic, it is beautiful!

  4. be sure to read your camera at least 3'll be amazed how many times a camera teacher will remind you to do that... ;)

  5. You will love taking that nice camera to "things" (ooh, the suspense is killing me!). One tip I gleaned is GET CLOSE--closer still!--to your subject. Most amateurs include too much background. The other good tip is the rule of thirds. Envision your frame divided into thirds, and put your subject in the left or right third, not dead center (it's boring and can have the "bullseye" effect). I don't have much else to offer. And I prefer words. Always have, always will, forever and ever. Amen.

  6. Sounds like a fun challenge. I like your February photo. Nice.

  7. "but still looked like February.
    The End.
    You're welcome.

    Okay, first, that's just funny.
    Second, here they are lamenting about the lack of snow, and while I hate processing snow (shoveling, driving in it), it does make things a lot prettier, at least at first.

    Good luck with your photos. :)

  8. Joyce, I put my pics on FB mostly... that's my number one obsession. I have family pics, travels, etc. there. Are you a FBer, or spend your efforts on the blog?

    When I decided to blog it was for WORDS. I had felt the need for awhile to put my thoughts down, and to try my "skill" at telling a story. Thus the creation of "Marla's Musing."

  9. As much as I love pictures, I agree with Marla...blogs are for words, and your words describing your hill made me yearn to see it, or have my own hill to enjoy.

    I'm looking forward to hearing about these "things" coming up! :) Good luck with your photography lessons.

  10. Hmmmmm . . . lots of words for a photo prompt. :)

  11. I love the photos but love the words that go with them more!

    Looking forward to all the upcoming pictures!

  12. Wishing you luck. I learned a few more things about pictures during the holidays and with Pinterest. Even my book for Dummys hasn't helped me much but that is more my fault for not really giving it my all. I do love the pictures I take with my big girl camera but still prefer my little point & shoot for convience. I can't walk around Disneyland all day with the big one!
